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Predictions for new Masters


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29 minutes ago, Freman said:

I think the gunslinger pose is an Outcast. I'll go with everyone else on the Gremlin. Long hair, maybe Arcanists. Running person, Guild, elegantly posed, Thunders.

That's my guess anyway.

When I read that sentence, I thought you were saying "I'll go with everyone else is a Gremlin."

4 new Gremlin Masters, the rest of you can frig off! :P

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13 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

I'd be willing to swap Arcanist and Outcast around. They can fit both. Just leery of throwing a gunfighter into a faction that already has Von Badass.

There's no way crazy hair isn't an Oni though.

Be cool if it was Oni but also an Outcast master that could hire Oni. 

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On ‎17‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 3:37 AM, Fetid Strumpet said:

I'd like to point out that being ragged and disheveled isn't a prerequisite for being a Resser. Seamus is a Supreme example of Sublime Sartorial Splendor, with nary a thread out of place... They know better.

It says something when even your clothing is scared of you. ;)

Turns out that being ragged does make you a Resser in this girls case ;)

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There's a lot of ambiguity between the non-guild, non-gremlin silhouettes, since all could easily fit with two or more of the remaining factions. One interesting angle to consider-we've already seen an Arcanist preview, Carlos Vasque. Which of the new masters, if any, would this model be most likely to fit with?

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Outcast seems most likely. 

Does anyone else think the preview picture in the Online Rules Manual looks more Arabic/Persian than Indian? There's some real potential for a great sorcerous master in that, even if it's probably too much to hope for a horde of sand-demons in support.

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2 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

Still leery on the Gunfighter being in Outcasts. Seems redundant with Von Badass. I'm still going with Arcanist for the Gunfighter, since they have Gunsmiths, and the martial arts looking guy as Outcast.

You really want gunfighters. I want a Cult of December member for the Arcanists, or at least not M&SU or M&SU light master.

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It  may pretty unlikely to have a second master associated with the cult of December, "into the steam" had a number of companies/corporations on the border of the M&SU which could be fleshed out by a new master and crew fluff though.

A weapon engineer in an arms race with the guild "could" be an interesting idea but I don't think the caped character with the hand gun will be much more than a vigilante/wild west outlaw.

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37 minutes ago, Vorschlag said:

A weapon engineer in an arms race with the guild "could" be an interesting idea but I don't think the caped character with the hand gun will be much more than a vigilante/wild west outlaw.

No one thought a horse rider would be a Revenant that attacks through corpse markers. Everyone was adamant crazy hair was a Gorgon to tie in with Ressers and the Gorgons Tear. Everyone just knew kung fu guy was Ten Thunders because Ten Thunders do kung fu.

I think it's worth thinking outside the box with these masters. Wyrd certainly are.

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4 hours ago, -Loki- said:

No one thought a horse rider would be a Revenant that attacks through corpse markers. Everyone was adamant crazy hair was a Gorgon to tie in with Ressers and the Gorgons Tear. Everyone just knew kung fu guy was Ten Thunders because Ten Thunders do kung fu.

I think it's worth thinking outside the box with these masters. Wyrd certainly are.

Several people pegged Reva as Resurrectionist based solely on the tattered cloth you can see on the silhouette. That crazy hair could be an Oni was also brought up right from the start, probably because several people really wanted an Oni and went looking for any silhouette that could possibly be an Oni. :P So the speculations have been pretty varied.

It's interesting that we have managed blindly vote for the more distinctive silhouettes and are left with three "normal" people with fairly plain silhouettes. Not counting the Gremlin as Wyrd spoiled him themselves.

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27 minutes ago, Bengt said:

It's interesting that we have managed blindly vote for the more distinctive silhouettes and are left with three "normal" people with fairly plain silhouettes. Not counting the Gremlin as Wyrd spoiled him themselves.

The guild one also seems like a gimmie with the previews they've released up until now.  Huh, I wonder, how many things have actually been "Spoiled" for this book specifically?  Was it only those reporter chicks, besides the masters thus far?  I think there was a fish-thing too, when they announced the book's name was Ripples of Fate maybe?

I'm still confused why crazy-hair has hooks for hands, seems like a weird bit of flair to add on there.

It's still kind of interesting that the Arcanist haven't won the vote yet though, considering how popular they seem.  Do you think people are voting based on wanting to reveal a specific silhouette?  I know I voted to reveal by favorite faction.  But if people are more interested in the "odd" looking silhouettes, I guess it makes sense Ressers were top choice at the beginning with the speculated Gorgon (Still sort of sad that wasn't true).

I just want to play a game with the new Resser Master, where she gets mauled to 1 Wound by a Slate Ridge Mauler, kills it, and then heals back up and manages to kill Marcus by the end of the game.  That's all I want, is that soo much?

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The reporters, the undead fairy balls, the Arabic looking bloke in the rules manual. I don't think the reporters give away the Guild master, I mean it seems really odd to make a fighting force made out of only journalists (but then we have showgirls :P ). It would make more sense to me if the reporter women that were previewed are the only reporters and embed in other crews, but who knows!

Some people seems very anti Arcanist, and I wonder why. Now some people will no doubt want to reply to this with jokes about Arcanists being terrorists or whatever, but I'm really curious guys, and we have all heard those jokes a million times already... 

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38 minutes ago, Tawg said:

The guild one also seems like a gimmie with the previews they've released up until now.  Huh, I wonder, how many things have actually been "Spoiled" for this book specifically?  Was it only those reporter chicks, besides the masters thus far?  I think there was a fish-thing too, when they announced the book's name was Ripples of Fate maybe?

I just want to play a game with the new Resser Master, where she gets mauled to 1 Wound by a Slate Ridge Mauler, kills it, and then heals back up and manages to kill Marcus by the end of the game.  That's all I want, is that soo much?

Thats a hard request - actually getting something mauled to 1 wound by a slate ridge mauler. I don't think Reva is a likely candidate for that, in a similar way that Rasputina isn't a good candidate for that. 

We've seen the fairy balls (good description), the reporters, the guy in the rules manual, Carlos, the silurid. Some factions got to see stuff during Nythera, but they were in the faction specific sections, so not everyone got to see them. 

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On 6/1/2016 at 7:22 PM, Bengt said:

I mean it seems really odd to make a fighting force made out of only journalists

Perhaps but many schemes and strategies in Malifaux are not combat orientated.
So while most games are exploring a story or situation that includes conflict that conflict is not necessarily martial. 

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I thought it was all pretty obvious, from left to right.


Neverborn, Guild, Ten Thunders(admittedly less obvious but the models been announced so we KNOW this is true), outcast, gremlin(I suspect similar to how Ophelia plays off of/admires Perdita, this new Gremlin will play off of/admire Kaeris), Arcanists, ressurectionists.


the Guild guy will probably be another member of the Ortega family(because of course). The Outcast to me comes off more as a "hooded assassin" type. I already made my prediction of the gremlim. The Arcanist, based off the sillouette, seems very very similar to everyone's favorite ice queen - although it looks like she has an umbrella.


Another thing I noticed is that, apart from the guild(and PREHAPS the gremlin), all of the sillouettes are fairly distinctly female.

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5 minutes ago, Kyris said:

all of the sillouettes are fairly distinctly female.

None of the still hidden ones particularly look like women to me. Granted, most aren't irrefutably men either. But the gun person looks like it is wearing a courtly man's wig and the crouching one looks like it has a beard and turban in line with the rules manual reveal. The centre one with the beret and quill don't really have any gender identifiers visible in silhouette.

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