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The Zinc Lich's Malifaux Personality Test

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Hi Zinc,

I haven't been on these boards for quite awhile but I love this thread, hats off to you for this. I was hoping you might be able to help me, I purchased a Pandora box awhile ago, have played a single game and haven't really played since but this new 2 player starter will be great for my gf and I. But first reckon you could assess me?

Warhammer 40k: I have about 3000 of Wordbearers
Warhammer: Ran Vampire counts and Mixed Chaos and Beasts of Slaanesh (Back when you could)
Infinity: I have models for Haqqislam and Nomads tho I am yet to play.
WoW: I play mainly healers, I played a druid since the start but just recently switched to a Holy Paladin
Most Rpgs: I try and roll around the combo of Magic and Brawling as much as I can.

As for Anime- I have always loved Mecha animes and I have to say I love the Principality of Zeon from Mobile Suit Gundam.
But yeah mainly I dig swords and sorcery and have had a penchant for zealous fanatics in the past.

I dunno if that is enough for you but here is hoping.

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This seems like a really interesting topic so I think that I will join in


WHFB: I play an aggressive Dwarf Strollaz List, all infantry and all with Great Weapons, everything vanguards forwards in the first turn so the opponent has a large array of GW wielding (Stubborn) Dwarfs in his face turn 2, it often throws people off guard as they expect me to play the Gunline archetype.


WH40k: I play Crimson Fists, specifically the 2nd Company of Crimson Fists using the Sentinels of Terra rules, typically the army includes multiple drop pods supported by combat squadded devestators (I don't play any of the Centurions or the New Stalkers/Hunters) as I prefer the pre 6th edition units/squads and usually ignore the new toys (except the Sergeant Garandon a Squad Leader and tactical Squad as a warlord is ace!)


MTG: I played a Red Deck that focused on burning lands and bringing out Goblins


PC Games: I don't really play other then Football Management games where I run Portsmouth FC (lifetime supporter and cannot bring myself to manage any other team)


PS3: I love the Fallout Series, Fallout New Vegas is by far my favourite for the fact that I can modify guns and create ammunition, personally I prefer the Cowboy Repeating Rifle and when that runs out of ammo or when things get too close the Super Sledge and or Grenades to take out enemies.


Gameboy: I still Play the original Pokémon games on the Gameboy, Pokémon Yellow is by far my favourite as it is most closely related to the first couple of Pokémon series that I actually bothered watching.


Well, if you like playing Space Marines and Dwarves, that means you like having an army that people bounce off of. When it comes to soaking damage, the premier faction is Arcanists, and there is no one better at it than Ramos. Not only does he bring along decent healing for constructs with Bleeding Edge Tech and Field Mechanic, but he also has Arcing Screen to buff up the survivability of his phalanx of metal monsters.


You play with a lot of drop pods instead of taking dedicated transports, and, while you can take Soulstone Miners for the same sort of deep-strike feel, Ramos covers his rather slow approach by summoning batches of Spiders. You play Red Goblins, I'm sure you know the value of having piles and piles of small-but-significant disposable models. If something needs to get engaged, he can engage it before he puts himself and his core crew in striking distance. It also means that you can collect VPs without having to run and do it yourself, so you can build the perfect striking surface for your crew to smash into the enemy.


You also enjoy mass amounts of Great Weapons, and, when it comes to big things to hit people with, Ramos has some really good options; if you don't have a story about Howard Langston cutting your face off, you haven't been playing against enough Arcanists.

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Well, if you like playing Space Marines and Dwarves, that means you like having an army that people bounce off of. When it comes to soaking damage, the premier faction is Arcanists, and there is no one better at it than Ramos. Not only does he bring along decent healing for constructs with Bleeding Edge Tech and Field Mechanic, but he also has Arcing Screen to buff up the survivability of his phalanx of metal monsters.


You play with a lot of drop pods instead of taking dedicated transports, and, while you can take Soulstone Miners for the same sort of deep-strike feel, Ramos covers his rather slow approach by summoning batches of Spiders. You play Red Goblins, I'm sure you know the value of having piles and piles of small-but-significant disposable models. If something needs to get engaged, he can engage it before he puts himself and his core crew in striking distance. It also means that you can collect VPs without having to run and do it yourself, so you can build the perfect striking surface for your crew to smash into the enemy.


You also enjoy mass amounts of Great Weapons, and, when it comes to big things to hit people with, Ramos has some really good options; if you don't have a story about Howard Langston cutting your face off, you haven't been playing against enough Arcanists.


Thank you for that, I have been looking into the Arcanists lately but more so for the fact that I have a fair amount of Beast models in the collection of mine and my Missus so far I have been looking into playing Marcus but Ramos has been one that I keep looking at, I'm sure I'll pick him up at some point (after Lucius and Hoffman.... oh look I need constructs!!)

