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Everything posted by Corwin

  1. If you have a model with flight next to a hight 3, 4 inch wide building would they need a 4 inch walk or a 7 inch walk to get to the other side?
  2. When I demoed the game to my wife she was playing Zoraida and managed to pull that trick off.
  3. I played my 2nd game of Pandora with woe is me vs Homman and did extremely well. I had Crew Name: Pandora crew 1 50ss Leader: Pandora - Cache:(3) On Wings of Darkness 1ss Woe is Me 2ss Fears Given Form 1ss Primordial Magic 2ss Candy 9ss Depression 1ss A Thousand Faces 1ss Widow Weaver 8ss Doppleganger 7ss A Thousand Faces 1ss Insidious Madness 5ss Sorrow 5ss He had Ryle, Howard, metal gaming, hunter, watcher, and a warden. He was close together the Hoff bubble making him easy to get most of his crew in my auras. Power loop being a condition made summoning more sorrows a sinch. Bottom of 2 I double walked the madness in the middle of his crew having everyone but the watcher and the warden in his discard to cheat aura. Top of 3 i cheat initiative with the doppelganger Pandora makes a sorrow incites for the push to get in the midde of everyone and inflicts twice wiping out his hand, killing the hunter leaving Hoffman with one wound in Candy's FGF (from 1000 faces) to die on activation. He called it there.
  4. I've never posted from my pocket before lol.
  5. I have a similar list I want to try 50 SS Neverborn Crew Dreamer + 4 Pool - Restless Dreams (1) Daydream (2) Teddy (11) - Retribution's Eye (1) Teddy (11) - A Thousand Faces (1) Teddy (11) - A Thousand Faces (1) Baby Kade (7) Will O' The Wisp (3) (exported from CrewFaux) With the dreamer you can make more daydreams for more pushes and with the upgrades send in the one with Ret Eye first and the other 2 can take it when it is killed, or uses it to deny trigges.
  6. I did mean Nobody Likes Me, that's what i get for posting with out my cards.
  7. The interaction I'm unsure about with that match up is Tara's reactivate with Mood swings from Depression. How I figured it would go is the model with Mood swings would go last like normal then Tara gets reactivate and gets to go. Is that how it would work?
  8. With Collodi you can have the Arcane Effigy.
  9. How come no one complains about Mr. Graves being ht 3
  10. The FAQ also says that actions that they copy do not efect their engagement range for disengaging strikes or shooting into combat etc...
  11. I like to bring chompy dreamer vs a new player, with a nightmare crew. Teddy is good, they get to see how mean a model can be then promptly kill it and feel good about it. He shows of conditions and some of the tricky things you can do in the game, like change your master onto a monster. I also suck with the dreamer so I think that helps make the experience enjoyable.
  12. Lilith is the only NB master I have never played so I know nothing about her upgrades but I would drop 1 of the 1000 faces for a couple of upgrades on her. In that case I think I would put the 1000 faces on the mature.
  13. I think Obsidian Talons would be great on Angel Eyes, 1000 faces of two people, the mature and kill joy maybe.
  14. I have had thoughts of a very similar crew but instead of Barbaros going with Angel Eyes so she can shoot who ever the beaters have tied up and don't quite kill.
  15. Corwin

    The Big 3?

