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Lucius Box Mix Up


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I'm not sure who was in charge of doing the boxes, but they got the models for Captain Dashel and the Guard Sergeant mixed up.


It is clearly the Guard Sergeant in that box, since Dashel's card lists him as having a Baton and the Sergeant's card lists him as having a Breaching Axe.


So...that's a little awkward. I hope the art on the stat cards isn't switched around as well!


Has no one else noticed this?

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While I'm not saying I think it's odd or that its not, 'meant to be' is something only wyrd can really know. Maybe they decided this way worked better, or they wanted the drill sergeant to look different to his old variant. He got promoted to captain during beta after all...

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So they made him look more like a stereotypical sergeant?


And? The sergeant may look totally different.


I like Dashel. May be weird that he doesn't use his axe in battle, but it's still not as weird as Seamus turning Killjoy into a Rotten Belle.

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Well, I have the old metal crew and I'm certainly not going to use the fat guy with only an axe and a pistol as Dashel and the guy with a baton as the Sergeant.


I thought it was pretty clear during the beta that the old Drill Sergeant model became Dashel and the old Guild Guard Captain became the Guard Sergeant. Seems odd they'd decide to make Dashel fat considering the original model with the baton was not in the slightest bit overweight.

Yes, I see the Baton under his belt but it just seems silly to me. It's pretty clear that the model with the Axe should be the Sergeant, the model whose stat card clearly states he has an axe.

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Seems odd they'd decide to make Dashel fat considering the original model with the baton was not in the slightest bit overweight.

Yes, I see the Baton under his belt but it just seems silly to me. It's pretty clear that the model with the Axe should be the Sergeant, the model whose stat card clearly states he has an axe.


Now, that's not very nice. I don't see him as "fat", more built like a bank safe. Seriously, he doesn't look that fat to me.


Also, since I don't have the old models, I have no problem with the new ones looking different. I like the model. Maybe the Sergeant will have an axe, too?

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The old metal model is definitely fat. His gut is hanging out from under his shirt. That's what I was referring to.

Don't get me wrong, I like the model. I just don't like that they are clearly selling the Guard Sergeant model with "Dashel" taped to his forehead (or rather, tucked into his belt).

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I agree that this certainly *feels* like a switch has taken place. That art bears every resemblance to the old Guard Captain (and his rules), so it's very odd.


That being said, many of us with the old metal Captain model suddenly find us with a very reasonably proxy for Dashel....

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And? The sergeant may look totally different.

How is that important? This guy will still look like a stereotypical sergeant, he has simple clothes, he is shouting and pointing (though he points with his index finger like a little girl), and he definitely has a gut, it may be more of a strongman gut, but still a gut. 

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How is that important? This guy will still look like a stereotypical sergeant, he has simple clothes, he is shouting and pointing (though he points with his index finger like a little girl), and he definitely has a gut, it may be more of a strongman gut, but still a gut. 


Ah. I wasn't aware of such a stereotype. He looks every bit like a captain to me, as well. Giving commands an all that.

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NCO = Non Commissioned Officer, it's corporals and sergeants and similar who hasn't gone to officer schools.


Ah. The German equivalent would be an "under officer", I think.


Having just heard the story in Crossroads from Nathan, who did story time, that is definitely Captain Dashel.



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