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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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Scum scum scum scum...................

Interestingly enough, that's the sound that ZFiend makes when eating a banana.

To be fair, the games tend to turn out pretty much the same, no matter who I play against here. I can promise to play all my next month's games against you if you really want to. :P

Unless I'm mistaken, you have one win, one loss and two draws against me (not counting the multiplayer game of sillyness).
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Unless I'm mistaken, you have one win, one loss and two draws against me (not counting the multiplayer game of sillyness).

I would love to play against you more, but it seems quite difficult. (Besides, that one win of yours was something like my third game of M2E, so there is that...)
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I didn't realize the common Ice Golem felt the need to trash talk when it could just smash instead

"Hey buddy, you suck!"



Well it can be improved with trash talk.

"hey buddy, you suck"

"yeah that's what I said to your momma last night"


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Turned up to my flgs to take on one of my mates guild vs guild he wasn't able to make it but there was another guild player there in need of a game. Almost as if he knew I wanted to beat down some rezzer scum he took guild mcmorning.

Squatters rights. Alits, bodyguard, breakthrough, frame for murder, take prisoner. Flank deployment.

My crew.

Lucius,dashel, riflemen x2, warden, lone marshal, lawyer, witchling stalker, pathfinder.

He took mcmorning, seb, Chihuahua, nurse, pathfinder, the judge, witchling stalker, Santiago. He had the scalpel slinging upgrade plus two others.

I announced breakthrough and took frame on my witchling.

My opponent took alits and frame on the pathfinder.

A very bloody game dashel died to poison at the end of turn 1, riflemen had seb down to 2 wounds but the nurse healed him and witchling removed paralysed. Lucius got my witchling to move and flip a squat marker.

My opponent got 2 points for frame after lucius walked and got the warden to kill the pathfinder.

I gained 3 points for frame as the judge killed my witchling. I gained 3 points for squatters turns 2,3,4.

My opponent scored 1 for squatters turn 5 1for alits.

Warden man of the match moment after killing pathfinder, seb and nurse. Got charged on turn 5 by mcmorning who fluffed his attacks the warden used its double ram trigger to knock the Dr back 3 inches allowing it to pick up what would have been my opponents 4th scheme marker saving a 6-4 win for me the judge finished the warden off leaving me with just 1 summoned clockwork trap left on the table compared to mcmorning the judge and Santiago for my opponent.

A 2 point win 6-4 didn't look likely but starting to get a little more used to lucius forgot to engage his aura to allow interacts while engaged which could have cost me.

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Third game in the bag. This one didn't have much of a narrative - I took Sonnia in turf war against Pandora.


I eschewed the PappaBox and ran;

Sonnia - Ressurection, Cherufe's Imprint, and Counterspell Aura

Sam Hopkins

Witchling Handler

Lone Marshall



2x Guild Guard


The Guild Guard tanked the center for three turns to score my points on Turf War, Sonnia assassinated Pandora and got eaten by a Teddy, the Lone Marshall ran around being impossible to pin down, black jokered two damage flips, and scored me full points for Plant Evidence. My opponent didn't play his schemes much at all.


Guild victory 9-2

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Malifaux weekend results:


On the edge of town, Lucius and a trusty Guard patrol, and an Executioner, just in case, wanted to prepare a little Power Ritual, but encountered the devious Mr Lynch of the Ten Thunders who has similar plans. Thus, the battle for Squatter's Rights was on. Lucius also got it in his head to Take Mr Tannen Prisoner so he could use him for his next game.

Sadly, Captain Dashel Heeded The Voice of the Hungering Darkness and sacrificed his own Minions a lot, and in the end it was Lucius alone who could perform the ritual and foil Assassinate, but the Thunders claimed the field.


The Guild lost 7-2.


In my second game, the Guild decided that a Reckoning would come to the vile Neverborn of the bayou. Lady Justice set out with a entourage of all the Guild's Henchmen... well, at least a lot of them. Zoraida the hag tried to repel them, but when the Lady first shredded Nekima and then the Hag herself for Assassinate, it was clear that the Guild would be victorious. Samael Hopkins kept to the backfield, where it was easy to bring him back alive.


The Guild won 8-3.


That's it for my three games this month. It went better than expected...  :P

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I was finally able to clear the blighted condition enough to get a game in.  McCabe vs Hoffman (yeah, guild on guild, but he was playing with a lot of M&SU models so it was practically against arcanists.)


Extraction with close deployment

ALitS, Distract, Bodyguard, Frame for Murder, Protect Territory


My List


Saber, Badge of speed, Promises



Lone Marshal

2 Hounds

2 Wastrels

2 Pistoleros


His List








The general tale of the game was hoff flinging up models in my wall of chodes only to find out the glowing sabre cares not for your so called "armor" or "hard to kill" and that a 5 stone Pistolero swinging said glowing saber on a  :+fate  :+fate is a destroyer of dreams.   Game ended 10-3 in my favor. 

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One of my favorit oponents dared me, Patzer! All is written from memory, and is most likley not 100% accurate, but accurate enough to be true. Result is 100% true though!


