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Getting started with Dreamer


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I've had Dreamer forever. I really liked the Nightmare LCB sculpt and picked one up painted along with a crew a while back but only recently have I picked up some M2E cards and considered giving him ago. I want to try out both the LCB-focused Dreamer and the summoning focused Dream and would like some advice on what I should bei ncluding in the crew (particularly the summoning-heavy crew).

I currently own:

Nightmare LCB
3x Daydreams
Widow Weaver
Mr. Tannen
6x Alps
3x Teddies
3x Stitched Together
3x Insidious Madness (Black Friday)
Lelu & Lilitu (Black Friday)

Looking at Pull My Finger I seem to be hitting all the high notes, but I am at a loss as to what I should hire rather than summon. I feel like I should probably be looking at non-Nightmare stuff to hire; Teddies, Waldgeists and Silurids in particular have my eye as things to hire (considering how difficult it is to summon a Teddy either with Dreamer + Tannen or Widow Weaver). Baby Cade also seems like he might fit in considering how many Teddies I own. What else should I be looking at, and why?


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I will echo the Illuminated but add Beckoners to it as well.  Don't get me wrong, Lilitu is great but if you are taking an Illuminated you might want to consider a Beckoner.  Her Lure is only a little weaker in the Ca department but she has a pretty good trigger on it that lets her push afterwards built in.  Also her range attack has no gun icon so no randomizing or cover, plus day dreams can lower Wp making it more accurate.  If you get something with it and get them to have Brilliance the Illuminated becomes a serious threat with a damage spread of 4/6/7. and the dreamer can help it get additional attacks or into position.

And while they only come right now in the 2player starter box, so I mention it more for perhaps further down the road but I have been experimenting with Bloodwretches.  Dreamer can actually get a decent bit out of them, namely by giving them fast from his Empty Night tactical action.  First it gives them an impress threat range as they have a Walk of 6, charge of 7, and 1" melee.  So 14".  Second, if they don't need fast to get there they can use it to activate their tactical action.  It costs 1 AP to activate but gives them +1 damage and when they damage they draw 2 cards and discard 1.  Uses it a few times in experimenting to go about replenish or reinforcing my hand along side the Playtime action.  The Scion of Black Blood from the box as well is an interesting note for Summoner Dreamer as it has an ability that can actually clear the Waking from Dreamer when he activates.  So if you hold him off till the end of turn and build his dreaming up high, for 2 cards he can clear it all when he activates.  Would be stronger if it was at the end of his activation but as one of the few ways to clear Waking it is worth looking at.  I have not experimenting with that much yet as I have been going for more of a light summoning Dreamer in my latest bout of testing.

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I would like to add a question to The Dreamer. How many Alps and Daydreams are needed? I have just those from the Dreamer box. Will I need more?

If you are going for some crazy Alp spamming list sure get another box but the reality is that you are going to be using your resources to be summoning other models. 

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Leveticus with Turf War and Assassinate.

  • Levi - Desolate Soul and Pariah of Iron
  • Hollow Waif
  • Hollow Waif
  • Teddy - Oath Keeper
  • Teddy - Oath Keeper
  • Teddy - Oath Keeper
  • Vanessa
  • 5 Cache
  • 50SS

Plus I like the Teddy models...maybe too much. I have a M2E Teddy, Miss Ery, and a Puppet's War Teddy mounted to a 50mm base.

Edited by KrazyIvan
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I would like to add a question to The Dreamer. How many Alps and Daydreams are needed? I have just those from the Dreamer box. Will I need more?

Well you will only need 3 Daydreams max as that is their Rare limit.  As for how many I take in a game it varies.  If I am being strapped for SS and need activations I take more, if I am strapped for SS and do not need more activations I will go for less and funnel the stones elsewhere.

As for Alps that is a harder tale.  I got a box and then got some off an Ebay deal so I ended up with like 5-6 of the buggers so I am pretty set I think.  I have rarely had more than 2 on the table at a time, but I suspect when I play Chompy dreamer more I will be summoning them more often to get my waking at which point I suspect I will need 3-4 occationally.

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You cant bypass Rare limit by summoning them.

So it's 3 DD max,

He is correct.  Normally you can only hire one Totem regardless of the Rare limit but the Daydreams have a rule letting you hire up more than the one.  Other masters that can have multiple totems cannot always hire their full allotment.  For example Hamelin can have 3 Stolen but they have no special rule about hiring more than one at the start meaning he can start with 1 and summon up to 2 more at any given time.