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Well, of all the things that you mention, DPS is not one of them. Trolls and Tyranids are typically melee attrition armies, and all your favorite MMO classes concentrate on winning the long game. As I've said before, that pretty much spells Resserectionists, to me. Seeing as you have also shown 0 desire to play humans, I'm going to recommend Horror Molly to you. Make your stuff better, make their stuff worse, and always, always have more stuff than the other guy.

I do like the Resurrectionist, Nicodem is possibly tied for favorite caster! I haven't played Molly yet though, I'll look into her.

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I am a very new player, having picked up my first crew less than a month ago. I've been lurking on the forums, but this thread convinced me to join the forums. I know which master(s) I've purchased, and I'd like to see if I've made the right decision.

So, here goes....

Video games:

World of Warcraft - my main characters were an Orcish Enhancement/Resto Shaman and a Goblin Shadow/Holy Priest

Guild Wars 2 - my main is an asura necromancer

Street Fighter series - Ken, Sagat, and Ryu (in that order)

Mega Man 2 & 3

Final Fantasy I, VI, and Tactics

Chrono Trigger

Tabletop games:

D&D/Pathfinder - I play barbarians & sorcerers mostly, with the occasional cleric

Legend of the Five Rings - Crab, Phoenix, and Sparrow clans, usually

Shadowrun - Orks, usually physical adepts or street samurai

Battletech/Mechwarrior - Capellan Confederation

Warmachine - Khador, with the Butcher of Khardov as my preferred caster

Sentinels of the Multiverse - Absolute Zero and Setback are my favorite heroes


Bubblegum Crisis

Record of Lodoss War

serial experiments lain


Anything by Miyazaki & Stufio Ghibli

So, which master should I be playing?

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After reading your recommendations, I'm intrigued. I'm not necessarily going to act on your opinion, as I am quite... strict about my Master purchases. But I'd still like to hear it. So, ignoring what you know about my faction affiliation, what would you recommend for a player with this profile:


Favourite video game: I'm a RPG player, almost exclusively. I quite enjoy the Witcher games for their world building and compelling characters, the Dragon Age series, and Mass Effect. My all time favorite is still Baldur's Gate II. The only game I enjoyed nearly as much that isn't an RPG is Heroes of Might and Magic 5.


Favorite characters: Hard to decide, as characters are my main reason to play games. I very much enjoyed Morrigan from Dragon Age, Garrus and Tali from Mass Effect, Jaheira and Minsk from Baldur's Gate. I liked the Illusive Man as a villain. Geralt of Rivia tops Commander Shepard as my favorite protagonist.


Memorable moments: I'm usually one for the climax. The Suicide Mission in ME2, the defense of Kaer Morhen, the battle of Denerim. My most memorable moment of all time was a minor scene in Baldur's Gate: Throne of Bhaal, though: The army of Thetyr tries to apprehend the protagonists for their dangerous power and agenda while on the way to defeat a major threat. My desperate struggle to convince them to let me pass and fulfil my mission, not worrying about my goals but about the lives of this whole army, was heart breaking. I knew I could kill them all, but I didn't want to.


Playstyle: I go for mages/biotics, and dialogue options. If a skill has an effect in dialogues, it gets picked first. When selecting Hero classes, I usually go for something with a straight forward strength and a subtle alternative. The Vanguard in ME3 for example: Charging in and blasting everything is powerful, but if it's not feasible, the biotic powers give plenty subtle alternatives. I'm not good with games; I prefer games which let me pause and think. Tactical Pause is a feature that makes games infinitely more appealing to me. In Heroes, I preferred the Dungeon faction.


RPGs: Yes, I mean the Pen&Paper variant this time. I'm a big fan. I especially like the nWod games for their inclusive approach and subtle horror. My favorite ones are Demon and Mage, and my favorite character is Wolsey from DaveB's first Actual Play "Broken Diamond". If you haven't read it, do it now.


What do you think?


My recommendation to you is Zoraida. If you want to control the story as it unfolds, there is no master better at doing so than she is. She can make sure that chance encounters happen (or don't, as needs be), and she can make sure you have the right cards when those encounters happen so you come out on top. Her voodoo doll, while it can certainly be used to kill things, is usually better used to remove the opponent's best piece from the fight through slow, paralyze and Bewitch. Zoraida is a master who, while in control of monsters, can win games without murdering the people on the other side of the table.


I suppose that she is not Geralt or Shepard, but she can pull the strings that mean those heroic types get what they deserve, one way or another.

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This seems like great fun - hats off, Zinc Lich!


