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Everything posted by theamazingmrg

  1. If I ever manage to pull off a Summon with Sonnia, I'll bear that in mind. I've only either played fireproof nonsense or really cautious players so I haven't managed it yet!
  2. I like Sam, personally, but he does require support. Queller's are the only Witch Hunter model I can't see a reason to take. They need to be close to the enemy to be useful, but don't have a attack. They also don't have Witchfire (That's the Handler)
  3. 1. I think a Big Game Hunter Master might be a better option than a Versatile model. 2. No thanks. 3. Definitely! All I want from the Explorer's Society is some news!
  4. Strange. Their official decks are usually decent quality. Probably trying to save money!
  5. I wouldn't mind betting the first "annual" will be the Explorer's Society book, but several models in it will share Keywords with existing factions. For example, 10T may just get new Explorer's Society Wastrel models, Arcanist could get a new Academic, Ressers a new Experimental, etc.
  6. At the moment. There is talk of alternate Master cards with different rules to represent different aspects of the character in the future
  7. Is the M3E Fate deck that flimsy? Or is it just the Print on Demand ones?
  8. Honestly, I've never noticed any severity indicators on cards (and I play with a retro Fate deck so apparently they're there) when playing. Remembering the range in my head is much quicker than trying to identify which marks on a Fate deck indicate severity. I really don't see how its an issue, but hey ho, it takes all sorts.
  9. I initially skimmed this and was about to ask "What about the first hand job?" but then it sank in...
  10. It is annoying when a box is released that contains models you already have, but its the only way to get new models (not counting things like the Special Order programme in September). But the decision does make sense when you think about it from the perspective of the releases being designed to make the game more accessible to new players. The move to Keyword hiring means that all a new player needs to get started is a Core box for the Master they choose and a Fate deck. Once they feel ready to expand they just need an expansion box for their Master's Keyword. Expansion boxes seem to have been designed so that they contain a "character" model (Enforcer/Henchman) and some minions. Most of the new models are "character" models, so the question then becomes how to package them in a way that makes them accessible to new players? This has seen the new models get paired with new minions where possible (One Born Every Minute has a Henchman, Desper LaRaux, and some minions in the form of Hucksters - both new profiles) or existing minions that needed repackaging but weren't in the Core box for that Keyword. Its annoying for existing players because the boxes end up containing models that they already own, but it is much, much simpler for new players to understand how to grow their forces. Combining boxes also keeps the overall product count lower for retailers, which helps when considering what to stock and order in for FLGSs. and at the end of the day, the new players are more important because they are how the game will grow.
  11. Variations of them all in black suits with hats and sunglasses?
  12. I would describe a "cost" as "something that needs to be done to complete the transaction." So the cost of Trail of Gore would be Remove a target enemy Scheme Marker as that is the only part of the ability that references something that needs to be done . The targeting part would obviously be the enemy Scheme Marker that it has to target to remove. With that in mind, the Executioner, when under the effects of their Grit ability, would not have to either target or remove an enemy Scheme Marker to get the Walk or action.
  13. It only counts if they're officially 3 factions at the same time!
  14. I picked up my first crew, Hoffman, during the tail-end of 1.5 edition only to find out M2E was imminent. Didn't get a game, then bought the M2E rulebook and Hoffman wasn't in it, only half the Masters were. Hoffman didn't come out until the second book. So I never actually got to play until last year. Six years of not being able to use a set is frustrating. The Wild Ones box is still mostly usable, just with McCabe's cards. Just two models that aren't. It's really not that bad.
  15. As far as I'm aware, all of the other Nightmare boxes have rules (I haven't checked anything other than Ulix's though). The difference with the Wild Ones box is the Ramones. The Wild Ones Box was interesting in that it was an alt McCabe crew, but didn't contain only models present in McCabe's standard box. So, when they made the decision to move to M3E and make McCabe 10T/Explorers Society there wasn't an existing model that the Ramones could easily be used in place of. Which, as far as I can see left Wyrd with two choices: make the whole box something new, or release alt McCabe cards for the existing McCabe alternates and put the Ramones on hold for now. The fact that they haven't released alt cards for Rollins and Co. indicates to me that they will be a whole new crew once we start getting some Explorer's Society releases, rather than just McCabe alternates. in the long term that will be a great thing, but annoying in the shorter term for those with the box. My advice would be just use them as McCabe as far as you can until the new cards for them are out. You'll have to think of something for the Ramones, but it means the crew won't go to waste. That and pay attention to any Explorer's Society news, because it could be exciting for you! But don't let it put you off future Nightmare Boxes. This is the only one that is an issue and we're several years away from a new Edition (I hope!) so there won't be any sudden removal of any others anytime soon.
  16. Honestly, you're probably going to struggle to find anything anywhere till the restock. That said, I have no idea about the London Malifaux shopping scene so I could be completely wrong!
  17. I do wonder if the ultimate goal is going to be similar to Ten Thunders, with each faction getting a dual-faction Explorer? Which would leave Guild, Explorers, and Ten Thunders one dual-faction Master short of everyone else, which could be fixed by the games first triple-faction Master!
  18. I'm not sure an Effigy and Emissary would make thematic sense, unfortunately, but I'll happily be wrong! A little Indiana Jones-esque puppet with hat, pistol, and whip would be an insta-buy!
  19. Australia does seem to get screwed over more than the rest of the world when it comes to this hobby, that's for sure. I think the way to think of it is not as losing money, but as saving money versus buying them direct from Wyrd! If spin can work for politicians it can justify hobby spending too!
  20. How much would it cost just to get the box (versus the cost of ordering from Wyrd and paying shipping), as a general rule? Because I completely understand your problem, but I know that for me, in the UK might as well just buy the new boxes that I want because it will still be less than shipping Special Orders direct and I'll just have a few models left over for conversions and stuff. Of course, the ideal would be for LGS' to do the ordering of Special Orders so that they can be shipped along with their regular Wyrd order and shipping can be kept to a minimum. That obviously relies on the distribution chain though, which has proved itself to not be great. I'd wait till the Special Order programme details are published in September and then see how easy it will be to get things before worrying too much about the negatives of the packaging model.
  21. Agreed. Bedbug Huggy... the less said about him, and I was never a fan of the Alt version. This one, on the other hand, is great! As long as the sculpt lives up to it, but luckily Wyrd are the one company that has a great art-to-model conversion success rate, so I'm not too worried!
  22. Nah. Just comparing one strong model's nonsense to another strong model's nonsense. The difference is that Zoraida's nonsense has made her look like one of the games top-tier Masters, whereas Ryle being good doesn't make Hoffman appear any stronger. If they aren't allowed in tournaments, its hard to get an understanding of whether they are too powerful and should be banned from tournaments. It's still early days. If DMH models do end up being problematic, then I'm sure the Henchman will side with Wyrd's official ruling.
  23. https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Guard-UGD010706-Plus-Tarot/dp/B01N24HD2F/ref=sr_1_13?keywords=tarot+deck+box&qid=1563393907&s=gateway&sr=8-13 That should do the job.
  24. If Zoraida can have her double Obey nonsense, Ryle is fine!
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