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Haven't wanted to start a new Dreamer thread so I use this one to ask:

Are Sorrows solid minions for the Dreamer? With so many WP debuffs and WP tests in his iconic Nightmare crew Pandora-style Willpower Bomb seems viable.

Sorrows can work well, but they are risky. Their Paralysis is a great ability. But they aren't that durable, so if you get good use out of their paralyse, then you can probably expect a large target on their head, which they probably won't cope well with. Likewise, you can make your opponent fail a huge number of Wp tests, but you need to build your list that way. 


On the whole, If you own sorrows already, then give it a go. It might suit your playstyl really well. Or it might not. But I wouldn't recomend youo go oiut and buy them to try it out, there is too big a chance of it collapsing misrably. 

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So I'm going to pick up the Dark Debts box to get some Illuminated, and a box of Beckoners. How about a Doppelganger? Seems like she can fit into any Neverborn crew.

Doppelgänger is definitely a must.

Copy lure, heed my voice, Tot's sprint... And being able to win initiative, every time you need it? 

Yeah, she fits 

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So I'm going to pick up the Dark Debts box to get some Illuminated, and a box of Beckoners. How about a Doppelganger? Seems like she can fit into any Neverborn crew.

Doppelgänger is definitely a must.

Copy lure, heed my voice, Tot's sprint... And being able to win initiative, every time you need it? 

Yeah, she fits 

Well, not every flip. You could black joker or your opponent could red joker.

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I'm going to try running a generic all-comers list to see how basic Chompy Dreamer performs. I don't have access to Lelu/Lilitu, Stitched, Madnesses, or Waldgeists (yet). So I wrote on up based on what I've got with a few easy proxies (Puppet Wars/metal Wyrd puppet figs for Wicked Dolls)


The Dreamer

- Otherworldly

- Restless Dreams

- Tantrum

Lord Chompy Bits

Daydream 2x

Widow Weaver

- Handbag

Wicked Doll 2x


- On Dreaming Wings


- Retribution's Eye

50 SS, pool of 4


I've not played Dreamer yet, so this is just Theoryfaux, but ideally I'd be able to maintain a sort of tarpit with Weaver, the Dolls, and at least 2 Daydreams (plus Webs) with Teddy able to be pushed out and drag people back in. With reduced Wp, they're more likely to not pass Terror checks while being continually poisoned by Weaver/Dolls.

Coppelius is a scheme runner who can bring an entourage of Alps, and Dreamer has the cards for quick-change into LCB so between pushes and burying, can cover almost the full board in a turn if necessary.


Feedback would be appreciated, though, especially as to what models to move into from here. (Got Madnesses and Waldgeists on order, everything else will have to wait for my credit card to recover)

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@ Scourn1-if your focus is on Chompy then list composition could be nearly anything. The Dreamer box gives you all the stuff you can summon and apart from that you can more or less run a generic Neverborn list since he doesn't interact with your models as much as a Dreamer who stays in play most of the time. You'll probably want Teddy, maybe Weaver Widow, Waldgeists, Silurids and other generally good stuff (like the Doppelganger). You can go heavier into the nightmare theme if you decide to switch to summoning Dreamer.

@ Tinweasel - I wouldn't bother with On Dreaming Wings on Coppelius unless flight is going to be worth 2SS. He's plenty fast already and the secondary effect does nothing in my experience. Give it a shot if you like, it'd be nice if you had a different experience. Otherworldly is also another option to lose if you needed more stones/upgrade space; it's pure gold on summoning Dreamer, not as relevant for Chompy. 

I've never played Wicked Dolls but Waldgeists are solid with the Dreamer in my experience. If you want to tarpit someone he can hide behind them providing healing and other buffs, then pop out to paralzye something or turn into Chompy and eat it. 

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Leveticus with Turf War and Assassinate.

  • Levi - Desolate Soul and Pariah of Iron
  • Hollow Waif
  • Hollow Waif
  • Teddy - Oath Keeper
  • Teddy - Oath Keeper
  • Teddy - Oath Keeper
  • Vanessa
  • 5 Cache
  • 50SS

Plus I like the Teddy models...maybe too much. I have a M2E Teddy, Miss Ery, and a Puppet's War Teddy mounted to a 50mm base.

Whoa!  This crew makes me want to shout: 'Levi loves Teddy! Levi wants lollipop!' :D

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