Here is mine:


Favourite Video Games:


World of Warcraft - I've played a hunter for most of the 10 years the game has been out, honourable mention goes to shaman

Pretty much any real-time strategy - Starcraft series, Warcraft series, C&C series... favourite character is probably Arthas from Warcraft 3, eventually the Lich King

Baldur's Gate - Big fan of the series, and was a fan of the Minsc and Jaheira characters

Dragon Age - I really only enjoyed the first game, and thought Leliana was a really interesting character

Civilization - I list it more because I've spent countless hours playing the series than because I think it will help you :)


Tabletop games:


Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight player

WHFB - briefly played Skaven (soo... much... painting...)

Pathfinder/D&D - I tend to play melee characters with stealth (ie. Rangers/Rogues/etc)

MtG - I tend to be a Black/Green control type player


Let's see where this goes!




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I've been lurking for awhile looking to get into the game as soon as I can con some friends into joining me, lets see what master you suggest.



Video Games


World of Warcraft - Troll Shaman, bounced back and forth between elemental and enhancement.


Warcraft 3 - Undead, my favorite unit combos were Meat Wagons & Necromancers and the Dreadlord w/ Ghouls.


Arcanum - Charismatic dwarven gunslinger. Invested in locking picking and mechanical skills. Stole all I needed to make a army of mechanical spiders and robots. Maxed out charisma so I could talk my way pass most problems while having a army of followers for when that didn't work. Stole a sniper rifle off a thumbless repetent ex-gunman monk to help out my army of mooks. I actually kinda broke the game as I couldn't find a single encounter that had more enemies then I had robots and followers.


Tekken 2 - Roger/Alex, love setting up the OHKO punch. Lei, let me just lay on my back for a moment :P


C&C Generals - GLA(Explosive), I loved rigging everything to blow(oil wells, empty vehicles, buildings.) Plus laying traps everywhere and luring your enemy into traps was great fun.


AoW 2: SM - Humans, oddly enough as I normally go for goblins or dwarfs in anything fantasy. My all time favorite strategy I dubbed Sky-Pirates. I would work on getting 3 core cities with good production and war alters, 2 for producing veteran pirates, 1 for producing air galleys. Pirates served as great all around units with decent melee, a great range attack, and taunt to lure vital units out into the open. The air galley provided the means to get my troops anywhere I needed them quickly. In a game where doom stacks are king I was able to outmaneuver my oppenent taking soft cities, surrounding enemy stacks, and keeping a costant flow of pirates to replace any casualties.


Dawn of War - Orks, hands down. Honorable mentions to IG.


Borderlands 2 - Mechromancer Anarchy build.


LoL - Vi, Teemo, Zac, Amumu. In that order.



Tabletop games


Games like Heroquest, Descent - I generally prefer to be the sword and board tank or beserker in this type of game.


Android Netrunner - NBN for Corps, Criminal for Runner.


X-Wing - S&V, I rather like having some dirty tricks and oddball mechanics to work with.


Dust - SSU, Gotta love having a helicopter drop off a load of troops with shotguns, molotovs, and a flamethrower right into the oppenents face.



Generally speaking I love the set up game, the clutch plays if you will. I like to set up for one big move that will seal my oppenents fate even if it means being on the verge of losing the entire time. Rather I do this with a well placed trap that wipes out the opposing army, with a well timed deep strike to my enemies weakest spot, or just by amassing a huge advantage through attrition, I love the big play.



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Alright everyone, hold onto your pants, I'm finishing off the queue!


warhammer: warriors of chaos

wh 40k: dark eldar, imperial guard

hordes: skorne

mordheim: undead, witch hunters

yu gi oh: elemental heroes, destiny heroes, warriors

warcraft: night elfs

necromunda: redemptionists/scavies

gorkamorka: gretchins!!

song of fire and ice: house martel

star wars: grievous, maul, dooku

lord of the rings: run, haradrim

infinity: yu ying


Alright, you have played Warriors of Chaos in Fantasy, which means you are comfortable in a faction that doesn't win the ranged game. You bring up Skorne, Yu Jing, and the Haradrim, which have a definite bias towards heavy army components, contrasted by the skirmishing and ambushing Nightelves and Dark Eldar. My recommendation is actually going to be Resser Yan Lo. He bridges the gap between the heavy hitting, tough ancestors like Yin and Toshiro and the Resserectionist Spirit skirmishing elements. Because of his ability to pass out the Spirit characteristic, he gets maximum use out of the Spirit sub-faction's Adversary condition. Izamu and your other corporeal elements create an anvil to intercept the enemy while your more delicate Incorporeal elements form a hammer to smash in from a flank. 


