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5 Lessons I Learned at Adepticon. Also, Butt Cracks. (I'll Explain)


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I can really sign up for that emotion part. Me and my friend Math are quite fine players. But we usually descend to "who loses the game first" it's usually the first activation on the first turn that one of us loses the game. :P

Once we've gotten better to keep our heads cool our games have gotten a lot better as well.

I still have it, if I'm playing against a certain master or a person that I just don't have fun playing against I give up on turn 1 and just move models around. Instead I could try to keep it cool and have a semi-nice game at least. But yeah. If you can learn to control it, you can do a lot better.

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I can really sign up for that emotion part. Me and my friend Math are quite fine players. But we usually descend to "who loses the game first" it's usually the first activation on the first turn that one of us loses the game. :P

I'm nearly always convinced I'll lose a given game. I realize that it can be a bit annoying as well since it happens every damn time and I tend to win way more than I lose (especially in some games) but it is a genuine feeling I get and I really don't know how to help it.
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Great post! Lots of wisdom here.


I don't play a lot of tournaments, but when I do, I'm always surprised at how worn out I am by late afternoon. Game one is usually fun; I'm usually feeling sharp. Game two is about keeping things together. Game three... Well by then I'm out of the running and focusing on having fun. And playing very sloppily.


Is it possible to cultivate tournament stamina?

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I'm nearly always convinced I'll lose a given game. I realize that it can be a bit annoying as well since it happens every damn time and I tend to win way more than I lose (especially in some games) but it is a genuine feeling I get and I really don't know how to help it.

Hahaha. You've improved in this regard though. :)

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Ah, the Malifaux Masters Tournament.  A wealth of wisdom nuggets.  Let's get started...


Game 2: You can lose during the "Define Terrain" step.  Who knew?


The board was covered with buildings with flat roofs.  My opponent was playing gremlins. I should have seen it coming.  "Want to play only 30mm models can climb the ladders?", he asked.  "Sure", I said.  "Want to play the lips on the edge of the roof are height 1 walls?", he asked.  "Sure" I said.  "Want to get your ass kicked by the Pigapult?" he said.  Ok, he didn't say that last thing.  But I wish he would have.  He fielded a Som'er summoning list and the ol' Pigapult.  His turns were spent launching half dead, paralyzed gremlins on the roofs of the various buildings and spamming scheme markers in the later turns.  My turns were spent wondering why I fielded a Levi list that couldn't even get on top of the buildings.  I began to picture my crew just standing there looking up at a row of gremlin butts as they mooned me from safety.  (no these aren't the butts alluded to in the title, but there is definitely a strong butt theme in this post for some reason, which worries me)  Live and learn I suppose right?  I got spanked 9 to 2.  The strategy was Interference by the way.



It is also good to establish whether or not a model can climb through a window that is clearly wide enough for the base and has no glass in it :-P


Thanks for the great tips! I definitely need to go to Adepticon next year. Already have my tickets booked for Gen Con though!

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Whenever I see butt cracks I am reminded of Once Upon a Time in the West - You can't trust a man who can't trust his pants. ;)

I really enjoy the mind games element to competitive gaming - as soon as I pick up that I'm being fronted or deceived I immediately shutdown and become hypervigilant and aware of dirty tricky. I never invest myself emotionally in a game, though I have a serious thinking face that I am told makes me look like I'm about to flip shit, haha. This, of course, only assists in making it look like I am being absentmindedly deceived or disrupted by the events when I am not, just lucky that way. Honestly, I'm more stubborn than a dwarf - Even if I lose the game I'll never let a person get the better of me in the psychology department. >8)

Similarly, I do have a problem with taking everything seriously, though - whether its a game of Last Night on Earth/Zombicide or Catan or even Cards Against Humanity, I always seem to find myself preoccupied with whether or not I am winning. If you are a person like me, the key here is to keep that mindset within yourself and not influence the game negatively for other people. I have found you can still pretend to have fun while really trying to smash face - just make sure you're not ruining the game for eveyone else. :/

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"Just watching" = feeding him high cards. He promised if I did he'd buy me a pony.

