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That One Model...


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 Well I was at Element Games last week picking up some more stuff for my Ressers, and I couldn't help myself from buying the new plastic Killjoy. At 13SS I'm highly unlikely to ever field him with my Ressers but now I'm planning a Jack Daw crew just so I have something to do with him.

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Originally it was Lady J and the Guild in general that sucked me in.  Then I got other commitments and sold all the metals.


When M2e was released I got a couple of games at my LGS and once again Lady J was the first crew I purchased.  Again I seem to be collecting Guild but am sticking to the plastics for now. So Perdita and Sonnia crews have followed.


Then I saw the Ronin figures and thought...yep.  So I got the Viks box set.


Then I saw the Rotten Belles and now have Seamus crew too!


I like the look of all of the Pandora crew so might purchase soon, but I really like the Beckoner models..but don't like the illuminated models so am undecided on whether to pick up Lynch or not.


And I will Definitely be getting Colettes crew again when the plastics are released..i mean, who doesn't love showgirls!!?

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mine I didnt actually see until i decided i was going to play. a buddy told me about this 'new' game that didnt use dice (being a 'cursed dice' warhammer player i was intregued by the notion of actually controlling the outcome of a game). he told me about the factions describing Neverborn as basically demons and what not and mentioned Collodi. Being a huge fan of the Puppetmaster movie series (of which i own all of now) I knew that he was the guy for me. I sent another buddy with some money to pick up his box (still never actually seeing the models) and proceeded to learn how to play the game via Collodi. I was destroyed pretty much every game I played for a month (primarily playing against Perdita or Pandy) but eventually I learned the shinnanigans that was 1.5 Collodi. THEN I started with the Zoraida/Collodi. After that I couldnt help but grin when I heard, "I'll play as long as you dont play Zoraida/Collodi." 


Still have plans in my head to sculpt a Puppetmaster themed Collodi crew. One day . . . 

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I got into Malifaux late in 1.5 and really wanted a plastic crew. I read up on the background and was sold on Lynch. Opened the box and loved the Lynch model and all of the illuminated, even if I had to in the damn thing. Then put Huggy together......shame really. Still love Lynch though. 

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Kaeris.  But don't have the crew up and going yet.  Don't see how Wyrd can top the metal version.


Also, The Dreamer but only because I got my hands on a NE LCB, which is both an amazing model and also a cool collector's piece.  For those reasons I am having my local amazing painting do up the crew, I'd hate to see what crap I would have slung onto it!

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