Hi Zinc,

I haven't been on these boards for quite awhile but I love this thread, hats off to you for this. I was hoping you might be able to help me, I purchased a Pandora box awhile ago, have played a single game and haven't really played since but this new 2 player starter will be great for my gf and I. But first reckon you could assess me?

Warhammer 40k: I have about 3000 of Wordbearers
Warhammer: Ran Vampire counts and Mixed Chaos and Beasts of Slaanesh (Back when you could)
Infinity: I have models for Haqqislam and Nomads tho I am yet to play.
WoW: I play mainly healers, I played a druid since the start but just recently switched to a Holy Paladin
Most Rpgs: I try and roll around the combo of Magic and Brawling as much as I can.

As for Anime- I have always loved Mecha animes and I have to say I love the Principality of Zeon from Mobile Suit Gundam.
But yeah mainly I dig swords and sorcery and have had a penchant for zealous fanatics in the past.

I dunno if that is enough for you but here is hoping.


Sieg Zeon!


Well, you have a ton of Space Marines and a penchant for giant stompy robots. Normally, I would advise you to join in with the Arcanists, but in this case, I think Hoffman is the better choice. You play multiple healers, and, while Hoffman's healing might not be the strongest in the game, it is among the most consistent and flexible. Stacked on top of already resilient constructs, you have a crew that can take some serious punches and keep rolling. Plus, the Peacekeeper. How can you beat the Peacekeeper?


I am a very new player, having picked up my first crew less than a month ago. I've been lurking on the forums, but this thread convinced me to join the forums. I know which master(s) I've purchased, and I'd like to see if I've made the right decision.

So, here goes....

Video games:

World of Warcraft - my main characters were an Orcish Enhancement/Resto Shaman and a Goblin Shadow/Holy Priest
Guild Wars 2 - my main is an asura necromancer
Street Fighter series - Ken, Sagat, and Ryu (in that order)
Mega Man 2 & 3
Final Fantasy I, VI, and Tactics
Chrono Trigger

Tabletop games:

D&D/Pathfinder - I play barbarians & sorcerers mostly, with the occasional cleric
Legend of the Five Rings - Crab, Phoenix, and Sparrow clans, usually
Shadowrun - Orks, usually physical adepts or street samurai
Battletech/Mechwarrior - Capellan Confederation
Warmachine - Khador, with the Butcher of Khardov as my preferred caster
Sentinels of the Multiverse - Absolute Zero and Setback are my favorite heroes


Bubblegum Crisis
Record of Lodoss War
serial experiments lain
Anything by Miyazaki & Stufio Ghibli

So, which master should I be playing?


Well, you mained two off-healing classes in WoW, so you should be picking one of the more supportive masters out there. Shadowrun Orks, Lot5R crab clan, Barbarians, and, especially, Khador's Butcher of Khardov all speak for a penchant for... brutality, in a word. That leads me more towards Guild than anything else. My recommendation is everyone's favorite mad scientist Dr. McMourning.


The Butcher has a very specific gameplan: Kill anything that could threaten the Butcher, and then proceed to figuratively beat the opponent about the head and neck with the Butcher. McMourning heals himself at a truly frightening rate with the Brutal Effigy's help, and, even if you lose the rest of your crew, if you crush the enemy's ability to damage McMourning faster than he heals, he can literally do whatever he wants, namely murder everything on the table. Before he can just indiscriminately start breaking things, he brings scheme marker manipulation, maneuverability tricks, and offensive support against models with Armor and Hard to Wound.


This seems like great fun - hats off, Zinc Lich!


Here is mine:


Favourite Video Games:


World of Warcraft - I've played a hunter for most of the 10 years the game has been out, honourable mention goes to shaman

Pretty much any real-time strategy - Starcraft series, Warcraft series, C&C series... favourite character is probably Arthas from Warcraft 3, eventually the Lich King

Baldur's Gate - Big fan of the series, and was a fan of the Minsc and Jaheira characters

Dragon Age - I really only enjoyed the first game, and thought Leliana was a really interesting character

Civilization - I list it more because I've spent countless hours playing the series than because I think it will help you :)


Tabletop games:


Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight player

WHFB - briefly played Skaven (soo... much... painting...)

Pathfinder/D&D - I tend to play melee characters with stealth (ie. Rangers/Rogues/etc)

MtG - I tend to be a Black/Green control type player


Let's see where this goes!





Neverborn Lynch! He might not be a huge guy with an ice sword, but he is certainly a man who has lost his soul to darkness in return for power. You want a stealthy burst master? You would not believe the damage that he can do when you decide to cash in your chips, but at the same time, he has the fragility of most stealth options in games. You played a Hunter for years, so the idea of a supportive, ranged character with a melee pet to draw aggro should be second nature to you. Neverborn is also the faction that gets to ignore the most terrain and placement rules, letting you get your filthy dragonspawn fix.


