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Name your five!


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Who are your 5 models?  This is apparently a thing.


Nurse - So much amazing condition support

Belles - Because Belles

Necropunks - Nothing scheme runs quite like the punks

Chiaki - Condition removal and slow spam for when it's needed

Flesh Constructs? - Not sure on this one, but they're a huge wall of meat and hitty for a really great price point.


I'm noticing that all my "must haves" are wave 1, which is usually suspect, but nothing in wave 2 has really leapt out at me.   Maybe Valedictorian?  I've never actually fielded her so I'm not sure.

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Rotten belle, You know why

Nurse, you also know why

Dead Doxy, fantastic piece for helping your own stuff move up the table, very efficient at moving herself and has a surprisingly good punch. Have her near something important and reap Fast as a reward.

Canine Remains, great little objective grabbers that can get into a scrap when needed and can debuff when needed.

Izamu, with Decaying aura he is death on wheels.

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Mortimer- Chatty and he can make dudes walk for "free" and that ML 7!

Punk Zombies- awesome looking models, hard to wound and hard to kill and their katanas!

Nurse- obvious reasons

Necropunks- resilient little scheme grabbers

Toss up between Flesh Construct and Canine remains.  I like the tanky feel of the Flesh Construct but those dogs are pretty cheap, fun and fast.


I have my eye on the Yan Lo box due to Chiaki.  And I'm tempted by the Transmortis box.  I've only been playing M2E for 2 months so my play testing is rather limited.  But all those read like "must haves" same with Belles and Sybille and Izamu.  Looks like I need to order a few more crew boxes... :P

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For me it's


- Belles (just plain amazing although annoying to face)

- Necropunks/Canine Remains/Crooligans (Incredible scheme runners and an easy summon)

- Izamu (He's just badass, I defy anybody to argue that point!)

- Punk Zombies/Iron Zombies (Punks are great! I even use them with 10T crews. Iron Zombies are just as good and specialize in killing stuff well)

- Toshiro (Buff wagon and all around amazing henchman)


On the subject of Necropunks, Canine Remains and Crooligans. These guys alone give a damn good argument towards saying ressers have the best scheme runners in the game although Terror Tots are certainly up there alongside Watchers. 

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Can't believe more people haven't said Dead Doxy!

I play Ressers as my secondary faction but if I had to choose:

Dead Doxies - They are amazing for positioning and have a pretty decent attack themselves.
Valedictorian - She is just great for holding areas. She is fast,does good damage at length, and can deny triggers.
Rotten Belles - Obviously these gals are here. Great for messing with your opponent and tough.

Yin the Penangalan - This lady is so good at holding up models and with Unnerving Aura she is dishing out damage if models stay engaged with her or if they try disengage.
Necropunk - Now, I don't own these guys but they really do seem like very good and tough objective runners for 4 points.

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I will almost always have at least one of each of these in a crew, and I would never take a 100SS pool without at least two of each.


1) Nurse - there are three different ways to stop an enemy model in its tracks using Meds. A must-take.

2) Rotten Belle - Sometimes you just have to use sexy undead wiles to get a model in (or out of) place.

3) Canine Remains - Great scheme runners and they are often ignored by opponents if they're hidden away.

4) Flesh Construct - as a McMourning player these are a must, and their Ceaseless Advance basically reduces your opponent's hand to five.

5) Students of Steel - throwing in the most appropriate Student for your enemy gives you a buffed beatstick, and their trigger removal can be very hand for tricky masters.

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Hmmm -


Given that my model pool is only so big it's difficult for me to pick five models that I would take more often than not as most of my crews are made up by the same small collection of models but here goes:


1. Necropunk - As scheme runners go, I don't think you can beat these guys. Although I haven't tried Crooligans yet.

2. Chiaki - What's not to love here? Buffs, debuffs and condition removal. This girl is awesome.

3. Nurse - Another truly amazing support piece. I've found they tend to get left behind a little due to their low Wk and always wanting to keep an AP back for Take your Meds, but just beautiful when they do their stuff.

4. Rotten Belle - I don't think I need to really justify the inclusion of these girls, but for those that don't know, Lure is made of win.

5. Punk Zombie - This was tough call for the final piece. With a lot of nasty beatstick type models available it's always difficult to choose one, but I've found I tend to take Punks more often due to their cost and ability to deal with crowds as well as single opponents.


A strong case can be made for the inclusion of models like Izamu, Yin, the Iron Zombies, and Flesh constructs but I find they tend to only pop up in specific Strat/scheme combos. That being the case, I'm still pretty new at this and I'm sure if this question gets asked again in six weeks time I'd have a different top five ... Well ... I'd probably still have Belles :)

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