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Resurrecting Tara

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With summer and hopefully a little free time just around the corner I am dusting off my minis for a faux-down or two. While the Hoff is my go-to an account of being all painted, Tara is next in line to receive the Blessings of the Brush (or the curse of the brush if I am a little more honest about my talent).


There is a lot of information about how to play Tara as an Outcast, but I have been unable to find much about Resurrectionist Tara.  Spiraling Cadaver's in-depth Tara article talks about some Resurrectionist that look god with everyone's favorite nihilist, but what about you? Have you played Tara as a Resurrectionist? Who looks good in a Resurrection Tara crew? What upgrades do you like with her? What are some tips and tricks?

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Never played Tara but:

There's the dead of winter upgrade that let's her bring nothing beast and void wretches as well as death marshals who become undead.

Spare parts let's you get more summoning off and as you won't be using corpse markers for much else it can't hurt.

As a model that uses bury the Bete Noir would seem a good option for Rezzers Tara and she get's fast which Tara likes to work with

Rotten Belles lure would be very helpful - especially with Tara's activation tricks.

Fast punk zombies could be very nasty for an opponent.

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As a model that uses bury the Bete Noir would seem a good option for Rezzers Tara


So I haven't played Tara either and I see many people suggest Bete Noir as a good resser choice, but isn't the fact that you need a 10+ card in your hand when you are dumping half your hand each turn make her a less than optimal choice? I feel like Tara really needs those remaining 3 high cards in her hand to make defensive duels or get key attacks off. Thoughts?

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If you expect facing Living Crews, especially Living Masters, Bête has a reasonable way of Paralyzing them, and she has always that psycho-effect on your opponent when she knows that everytime one Living/Undead model dies, she is most likely to show up, and most of the times within Flurry's range... with Ml 6 and :+fate to hit, even while his Dg output is just 2/3/4, she's got a lot of useful Triggers, so that is something to always bear in mind too.


Adding Fast just makes her better (as anyone else, btw...)

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I've never had much success with bête.

Belles are great - they allow you to pick a target and get someone into you fast bubble. I've easily been able to get four or more of my own models with fast.

Sybelle is great too. If you hit glimpse a few times with nothing beast or Tara your opponent will be low on cards. Meaning Sybelle's bleeder lash auto kill is more deadly.

Izamu is another good option. Though I'm keen to try the rogue necro as soon as I can get my hands on model.

Spare parts looks like an interesting choice.

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Just to build on what has already been said. 


I have a tough time with spare parts. It is wonderful to be able to summon models but Tara doesn't want for upgrades. I worry that this could become a tough pick up if your spending points for a high cost model to bomb in and/or spending six points on just upgrades. 


Aside from that. Punk zombies are a good time. If the person you are playing spreads out then you have the option to flurry on a single target. If they are bunched up then doing slice & dice a few times should drain their hand. (and if you did take autopsies or flesh construct close the gap on a reactivate) The down side to this is they are horrors so if you have one buried you can't summon more with Karina. This isn't a huge deal as you need such a high crow to summon that you might focusing that ability on autopsies or crooligans. 


The hanged are always a good time. If your opponent doesn't have a lot of casting at least. Dead of winter can makes these guys wp difficult to get around. They also stick to your crews incorporeal theme. Either way they should burn a fair amount of cards from your opponent. Then you have the sybelle option to go after stones and cards or the flesh construct to eat some paralyzed models. 


The rogue necromancy is an interesting choice with this crew. Due to the ease of generating willpower duels you can get smell fear to go off. However, I am terrible at advice about these guys. They have made a difference in my games, however I am still working with finding the balance between keeping them alive or holding them back to much. I know there is a balance that I haven't found yet, and being able to bury and heal them should provide more options but once again they are horrors so can mess with karina summoning. 


Other possibilities are the dead doxy. Her zero can make all of the previously mentioned wp duels that much more effective. Nurses can provide more wp duels and options. Rotten belle's give you more wp, ways to hurt an opponents hand, all around awesome. 


As a disclaimer I have only run a single game with a few of these just to test how they interact with the crew. I like to try and keep crews thematic most days and struggle with a few of them but all of them have worked out fairly well. I also mostly focused on wp interactions as I figure the stabbing/clawing/biting options were pretty prevalent across the faction. 

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Anyone tried Hannah with resser Tara? Wondering if she's still worth it with the merc tax.


Hannah would probably be cheaper than in Outcasts, as she couldn't take Ancient Tomes. Her main synergy with Tara would thus disappear, but she could still make a good, versatile beatstick.

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Even when playing on the Rezzer side?

Yeah. I don't think her upgrade is at all necessary for her being a strong assist to Tara's playstyle (that would be duplicating spells and often better than who originally has them, a bigger hand, and good severe damage), and I'm certainly willing to pay the merc tax if I want that toolkit. The upgrade just makes her more flexible, and she already has enough power that I don't always want to pay the extra for flexibility.