    I like the beconer and illuminated with Collodi as well as Lucius. (I really suck with Lynch). Lure with a + from Collodi is great. Pandora is my go to murder girl though sometimes paralyzing can be more effective. If you go with Zoraida and Pandora one model you should pick up is Iggy. It's great throwing a bunch of burning on the doll and it's target for double damage. No mater who you pick it's a fun faction with creepy monsters and things that look like children but are not.
  16. I read all the new Neverborn and Guild posts, (that's what I play) so I decided to take a look over at some other faction boards and found this topic. I have only had one game vs Reva so far and thought I would add my two cents. It was playing against one of the best local guys at the store I play at, wins if not places at all the tournaments he plays at there. This is from memory from last month or so, so I might remember a few things wrong. He brought the emmisary, Vincent, 2-3 shield-bearers, dead Doxie and rotten belle. I took Collodi - Fated - Threads of Fate- Strum the Threads, Primordial Magic, Vasilisa- A Friends To Talk To, Teddy - A Thousand Faces, Coryphee, Performer, Carrion Effigy, Mannequin. I lost 6-3. The game was Deployment: Close Strategy: Head Hunter Schemes: Claim jump, Dig their graves, Leave your mark, Hunting party, Hidden trap. I knew about her reach from Corpse markers so giving most of my crew the 0 from the effigy to eat them to heal shut that down fairly well. I was able to kill the mindless zombies and corpse candles easy and eat their markers too. Reva was not able to do the crazy kill everything I read in this thread because of it. Fated Collodi with the Carion effigy is my go to vs rezzer and it shut her tricks down fairly well. I would have no problem facing her again I don't think she is OP. That was my experience on my one game vs her.
  17. Ah crap your right, she started with thousand faces faces with plans on switching to fear given form, switched to ret eye. I should have known better, during the game i forgot that restriction.
  18. I started playing Lucius early fall last year and played him with very limited luck. There were a couple schemes he did well at but for the most part if you lost your minions you pritty much had no master either. Then came the new Lucius card came out and he jumped to be one of my top masters. I tend to go with a heavy mimic list Mr. Graves and the dopple with a + on attacks is a wonderful sight to see. Guild Intelligence as a 0, that can effect more then just minions works great with Malifaux Provides. I have also got good use out of switching him out with someone in trouble to throw Red Tape on some one, best was on a peacekeeper who failed to connect with Lucius two turns in a row to have him swap with Candy with Retribution Eye.
  19. I am extremely happy with how the Waldgeist did, his 4 inch engagement with perfect camouflage had him stay around he even managed to slow Frank turn 4 so t5 he could take accusation off easy then he got initiative so it did not matter. As tough as they are I think the illuminated would have melted a lot faster
  20. I played this last night lost 8-6. It was a very close game tied until turn 5. His crew was not what I expected. He had 50 SS Guild Crew Perdita Ortega + 4 Pool Two upgrades anti cover one and something else. Enslaved Nephilim (3) Francisco Ortega (8) - Wade In (1) Executioner (9) - ready to work Papa Loco (7) Guild Austringer (6) Pistolero De Latigo (5) Guild Hound (3) Guild Hound (3) Guild Hound (3) Using crewfaux I realise he cheated a couple stones but oh well. On the way there I tossed between a slurid or the dople and went with the slurid. I took a quick murder and accusation he took quick murder and dig their graves. Last activation of turn one Collodi half killed his executioner having him half kill the pistolero in prosses with the trigger. Won initiative went with Collodi first finishing the executioner of. His first went with Perdita stoning each shot to get around music's blessing (this is where the extra stones he took would have changed the game) and took it out with her 3 shoots, with the help of papa's Dynamite. Turn 3 with Collodi i walked up hit papa did 3 and got the trigger and made him drop some dynamite killing him and two of the hounds then accused his austringer not realising it didn't have an melee either. He didn't realise neither did Collodi until my Waldgeist could move up and engage it, but it has a push to get away and got rid of it. My slurid moved in his quarter to engage his pistolero and the hounds claiming that one but the pistolero escaped cheating a 13 claiming that quarter back. End of turn both get another for interference making it 5-5. Top of 4 my slurid leaped then accusing the pistolero and the hound. The pistolero hurt but failed to lol the slurid, then the hound red jokered on damaged taking it out and reclaiming that quarter. Francisco did his little place then push thing getting Perdita unengaged with my tree denying me that quarter. End of 4 he got interference I got accusation 6-6. Turn 5 all I have left is a Marionette hiding in one quarter claiming it, my Waldgeist and Effigy on either side of Frank. He gets initiative for the first time with a 13 vs my 1 starting with Frank killing my Waldgeist for dig their graves and leaving me out of range to accuse anything. He also got his last point for interference ending 8-6. The two deciding parts were hound RJing my slurid and winning initiative so I couldn't accuse Frank.
  21. He was there for the cover that stitched dose easier, looking at the card again I was mixing up his 0 with the shadow's 0. Also taking Breath life for Collodi's last upgrade so he can heal things up past hard to kill.
  22. Spawn droped, is the mysterious enough of a beater or should I try to fit something else in as will. Would you drop the hodgepodge for a stitched?
  23. I have a game coming up that is the last game in a fixed master league. I always struggle with table quarters and with Perdita. Every game I have seen him play has Perdita, Francisco, Papa loco, and a peacekeeper. Fill the rest with various others. So far what I was planning on bringing 50 SS Neverborn Crew Collodi + 7 Pool - Bag of Props (1) - On Wings Of Darkness (1) Marionette (3) Marionette (3) Marionette (3) Marionette (3) Spawn Mother (9) - Hexed Among You (1) - The Mimic's Blessing (1) Silurid (7) Waldgeist (6) Hodgepodge Effigy (4) Brutal Effigy (4) (exported from CrewFaux) The game will be corner deployment Strategy- interference Schemes- Claim Jump, Dig Their Graves, Accusation, A Quick Murder, Last Stand I was going to try for claim jump and accusation unless Nino is around then it will have to be a Quick murder. I realize I will be just about giving last stand away but I'm not sure that can be helped. Any advice out there for this game would be appreciated
  24. Thanks for the clarification, I knew it was too good to be true I just didn't know why it wasn't.
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