I've been lurking for awhile looking to get into the game as soon as I can con some friends into joining me, lets see what master you suggest.



Video Games


World of Warcraft - Troll Shaman, bounced back and forth between elemental and enhancement.


Warcraft 3 - Undead, my favorite unit combos were Meat Wagons & Necromancers and the Dreadlord w/ Ghouls.


Arcanum - Charismatic dwarven gunslinger. Invested in locking picking and mechanical skills. Stole all I needed to make a army of mechanical spiders and robots. Maxed out charisma so I could talk my way pass most problems while having a army of followers for when that didn't work. Stole a sniper rifle off a thumbless repetent ex-gunman monk to help out my army of mooks. I actually kinda broke the game as I couldn't find a single encounter that had more enemies then I had robots and followers.


Tekken 2 - Roger/Alex, love setting up the OHKO punch. Lei, let me just lay on my back for a moment :P


C&C Generals - GLA(Explosive), I loved rigging everything to blow(oil wells, empty vehicles, buildings.) Plus laying traps everywhere and luring your enemy into traps was great fun.


AoW 2: SM - Humans, oddly enough as I normally go for goblins or dwarfs in anything fantasy. My all time favorite strategy I dubbed Sky-Pirates. I would work on getting 3 core cities with good production and war alters, 2 for producing veteran pirates, 1 for producing air galleys. Pirates served as great all around units with decent melee, a great range attack, and taunt to lure vital units out into the open. The air galley provided the means to get my troops anywhere I needed them quickly. In a game where doom stacks are king I was able to outmaneuver my oppenent taking soft cities, surrounding enemy stacks, and keeping a costant flow of pirates to replace any casualties.


Dawn of War - Orks, hands down. Honorable mentions to IG.


Borderlands 2 - Mechromancer Anarchy build.


LoL - Vi, Teemo, Zac, Amumu. In that order.



Tabletop games


Games like Heroquest, Descent - I generally prefer to be the sword and board tank or beserker in this type of game.


Android Netrunner - NBN for Corps, Criminal for Runner.


X-Wing - S&V, I rather like having some dirty tricks and oddball mechanics to work with.


Dust - SSU, Gotta love having a helicopter drop off a load of troops with shotguns, molotovs, and a flamethrower right into the oppenents face.



Generally speaking I love the set up game, the clutch plays if you will. I like to set up for one big move that will seal my oppenents fate even if it means being on the verge of losing the entire time. Rather I do this with a well placed trap that wipes out the opposing army, with a well timed deep strike to my enemies weakest spot, or just by amassing a huge advantage through attrition, I love the big play.


The big play, huh? Well, when I think of big plays, the crew that immediately springs to mind is the Viktorias. I can't overstate the point: they kill everything. Everything. Once you set it up, a few whirlwinds can reduce a truly shocking value of enemy crew to bloody chum. You want to double down on that? Bring Killjoy, too. He's cheaper than he is in any other faction, and he certainly doubles down on the shock and awe, single crippling turn of damage aspect of the crew. Aside from that, Outcasts have a little bit of everything; season your murder princesses to taste with whatever strikes your fancy.

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And now, some less happy news. After the latest round of conflict over at the Soapbox thread on General discussion, I am going to be taking a hiatus from the gaming community for a while. I originally came to Malifaux to escape the problematic behavior that I keep tripping over in the hobby elsewhere, and the knowledge that, to quote, "there are jerks everywhere" is just too much for me to deal with right now. I'm going to get some distance and see if the love comes back.


For everyone who has been following the thread so far, thanks for a wild ride. I really wasn't expecting this to spin off to 6+ pages of stuff, and doing these judgement for people has given me a new appreciation of how and why we enjoy gaming, and it has given me a lot of new incites in to Malifaux, as well. If you still want your personalty quizzed and your fortune told, feel free to leave a post for me to pick up when I get back. I will also be tallying up votes for my own next crew, for anyone who wants to try their own hand at extrapolating a crew. To all those people whose Malifaux fortunes I've told: let me know if you pick up those crews! A fortune teller is only as good as the accuracy of their prognostication.

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Thank you TZL for working through your backlog and for all the time and effort you have put into this thread and this forum. It truly is a shame that you need to take a step back from the online community for a bit. Hope it rejuvenates you.

As for your suggestion I had been contemplating going guild from the 2 player started and Hoffman does sound kind of fun. Thank you for your help.

