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Everything posted by Thottbot

  1. so theeye like a summonable health potion / engagement lockup? seems pretty neat
  2. you are right, unless it states in the upgrade that you ignore normal upgrade limitations then you still have to use up a space for the zero cost upgrades. Also models cannot equip upgrades with the same name, otherwise you'd see Howard's flying over the board with 2 imbued energies, or ironsides having all three imbued to go 20 inches then charge something.
  3. tag a mod i guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also i have noticed that all arcanists masters have 3-4 cache, maybe for the lore reason that they have alot of soulstones in their faction? more than the others?
  4. if i then get Anna, which models should i go for with her summon? (just incase i do get the summon trigger) should i be the mindless zombies or the Seishin ghosts?
  5. speaking of Anna, what summons would you recommend with her? the mindless zombies or the seishin ghosts? as a non resser
  6. following that logic, why does it need to say single, it's redundant then. because "take three actions against target" would do the same thing.
  7. i always believed when you flurry you only designate that you will focus on one person, then when you make the first attack against a target, you THEN get locked into only attacking that person. because of the wording "this models may take 3 MI actions against a single target" since it says single target and not just "this model may take 3 MI actions against target"
  8. Flip > cheat > Check TN doesnt matter if you are below or above TN, it's irrevant until after you both had the opportunity to cheat.
  9. What about this one, you replace howard with a gunsmith (who hits amazing well) and get some upgrades. you can also throw on a imbue energies on Joss if you dont think you need 7ss cache. The powered by flame will really help in 35ss matches because the spiders suddenly do 1 extra damage as long as the target is within 8 from Joss while also giving gunsmith on their attack flip which means you can basically focus your hand on keeping models alive instead of cheating so you don't miss. Ramos (7ss cache) (Arcane reservoir / Combat Mechanic) 2ss (Field Generator) 2ss Joss 10ss (Powered by Flame) 2ss Gunsmith 7ss Mobile Toolkit 3ss
  10. i'd recommend to switch out either howard or joss for two or three smaller models, they're expensive as hell when you are playing a 35ss match, might be better off with burning aura on joss and one gunsmith and something else? just food for thought.
  11. +1, this is what i would do. the more models the more worth the auras is, but with only effectively two targets + spiders i wouldn't recommend it, also because all are melee so ramos has to be too close to comfort for some masters whom really LOVE swallowing models whole. (bury guild crew, misakis killer crew)
  12. what is her strengths and weaknesses would you say?
  13. might even be worth in some of my arcanist crews i've been planning, the master sure would love that, effectivelly a 9 SS model, because arcane reservoir is almost always taken in my crews
  14. i was already thinking of getting hannah but now i SURELY see the appeal, next time i go mini shopping im getting a hannah
  15. oh my bad, i didnt look at the trigger, i also thought she borrowed a action and still had to use an AP for the action, just re-read it and realized you only use the (0) AP ability even if you target a (1) AP ability
  16. Hannah cannot take (0) actions, remember that you already used a (0) action when borrowing a ability/action, but it also needs to a (1) cost
  17. I have been thinking a bit about Marlena who is marlena? i've been looking through the books and i can't find her
  18. i had a game where the enemy ice golem hit my master, i managed to give it minus 3 flips, and it casually got a red joker on the 9/10/12 damage flip and instakilled a master
  19. she was unchanged in the last beta document, i checked (i still have it until i can change it to the digital book)
  20. @Kimberly @Kaido you guys know what happened with the fate deck? there is a store that sell pre-orders but i dont wanna preorder if neither they not i know when they are getting released
  21. i see, killjoy it is then Trying to make a Von Schill crew slightly because im curious about him, but mainly to have demo with, since he's very straight forward with little wall of text
  22. what would you say is the easier model to understand (from a newbies perspective) Anna or Killjoy?
  23. remember that the new steam outfitters can place scrap markers, so they might have a spot in a Ice Golem spam
  24. there is a gatling gun hiding in there
  25. (MI 4 / Rst: Df / Rg: ): deal 2/3/4 Trigger effect You can still get the trigger if you flip a tome or stone for it, but the built-in tome is gone. so it's not automatic trigger anymore So you are correct, side note also, if there was something that removes ALL triggers it would be incredibly powerful, i know a gremlin has a bubble like that and it's NASTY. but the model is also weaker to balance out the power of the aura. My reasoning for the built-in suits to be removed and not triggers is because it says STATS and not actions. albeit no matter if it was triggers or built-in suits it's written very wierdly.
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