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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Hawkoon

    Angry Mr. Graves

    Thank you. Think I caught the hue from the fire to come off as quite natural without "cheating" with coloured lamps and actual lighting. Didn't quite make the cut for silver og gold tier, but I'm happy with my own work regardless.
  2. Hawkoon


    Did you actually set fire to your entry? 🤨
  3. When first I got the theme for the round, I really didn't know how to interpret it. Luckily I got alt. Mr. Graves in time to work something out. "Burn it all!" seems to me as much like a state of mind, as a pysical action. Mr. Graves seems so cool in his normal form, but the alt just screams "anger". How to portray this wasn't quite as easy, so I had to try altering the atmosphere around him with a bit of fire and darkness. (And, yes, Mr. Graves does have his reasons for being angry 😉 ) This is my first time entering any serious competitions, so I felt I had to push my limits with this one, and I think I managed to do just that. (this is my first time ever working with atmosphere...)
  4. Hawkoon

    Burn them all! - Angry Mr. Graves

    Forgot to take photos unassembled, but seeing as I live in Norway it shouldn't be that hard to belive that this guy came in the mail today.
  5. Sadly I've already paid for the product, so I'm quite bound by the store getting stock. I guess I could always ask for a refund, but doesn't help me much if no other stores have it in stock, and ordering from gadzook to EU isn't exactly cheap 😥
  6. Got alt. Graves and Tannen in the same order, so I might try them out with him. Have anyone actually tried playing Bultungin with Titania? I guess Taproot would be mandatory in the crew as well as a bit of "counterpounce"? And say you get the trigger off, would they be able to attack if they are already within enemy engagement when they start the push? A lot of theorycrafting here, but I really like the models, so it would be nice to actually be able to play them effectively.
  7. A bit late to the party, but I started playing without any knowledge of the rules or fluff what so ever. I got a Tara box for free with a couple of other models. After getting more into the game I realized I liked Neverborn better so bought into that. But then I wanted to play my Tara crew so I needes something more for Outcasts as a faction and got Viks. Now I just recently got Lucius and been looking at Guild. I really like Lady J. and Hoffman, so I just might slip further into the pit here...
  8. Just ordered bultungin. Any ideas on how they would fit in a Titania crew?
  9. Another month has passed and still no word on stock. Anyone else got any info?
  10. I've been waiting for The Queen's Return since October, so I hope this resolves very very soon...
  11. I'm still waiting for my dreamer to arrive, so it's all theory for now on my part. But on paper restless dreams, sleep cycles and tantrum seems to be a good combination for luring out chompy when you want to. Ranged expert from tantrum with toss and turn form restless dreams let's you theoretically summon chompy turn 1. Chompy also get's melee expert from restless dreams, and chain activate from sleep cycles. For the crew I'm not so sure of what to bring. I'm tinking of trying Lilitu for her lure and benefits from being a nightmare.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I don't understand most of the rules yet, but the easiest way of learning is to just try a game or two, so I appreciate the help of setting up a crew just to have a starting point. I'll most likely have a ton of questions after the first games, so it's good to have a place to come back to.
  13. Hello. A local gamer wants to get people at our local club to start playing Malifaux, so he's generous enough to split up his collection across the club members. I called dibs on his Tara crew, but I don't know enough about the game (yet) to put together a decent crew. So I'm hoping you guys could help me in putting one together. The models I get are: -Tara's herald of Oblivion -Killjoy -Death marshals (3) -Malifaux child -Bishop -Aionus -Crooligans -Anna Lovelace
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