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Well, you mained two off-healing classes in WoW, so you should be picking one of the more supportive masters out there. Shadowrun Orks, Lot5R crab clan, Barbarians, and, especially, Khador's Butcher of Khardov all speak for a penchant for... brutality, in a word. That leads me more towards Guild than anything else. My recommendation is everyone's favorite mad scientist Dr. McMourning.


The Butcher has a very specific gameplan: Kill anything that could threaten the Butcher, and then proceed to figuratively beat the opponent about the head and neck with the Butcher. McMourning heals himself at a truly frightening rate with the Brutal Effigy's help, and, even if you lose the rest of your crew, if you crush the enemy's ability to damage McMourning faster than he heals, he can literally do whatever he wants, namely murder everything on the table. Before he can just indiscriminately start breaking things, he brings scheme marker manipulation, maneuverability tricks, and offensive support against models with Armor and Hard to Wound.



When I started looking into the game, I first looked at Resurrectionists (because Seamus is cool), then at Neverborn since I liked the look of them overall, but I finally decided to pick up Rasputina as my first master. In the month or so since, I've been very happy with my choice of Arcanists, and I've also picked up Ironsides for a change of pace.

I hadn't really considered Guild at all, since I generally stay away from the designated hero factions. I had glanced at McMourning a bit when I was looking at Ressers, but he didn't quite click with me. I might try branching out to him after I've played long enough to get a handle on my first faction, but I'll most likely play him as Resser instead of Guild at first.

Thank you, Zinc Lich, for starting this thread. It's been very entertaining and informative.

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Neverborn Lynch! He might not be a huge guy with an ice sword, but he is certainly a man who has lost his soul to darkness in return for power. You want a stealthy burst master? You would not believe the damage that he can do when you decide to cash in your chips, but at the same time, he has the fragility of most stealth options in games. You played a Hunter for years, so the idea of a supportive, ranged character with a melee pet to draw aggro should be second nature to you. Neverborn is also the faction that gets to ignore the most terrain and placement rules, letting you get your filthy dragonspawn fix.



Good call! I am (primarily) a Neverborn player, and I do play Lynch!  He and Lilith were my first 2E masters.


I am actually looking to start into another faction for variety, but I haven't decided whether to go with Gremlins or Arcanists, yet. 


In either case, thanks for putting this thread together, it has been a very entertaining read. Sorry to hear that you're stepping away for a bit, but it is certainly understandable. All the best, and thanks again.




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Warcraft - Sylvanas and Trolls, love them sice Warcraft II. Zul'jin, Vol'jin, Sen'jin....


DC comics - The Rogues and Sinestro


Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves (and High Elves, love the broken mirror duality)


Warhammer 40k - Black Legion


Warmachine/Hordes - Trollbloods


Infinity - Haqqislam


Heroes of Might and Magic III - Tower


Favourite video game - Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines


Favourite writer - Terry Pratchett


Best party member in any cRPG - Tali'zorah from Mass Effect


Star Wars The Old Republic - Imperial Agent


Guild Wars 2 - Mesmer


Game of Thrones - Jorah Mormont


X-men - Emma Frost

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This is a really cool idea. I've been thinking about getting properly into mailfaux for a while and the plastic sculpts have convinced me. I just need some help picking a faction!

Flames of war: mainly German tanks. Elite and aggressive generalists. This is my main game.

Warhammer: warriors of chaos and bretonnians. I like elite close combat fighters.

Warhammer 40k: nurgle chaos space marines

Magic cards: red and green. Simple and damage.

Rome total war: Romans, brutii

Command and conquer: GDI

Warcraft 2: Orcs

Knights of the old republic: sith sentinel

Super Mario brothers: Mario :-P

Super smash brothers: Link

Very excited to see what you pick. Thanks!

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I don't actually play video games but am a big warhammer fan (although I hate the company!)


My favourite armies are Eldar (Saim-Hann & Biel-Tan) for 40k & Undead (Vampires & Tomb Kings) for Fantasy.  I also dabbled with Eldar & Chaos in BFG.  But I also have Night Lords and Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons.  The Vyper model was what got me into the company about 20 years ago & I still have a thing for jetbikes! 


My favourite game moments both revolve around luck! 

  1. Space Marine Bike Sergeant and a grunt charge a fully tooled up Daemon Prince from the Chaos 3.5 book (so cheesy as heck!).  Daemon killed the grunt, then 5,6,6 to hit, 6,6,6 to wound and the DP failed all invuls!  Then the Serge died to a Lascannon next turn!
  2. Other one was a Scout with Sniper Rifle in 4th Ed rolling 4 sixes in a row to destroy a flat out Wave Serpant on turn six to win me the game!

They're the moments I love and part of the epic-ness of dice based games!


Hope that gives you enough to work with!