We played 50SS standard deploy





Plant explosives

Murder Protege


Line in the sand


I declared (doh) Ressers, and Patzer brought a Seamus


My Crew and Shemes


Bodyguard (Betê Noire)

Plant Explosives



  Manical laughter



  My Favorit Shovel

  Corpse Bloat




Betê Noire


Patzers Crew and Schemes



  Decaying aura


  Bleeding Tounge

  Not to banged up

Datsue Ba

  Spirit Whisper

Jaakuna Ubume

  Unnerving aura


Rotten Belle




6 houses formed an 45 degree tilted square in the middle, and a gallow in the middle of the sqare. The gallow got declared as soft cover, but see through. Between middle houses near both deployment zones were an impassable terrain about 70mm in diametre. A few soft cover fences were spread out. Buildings were possible to walk into, but no shooting out except doors, and no cover (Paper walls) for shoting out of a building.


I deployed first. Pretty centered, Patzer did the same. My hand was bull, I had a jack and rest below 8! Patzer were kind enough to let me go first.


Turn one:


I moved up Mortimer once and failed to find a bone, bot lost my spleen for a corpse marker wich Nicodem turned into a Crooligan. Nico also handed out fast to Valedictorian and Izamu. Vulture linked up to his master and flew of to widen as much as possible Valedictorian flew up (trippel walked from the fast) on my right flank and hided behind a building, but still had view over the gallows. Crooligan tried to stay back and hidden


Patzer moved up his Rotten Belle and Lured my Valedictorian out in the middle and pounced and missed, where Jaakuna who had uppers from his Nurse had already placed her selves (Taking terrain damage) Seamus was deployed a bit bad, and had to doubblewalk to be able to back ally up mid board (think it were first turn atleast) CC killer scooted up on my left flank pretty alone. Nurse walked up behind Sybelle out of melee range of Valedictorian. Sybelle and Jaakuna were both engaged with Valedictorian. Datsue Ba walked up in cover of the Gallow to the right.


(0 - 0)


Turn two (let the mayham begin):


Can't remember who won initiative


Mortimer still couldn't find a bone (not a card above 9 on my hand even that I stoned) but lost some more of his spleen. Nicodem woke up a Necropunk and gave my Betê and Valedictorian fast. Betê got Paralyzed from the nurse though.Valedictorian lecture noted Sybelle so she couldn't declare triggers. Valedictorian killed the Rotten Belle and took some beating from Jaakunas auras and Sybelles whip. Seamus Aura prevented me from healing or stone for her) Izamu got charged by Datsue Ba through the Gallow. I think Izamu got killed with her (Ignoring armour and stuff) and maybe something more, Betê woke up (remember no 10 on my hand). I rushed my crooligan up and planted explosives to get 2 points, he got 2 for Murder protige on Izamu. No heads were picked up.


(2 – 2)


Turn three:


With a flurry from Valedictorian and a charge from Mortimer I managed to kill Seamus! And on top of that via vultures link up I managed to heal valedictorian (at a cost of a corpse marker) from 8 wounds to full. Summon a Punk Zombie (from the rotten Belle I killed) and I thik handle out slow to Datsue Ba. Datsue Ba (and maybe something more) managed to ”kill” Betê who safley buirred, but Datsue were still engaged with Valedictorian (who essentialy hooked up all mid board her selves). Think he got another Seshin for the trouble. My crooligan managed to sneak in and get a head and bounce to saftey. For some reason (cant remember) he got a Gaki up close to my Necropunk. My Punk Zombie killed his nurse and Betê reapeared on the board to get the head


(3 – 3) one head each


Turn four (dust setlles):


I declare Bodyguard on Betê who has started to run of into my upper left corner). Copy cat killer tries to run after her to shoot her dead. Jaakuna falls to Valedictorian, Punk Zombia picks up a head. Arround Mortimer, Crooligan and Necropunk battle I managed to kill of all but the Gaki who is on one wound. I think Datsue Ba got killed too. Think we both picked up a head each. I also think Betê and CC-killer are hooked up in Melee and I think Betê killed him.


(5 – 4) Body guard for me and one head each


Turn five (mop up):


this is based on what would happend. My Betê picked up another head and made sure to be way up the board for bodyguard. All Patzers models were hooked up in battle with Valedictorian and or Mortimer, so he could not grab a head.


(8 – 4) Bodyguard since Betê lived and was allmost in his deployment zone and a head for me


As always against Patzer, an awesome and funny battle. I felt under till I managed to kill Seamus and heal my valedictorian in 3 activations. That was truly the moment the battle turned. Mortimer is realy dangerous with his shovel (Ml 7! and 2/3/4 damage spread). When Seamus were down to 2 wounds I saw my possibilty to kill Seamus. With a lucky low flip on damage prevent and I had another head and corpsemarker. To bad I did not pick assassinate. But I would never expect to kill Seamus turn 3, ever. Especialy a Seamus without bag of tools.


8 – 4 for the ressers (and the right resser)

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Neat write up! Seems more than accurate to me. Awesome game! I will make sure to fill my crew out next time :P #lostwithoutthecrewcreator. I will also bring the Bag, man I can't get the Sinister Rep to work. I am still playing Neverborn, but with Resser models instead.


Peejay, I forgot to tell you before; best use of the Vulture I have ever seen and I have played against Nico a ton.

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