I knew it!


I took a picture of one of the cracks, as it was so majestic. You couldn't look away. It was one of the Bolt Action guys, not us, thank goodness. Out of a sense of propriety, I've since erased it, but still, it was there. 


I would not be brave enough to take a picture of crack.  I guess I do have boundaries after all!



Great post! Lots of wisdom here.


I don't play a lot of tournaments, but when I do, I'm always surprised at how worn out I am by late afternoon. Game one is usually fun; I'm usually feeling sharp. Game two is about keeping things together. Game three... Well by then I'm out of the running and focusing on having fun. And playing very sloppily.


Is it possible to cultivate tournament stamina?


This doesn't sound like a serious suggestion but it is...maybe play 2 games at once to build tournament stamina?  Against one person, or against two willing (and patient) friends?  I never tried it but that simulate the brain fry that occurs pretty well.

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Ah, the Malifaux Masters Tournament.  A wealth of wisdom nuggets.  Let's get started...


Game 2: You can lose during the "Define Terrain" step.  Who knew?


The board was covered with buildings with flat roofs.  My opponent was playing gremlins. I should have seen it coming.  "Want to play only 30mm models can climb the ladders?", he asked.  "Sure", I said.  "Want to play the lips on the edge of the roof are height 1 walls?", he asked.  "Sure" I said.  "Want to get your ass kicked by the Pigapult?" he said.  Ok, he didn't say that last thing.  But I wish he would have.  He fielded a Som'er summoning list and the ol' Pigapult.  His turns were spent launching half dead, paralyzed gremlins on the roofs of the various buildings and spamming scheme markers in the later turns.  My turns were spent wondering why I fielded a Levi list that couldn't even get on top of the buildings.  I began to picture my crew just standing there looking up at a row of gremlin butts as they mooned me from safety.  (no these aren't the butts alluded to in the title, but there is definitely a strong butt theme in this post for some reason, which worries me)  Live and learn I suppose right?  I got spanked 9 to 2.  The strategy was Interference by the way.



Forge me - as a newbie, what's the significance of the lips on the edge of the roof (for that matter, why would an eave count as a wall?) - or what would you have done differently?

I'm presuming buildings usually aren't considered climbable unless there's something that looks like people should be able to climb it?

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Forge me - as a newbie, what's the significance of the lips on the edge of the roof (for that matter, why would an eave count as a wall?) - or what would you have done differently?

I'm presuming buildings usually aren't considered climbable unless there's something that looks like people should be able to climb it?


Well it gets a little fuzzy at times, but the the gremlins are height 1, so they can hide behind the walls.  Where as normally, vantage point rules would allow you to see them if they were close to the edge of the roof.  Or at least, that's my current understanding.  But it also blocked line of sight to the scheme markets he placed on the edges of the roofs.  I had Large Arachnids in the backfield to remove scheme markers with their (0) action, but they couldn't get LOS to target them.  It was really bad list building on my part.  The one person I did have on the roof, a trapper, got tied up with a skeeter.  The lip also hurt him because he couldn't use his (0) action to push off the roof and out of engagement.  He could just pinball around up there.  Looking back, my list was almost comical.  It was the result of pre-building a list that I though would work great but then not adapting it to the terrain.  Hopefully, I've learned that lesson.

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What works for me: replace the feeling of win/loss with "How do I solve this puzzle/problem?" Though, usually that's a mid game/later turn thing for me.


 This. A million times this. 


The buttcrack thing reminds me of the guy that took photos of them at an MTG event. It was all over Reddit.


By the way, i'm Pigapult guy! Howdy!

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Pro tip: When you've just been hit by something, drink some water, relax, and count up your ad your opponent's likely VP. Focusing on VP will put you back on track, rather than stewing over a setback.


Other pro tip: If you wear your pants low, consider wearing a long sweater, overshirt, or comfortable light jacket to avoid butt crack time.

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