Da Git

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  • 1 month later...

I really like reading your analysis thus far. I'd love to see mine done:

Magic the Gathering: All of my decks are Grixis colored (red/blue/black) or Izzet/Dimir

Lotr LCG: Spirit and Lore. Threat management, healing, and Encounter manipulation.

Mass Effect series: Female Soldier Shepard, I liked having guns for all ranges

Dragon Age Series (1->3): Arcane Warrior -> Mage -> Sword and Board Tank

Elder Scrolls: Spellblade spells AND swords!

Fallout: Speech is my favorite skill then shotguns ; )

Warhammer Fantasy: loved the dwarf fluff hated their playstyle elves were fun to play but I hate fantasy elves

40k: Love the Adeptus Mechanicus fluff. Played Space Marines since the Adeptus Didn't have models

Warmachine: Circle

World of Warcraft: Druid was my favorite class (had all the tools)

Warhammer Online: played a tank twice (knight and ironbreaker)

Eve Online: Mainly Ewar (control)

Fun to see what my gaming past says about me.

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  • 2 months later...

Just in time for the holiday season, I'm back! Don't know what box to buy for that Malifaux player on your list? Post here and see! Without further ado:

My favourite game: FF7

My favourite characters: Aeris, Red XIII, Vincent.

My most memorable moments: intro, geting into  Don's mansion, escape from Shinra HQ on motorcycle, Aeris :(

All three of the characters you mention have suffered at the hands of a totalitarian, capitalist regime, which tells me you are looking for Arcanists. Fight the power! All of your favorite moments are those spent trying to avoid combat, so I'd say you should try out Collette. Not only does she have an extremely broad hiring pool thanks to Prompt being good on literally everything, she's probably the most relatable master in the faction. She's sacrificed a lot up to carve out a place for herself in the city for herself and her girls, and it's not a place she'll give up without a fight.

Warcraft - Sylvanas and Trolls, love them sice Warcraft II. Zul'jin, Vol'jin, Sen'jin....

DC comics - The Rogues and Sinestro

Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves (and High Elves, love the broken mirror duality)

Warhammer 40k - Black Legion

Warmachine/Hordes - Trollbloods

Infinity - Haqqislam

Heroes of Might and Magic III - Tower

Favourite video game - Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

Favourite writer - Terry Pratchett

Best party member in any cRPG - Tali'zorah from Mass Effect

Star Wars The Old Republic - Imperial Agent

Guild Wars 2 - Mesmer

Game of Thrones - Jorah Mormont

X-men - Emma Frost

Well, you pick skulduggery and stealth at every turn, which says Neverborn to me. If I were you, I would pick up Lillith. She controls the opponent's perceptions like Emma Frost or Mesmers with illusionary forests, and brings supportive skills like Tali'zorah and the Agent with Wicked Vines and Tangle Shadows. More importantly, the Nephilim and the Mimics both bring that broken mirror duality with them while supporting Haqq's playstyle of light infantry supported by infiltration and support specialists. Character wise, Lillith is very similar to Sylvanis; a queen seeking vengeance for her people against those who seek to exploit them.

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This sounds interesting!

The Mass Effect trilogy are the best games i've ever played! I loved the vanguard class, which let you use magic powers to charge in the opponents face and slam the grund and make a shockwave, then use shotguns to finish them off. The only thing I didn't like about the class was that it wasn't the most "competitive", or best class, because I really am a power player that likes the best stuff.

Favourite moments I remember was when you found the reapers origin, and when you found the last living of the prometheans, a species long dead for millions of years, but one was left alive in stasis.

Favourite caracters was sheppard, thane, garrus and liara. 

I love to experience a good story unfold.

I also love games like Diablo and Elder Scrolls, were you build your own caracter, and mix the best combos of skills. I like my caracters tricky and skill based, but not "too" hard to play. Enough to make you feel smart, but not TOO confusing. In Diablo 2 i liked Sorceress, and in Diablo 3 Demon Hunter. In Elder Scrolls online I chose Nightblade.

I also played a lot of Starcraft when I was younger. I liked to build my own little "town" and army. I liked protoss the most but also Zerg. Not terran so much. I felt they was boring. 

I've also played a lot of Destiny on ps4. I love to strive to get the best gear and stuff. And get to the highest level. 

Edit: I generally like the magic based classes in games, casters, or the rouge types with stealth and powerful attacks. The rouges the most, I think, but it's a hard choice. I tend to choose the most competitive ones. But I really like it when there is some kind of magic involved.

I also love the the Mega Man and Mega Man X games. And to kill the bosses and get new weapons from them. Expanding your arsenal and collecting new stuff.

