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Aionus - initial thoughts


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Hmm, unfortunately it doesn't seem like there would be a great deal of utility for von Schill or Viks player.....such a lovely model though 

Trappers or Ronin with Fast come to mind. Aionus might also use his ability to give Fast to make Specialists more viable. I wouldn't discount him in those crews because their thematic models are cheap, which makes it easy to hand out Fast like candy.

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Aionus + Jack = potentially 6 swipes at him. 2 from Aionus, 1 from Jack making Aionus take an action, 3 from Jack copying him. That is starting to get unpleasant even for Killjoy.

True but at the same time that might be pretty resource dependent.  For Jack to do it he would have to cast a spell that requires 8+ three times and a spell that requires a 7+ once.  On addition you might have to cheat your attacks depending how much they are willing to throw to protect their buried models.  So while 6 swipes is impressive, it is also potentially very costly to attempt.

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So I had my first test game with Aionus and I wasn't very impressed with his place in a Tara crew. I will stay that the opponent was testing a gimmicky list (though Aionus was actually a great counter), but a high cards saved him gimmick, which was using a buried raptor to deliver killjoy and a myranda/cerberus into my backfield turn 1. Aionus punched to raptor twice, but he actually had the red joker to dodge one of the attacks and I was unable to kill it.

More testing is needed, but I'm doubting his worth with Tara.

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I concur.  One game is not enough, esp against a red joker flip.  

Depends on the issue. Sometimes a single game is enough to determine if a model "fits" with the rest of your crew. Other times, it is as you say. I suppose it's more playstyle for the former and competitiveness for the latter.

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Indeed! Throw some fast on Aionus and have I Pay Better nearby for two focused attacks at a buried target. Depending on the damage you can cheat, this can do a lot of damage to a poor buried target. Removing 10 wounds from a buried Killjoy on turn 1 can be quite a surprise for an opponent, or killing the two raptors who took to the sky to engage you for interference (if you get a capable starting hand, that is. :P  )

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Really? I find a lot of Killjoy's deadliness comes from shooting across the board first turn and mangling something that'd rather be kept away from the action. I suppose you could set him up to for an early charge by some other means, but losing the option (or at least safety) of the standard bomb is a nuisance no matter what way you look at it.

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He's still just as deadly without being Buried, he just needs to be delivered a bit more carefully.  He can still get across the board pretty quickly and will cause carnage when he arrives.  And you don't need something to die to allow his arrival then either.  Don't get me wrong, I love to deliver a Fast Killjoy with Tara and do horrible things with him with Molly but thinking that's the only way to utilise him and that you're somehow at a large disadvantage if you can't do that is missing how effective he can be on the board (people will want to stay the hell away from him for a start giving you good board control!).

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True, but in the same time you are basically switching off your side as well unless you want him to charge your own models.

Not to mention he has Wk 4 only and his charge is not impressive either (Cg 6 + 2'' melee range).

Unburied Killjoy with his low Df is not that scary like freshly unburied one delivered straight to your face. 

Edited by daniello_s
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I just don't see how Aionus really blunts models like Killjoy too badly, especially with Tara. If you opponent spends the 13 points to take an out of faction merc (and that's a big if considering whatever synergies they'd be giving up to spend those 13 points) all you need to do is control when you bury stuff. The Tara bomb is no less viable in my opinion as you can just wait until Aionus activates then bury your bomb with a Death Marshal or Hannah late in the turn, then deliver it with Tara as per usual.


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You do know killjoy doesn't have to start the game buried right?

I know. I wasn't referring to Aionus as a hard counter vs Killjoy, merely some nice coincidences that could occur in those particular scenarios. :P


I think Aionus might fit into my lists in the way Hannah does; He is versatile and fairly resistant while he can do some damage and has a number of different tricks. Neither the fast nor the attacks against buried models will be utilized every time. However, having the option of making a nearby Convict Gunslinger fast or attacking the occational Bête Noire/Killjoy/Soulstone Miner/Malifaux Raptor can be great. Most games, he will probably hand out a lot of slow, move markers and maul stuff with those bony fingers. :)

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