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Warseer disinterest


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  I've just been over to the Warseer forums. I go over there every so often to remind myself why I don't play 40k any more, if I don't then I might accidentally buy Space Hulk or something and end up sinking back in again. And I noticed that down at the bottom, there are options for discussion of Privateer Press Games (fair play, they have WMH and that's a strong 2nd place contender to GW games), Mantic and Corvus Belli. But if you want to discuss Malifaux there's a thread under 'Sci Fi and Fantasy games', on page 2.


  Does this seem out of place to anyone? Surely if Infinity deserve their own subsection then Malifaux does too? Or is it just because not many people who play Malifaux go over to the Warseer boards (the Malifaux thread hasn't been updated since July)?


  Has anybody petitioned for Wyrd to have their own subsection, or is nobody that bothered with Warseer? (This would be my guess).

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I too venture over to Whineseer from time to time (maybe once a month maybe) to see what's happening but to be fair I don't think it's a great loss that they don't have a dedicated sub-forum for Malifaux when we have such a rich and helpful community here. I think if they are going to represent Infinity and the Mantic systems then it would make sense to also put up a dedicated one for Malifaux as it is a big contender in the war games market these days. Either way it's their loss *nods*

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Isn't Warseer heavily geared to futuristic games? Malifaux being a steampunk game, I can;t imagine its entirely the right audience. Same goes for Dakka, there are a few threads but most of the time you see people migrate over to this forum as its exactly what they want (and they do a good job on here!)

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  I wouldn't say that they're geared towards futuristic games, WFB and LOTR both have just as much forum space as 40k. They are very GW heavy though, and I just suspect that Wyrd are just below their big company radar (or at least they were, I can't see much evidence that Corvus Belli is a bigger company than Wyrd nowadays, at least not in the shops and gaming centres.)

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Yes, it is definitely out of place.  The reason that people don't discuss Malifaux over there very much is because the official boards are quite good.


At least in the US, Malifaux has been doing better than Infinity.  I don't know any numbers for Europe (and I haven't seen them too recently) but in the past Malifaux has made it into the top 5 on ICV2, while Infinity hasn't.



To be honest, most of the forums that don't have official sanction are 90% dedicated to GW games (both living and dead).  GW got rid of their forums and fan forums took over.  But for most other games, the official forums are quite good, and are the best way to talk to other players.

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I think a dedicated Malifaux sub-forum on Warseer would perhaps show to the rest of the world that Malifaux is growing. Right after the last beta, when the beta forums came down, there were some comments that the lack of recent posts seemed an indication of a dying game. A sub-forum on warseer would've alleviated that...

Otherwise there's quite a bit of Malifaux on warseer, just not apparent at the first glance! There's several plogs with a strong wyrd focus, some quite good, and for that reason and for Freebooter's Fate, I still keep an eye on 'seer. In fact, the great number of posts about Malifaux on Warseer was what sent me over here in the first place...

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I hit Warseer from time to time but only to look in the painting and modeling section anymore.  Back when I was regularly playing Warhammer Fantasy I visited more often but anymore I just go there to see if I can see anything interesting or inspiring painted or modeled.  I have several forums like that I go to for that so I can save interesting pictures for future reference.  But if I want to chat about Malifaux I generally come here, any other forum that has a subsection for it generally is pretty sparce compared to here.

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No offense gentlemen, but you have it...backward. Message boards don't add new boards because "game is doing well". Message boards add new boards cause there's enough traffic about a particular topic to warrant one. If there is ONE topic on page 2 and thats all the Malifaux fans have to show on Warseer, then no, Malifaux has no reason to have a board of it's own over any other niche game discussed by the fine folk of whineseer. It is and always has been predominantly GW-centric in the first place.

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Except for Kickstarters. Warseer inexplicably buried all kickstarter threads in the most inaccessible place on the forum when there was a ton of traffic. 


Dakka has a decent Malifaux forum presence, but I blame Wyrd for putting together good forums. Ruining the presence of malifaux on warhammer forums everywhere.

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Also, at the end of the day, Warseer is a GW dedicated forum. Dakkadakka has been branching out, but it's still mostly focused on GW too and it will attract the crowd that is interested in those topics. The moment somebody gets any interest in other games, they'll find that a quick google search gives them a dedicated forum full of content, so why would they try to garner interest in a zone that has barely any if at all? Also, Malifaux is not at the level of warmachine yet, which is the reason it sort of crops out on places, I mean, 3plusplus and Bell of Lost Souls have features on warmachine even though the traffic is still tame and both sites are dedicated ti GW products mostly.


As for infinity, I consider it having such a presence on GW dedicated forums since first of, their forums aren't as squeaky clean as these ones, and secondly and probably a lot more relevant, the theme is a lot closer to what a 40K player would be looking for, so it tends to get more attention simply because of it's aesthetics. We also have to remember that M1.5 was a bit of a mess and M2 is till relatively new, which means people that might have had interest in the past but didn't get hooked, might not have bothered trying the second edition at all.


Finally, even those games that have dedicate subforums are pretty much almost dead, I mean, you barely see anything new in the warmachine forum in warseer, and why would you? It has a very good official forum and there is still Focus and Fury as the bitter alternative that gives you non official discussion.


So yeah, I wouldn't consider it an offense that there is no section in warseer for Malifaux since it wouldn't add much of anything anyway. I do tend to be a bit of a hornblower when I get one of my "rant on GW" phases and give out examples of alternatives though, which probably gets a lot more exposure being in the hot topics, though I also doubt that gets much conversion going, GW fans are some of the most abuse resistant you will ever find, so if they are still at it, nothing that you or me says will change that.

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... I also doubt that gets much conversion going, GW fans are some of the most abuse resistant you will ever find, so if they are still at it, nothing that you or me says will change that.


While I agree that ranting is not going to help convert people to your game (ranting is really just cathartic to those who already agree with you) I think there is a lot of conversion happening.  GW's market is getting smaller and smaller- while the market for miniatures games as a whole is getting larger and larger.


GW managed to do poorly in the year that they released a new edition of 40k.  That's getting a lot of people away.


I'd prefer that they found new miniatures games rather than quit entirely- there are loads of cool ones out there (and Malifaux is definitely one of the best).

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Malifaux fired WFB big time for me. I liked Malifaux when I first played it in the metal age but these new plastics coupled with M2E being so solid - there's no going back now. With continued presence at Cons this game should grow big time - it carries itself and cheap to start up. Not so sure you really want to bring too many of those 40k players to this game anyway ;)

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Quite an interesting topic although I must say I find the slamming of other forums and/or systems a bit distasteful (I'm sure many of us play multiple systems and there's no right or wrong in this in my opinion).  I still use Warseer regularly but only for painting threads (I run the Tale of Skirmish Game Painters which has several of us painting Malifaux stuff if that counts as a Malifaux presence) but I think the main reason why Malifaux doesn't have much presence there (and let's be fair, there's other forums where it's presence is low too, not just Warseer) is because the Wyrd forums are very active and very good.

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Yep, ultimately there's just no need for other Malifaux forums, because we already have excellent forums with a fantastic community. Most other games don't have that, so their communities are forced to resort to sites like Warseer. Not having forums there is no great loss, as long as the people that would otherwise use them find their way here instead.

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