I love the creative part in games. To build your own caracter. Create it. Gather information on the internet and refine the caracter. 

Edited by LulleK
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I'll bite....

Favourite game is more of a series - the Legacy of Kain. Utterly enthralling story between two people that loathe each other; Raziel and Kain, around whose fates hang the Soul Reaver weapon. Chockful of treachery, manipulation and agile dexterous combat, we shall sadly not see their like again. =(

Other titles I enjoy: The Void - an extremely weird game exploring the space between life and death, where your life, health, spells, combat and everything else revolve around the use of a mysterious substance called colour. Everyone and everything in the Void has its own agenda, each manipulating your for their own ends.

Syndicate (the good one): A wonderfully tactical game about a corporation's rise to despotic power through the use of subjugation, brainwashing and a delectable array of heavy firepower.

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This is a really cool idea. I've been thinking about getting properly into mailfaux for a while and the plastic sculpts have convinced me. I just need some help picking a faction!

Flames of war: mainly German tanks. Elite and aggressive generalists. This is my main game.

Warhammer: warriors of chaos and bretonnians. I like elite close combat fighters.

Warhammer 40k: nurgle chaos space marines

Magic cards: red and green. Simple and damage.

Rome total war: Romans, brutii

Command and conquer: GDI

Warcraft 2: Orcs

Knights of the old republic: sith sentinel

Super Mario brothers: Mario :-P

Super smash brothers: Link

Very excited to see what you pick. Thanks!

If you want elite, aggressive generalists, the faction you want to look into is Ten Thunders. As a faction, they occupy a sort of strange niche; their "original" lineup from Mk 1 was entirely dual faction, made up of a mish-mash of specialized pieces from every other faction. Because of this, the single-faction pieces introduced in Mk. 2 have been generalists meant to round some of the hard edges.

Katanaka snipers have some of the best guns you can bring, and they are just as deadly in melee as at range, Torakage are perfect scheme runners who also have rapid fire on their shuriken and surprising melee output thanks to Works Best Alone. Samurai bring big guns, heavy armor, and a counter to enemy armor in melee. If you are looking for Red and Green in a master, I think you should take a look at Misaki. She has one of the best stat lines in the game, she can murder the heck out of pretty much whatever she wants, and she certainly brings elite melee power to the table.

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If Bengt ever comes back we can let him know we found a use for EQ rangers. Wake the Dead fodder! :D

Oh yes, I was not just a gnome, I was a neato necro gnomie girl. Noisy, cheerful, noisy, in love with all things clockwork and/or undead, gnoisy, I swear that was a typo, childish, and loud. The cause of the Frostfell '06 quest, the filter that lets people turn other people's pets' speech off (I may or may not have overused the voice graft spell around deserving jerkwads), the toggle that turns off spellcasting subtlety separate from all the other special abilities (subtlety is for people who are not me). The one who'd make a friend in raid, and when he died, helpfully raise him as a zombie and send it into the battle, then let friend know he was still being useful in the fight. (Or, when friend was a cranky old ranger, that he was being useful at last. :D I mourned for weeks when he dropped the game for real life.) And yet there was one thing which didn't go with her character. God help you if you were part of the raid and somehow stopped me from Doing My Job, whatever it was that raid. Sometimes Penguining was My Job and sometimes it was doing damage and sometimes it was crowd control, but I got livid when some other person blocked me.

Now a necro's actual raiding Job is to pile on lots of single target spell damage that accumulates over time. I could do that and enjoy it, but any chance to do something else, I took it. Slow and mesmerize undead? Did it. Blast something until it turned undead and then charm it in the brief tick of its undeadishness? Did it just to get a clockwork pet. Tank while wearing weak spellcaster's robes? Did it. (Did I mention that subtlety was for other people, yet?) Work on the puzzle of the raid mechanics themselves instead of killing? Did it.

I started to write down before what I did for single player games...and then laughed and showed myself out of the thread. But now I have discovered spoiler boxes.

City sims, mechanical sims, species sims, every sim but The Sims (people are boring) and the Civ series (because I will forget to eat, sleep, and bathe, judging by what those games do to non sim lovers). I have run the same city building scenario literally one hundred times, tweaking it for the very best tiptop performance. Who needs PvP when you have an interesting AI?

I think I have worked out what she would do for three, maybe four factions. . .

Oh yeah I forgot something weird but maybe important. When I run with this character. . .I cannot shuffle! I have been practicing and can now slowly get the card corners together most of the time. But when I let my mouth run, kaboom, it's arcane fate cards everywhichwhere, every time, I'm lucky the tables have raised edges to catch the explosion.

Edited by Gnomezilla
Boy did I not know that THAT was gonna be filtered. :P Filter is unchanged.
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