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I'm a bit late, but after reading about running Hannah with Resser Tara, I decided to test it out in a couple of games.


What I came to really like was:

Tara (Obliteration Symbiote, Dead of Winter, and Spare Parts)

Karina (Summoning Upgrade)


Bete Noire


Chiaki (I think I'm addicted to running the Nurse + Chiaki combo in Ressers, but it's probably the condition heavy crews I face).

2 Void Wretches


Normally I play her in Outcasts, with 2 big beaters (Bishop and Taelor or Hannah) and a Death Marshal to bury them, but with Ressers, Hannah can copy Take Your Meds, Chiaki's condition removal/mass push, and One With the Night off of Bete. With any other master, that last one would be really dumb, but here, Hannah can get a full heal and be buried, just in time to have Tara rip her back out to beat face or Hannah can lay some nasty conditions on the enemy/clear them up. I'd rather use the Nurse/Chiaki to heal Hannah up (as her being buried means no bonus card), but when the enemy is focusing on Hannah, it can really throw them off guard if Hannah suddenly disappears, heals, and pops up for a charge next turn.

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  • 1 month later...

I am starting to break into her and through her Resers. I think it all depends how far down the void creature rabit whole. If your not going heavy void creatures or incoporial then Toshiro is good as a suport model and summoner, and he may be good anyway depending one who your enemy is. Karina and Toshiro compeat for cards, but Toshiro can always stone for the suit he needs. I think having atleast 1 summoner is a must and 2 is iffy.

The Graveyard Spirit is good as it extend the life of some of your models, like the Nothing Beast.

As a general thought I like the Rogue Necromance because I miss the killing power of some of the other models I run in other factions.

I love the undead death martials, but generally I do not see much in resser that really goes with her. I am hoping to run her and the emissary when it comes out.

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On the two summoner front, while I think it's not optimal, it can work if the models in question are bringing something else to the table as well, and you just assume  you'll never have enough good cards to make use of both of their summons in the same turn. Any turn I see more than 1 card higher than a 9 on any turn and I'm a happy resser. Instead, think of it as two nodes where summoning can occur, giving you more options as to what gets summoned and where it gets summoned. Definitely diminishing returns apply, and not something you'd think of as core, it probably has a place given the right circumstances, just like many other wacky/odd combos.


My latest is the Oprah Winfrey "You get a reactivate! You get a reactivate! Everybody gets a Reactivate!" crew, Tara and a bunch of flesh constructs and guild autopsies. You know that scene in the zombie movies where they look out the window and those silly slow zombies are way on the other side of the field, and then they look out two seconds later and they're right up at the window making you jump out of your seat? Yeah, it's like that.

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This is one of the lists I thought about doing. First turn I will hopefully summon a guild autopsy. This is a non nothing base list, though I do like the nothing creatures.
Resurrectionists Crew - 50 - Scrap

Tara -- 6 Pool
 +Dead of Winter [1]
 +Obliteration Symbiote [2]

Karina [5]

 +The Faces of Oblivion [0]
Death Marshal [6]
Death Marshal [6]
Flesh Construct [6]
Rogue Necromancy [10]
 +Decaying Aura [2]

Toshiro the Daimyo [9]
 +Command the Graves [1]

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I play Tara pretty extensively on the Outcast side of things.  One thing I'm noticing is I don't see her Knowledge of the Void upgrade listed with most of the above.  Being able to throw out Fast/Slow to single targets and being more easily able to bury your own models on command is a key part of how I play Tara. 


I can see the value of bringing Bete Noir, particularly when you know you're playing against an opponent with key living pieces that are susceptible to her Paralyze.  Shutting down Howard Langston for a turn keeps your crew alive much better.


A wonderful part of Tara is being able to throw big, bulky, slow beatsticks into your opponents' face.  On the Outcast side this is usually filled in with the Nothing Beast or Killjoy.  On the Resser side the Nothing Beast is still an option but so is Izamu.  Once Izamu is where he wants to be he controls a large radius of the board and is quite deadly and tanky while he's at it.  If your opponent has the means to quickly remove him from the board, you can unleash Izamu at the end of a turn and then bury him with Pull the Void at the start of the next.  From there you can immediately move and unbury him for another charge and refreshing the control bubble or you can keep him buried, heal him up, etc. and then unbury later.

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The Izumi model is compelling, which if I am totally honest is a bigger sraw than good strategy, so when the two align... I have promised myself a good number of games with Colette or the Hoff before I tackle Tara, but I am trying to build and paint her as I go so there may be a haunted suit of armor in my future. 

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This is why I always try to bring something that ignores armor, because there are those like Jonahmaul around. I must have seen Izamu at least every time I went to a game night if there was at least one resurretionist  or 10 thunder.

I did get to play a game with Toshiro and 2 death marshals, the bonus flip to burying models rock. In one turn I buried a McCabe enhanced Izamu with nimble and fast then brought it up latter to mess someone up while spending its recall training, it was glorious. My foe mentioned it was like kicking him while he was down.

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