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Ergonomic Cat

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Everything posted by Ergonomic Cat

  1. I just did Gupps as my scheme runners. Between the fact that they could score Claim Jump on their own and the worry that my opponent would also take Accused they seemed like the best choice for scheme runners. I took Pandora, Thorn, Lilitu, Claw, Widow Weaver a couple Gupps and a Waldgeist. Not very thematic, but had a lot of area denial, covered a lot of space, everything could reasonably defend itself, and WW gave a bit more paralyze.
  2. Pandora is amazing for scoring Accusation. Put Incite on something after it's activated. Next turn, Accuse two models. When the first tries to go, pull the incite trigger. Paralyze the one that's still accused. Profit. Alternatively, Pandora goes first, paralyzes two models and incites a third. Accuse them both with a Gupps. Whichever one you don't pull Accuse off, paralyze it again. I really liked her in Interference/Accusation/Claim Jump. She can push around to help with interference, she can auto score accusation, and she can freeze areas of the board so your claims are safe.
  3. For science! Because it would be really hilarious if Lucius unlocks the grow list.
  4. Episode 13 is out! We talk about common crews, interesting bits, things to fear, and take over the world!
  5. So it is. I read it as optional. Well ignore that part.
  6. What is it? It's a league! A league to determine the inherent superiority of Wisconsin vs Minnesota Malifaux players! How's it work? Glad you asked! Any games played as part of the League can be recorded, but they only count if it's a Minnesota player vs a Wisconsin player. If it is, record which state's player won, and let me know! I'll be tracking the results in Logfaux. Where can I play? ANYWHERE YOU WANT! We'll be playing League games at River City Hobbies, in La Crosse WI on Thursdays, and at Jimmy Jam's in Winona MN on (probably) Tuesdays. But any games between players from the relevant states are welcome! When does it run? 2/27/17 to 5/7/17! HOW AWESOME IS IT?! Pretty awesome, assuming WI wins.
  7. I have been wanting to play that list (possibly swapping Barbaros for something else like Lazarus) - I'm glad to see that you murdered them with it. I feel like the super elite NB crew is definitely something that would be fun to play.
  8. Yeah, this very much goes in that "Write this down - it might be useful someday, and it's just cool" file.
  9. This is why I was excited to see it move up to suited. Nekima, Huggy, the Mature and Bad Juju (Usually with Eternal Fiend) are some of my favorite FFM targets. If it's in the pool, even if I don't take it, unless my opponent has a good way of killing a model out of activation or paralyzing I'm just going to throw my biggest threat directly at them a lot of the time. They're faced with the choices 1. scattering their crew to minimize the number of models that can be affected 2. Biting the bullet and dedicating turns 1 (1-2 ideally) dealing with the threat, and getting me 2-3 points or 3. Just dying. It can be even funnier if I didn't even take FFM. Or put it somewhere else. I think you can't help but assume that the Nekima who is completely overextended is the target. If you want to go super mind games, put FFM on someone else. Once they bite the bullet and kill Nekima, then say "That's two points for you then?" you say "Nope." And then they start to figure which of the other 4 schemes you took. Then they smack the Doppleganger and you say "Ok, that's 3."
  10. It's one 'cast before lucky 13, and 2 after round number 10! We break down factions and talk about our favorite models/strongest models/sleeper models/models we have thoughts about that we thought about too soon and before erratas and faqs came out! We make fun of Alex! We...Uh...stuff! We welcome feedback, mocking shouts, cash donations and anything else!
  11. I never actually got around to playing fifth edition, but that seems like a really good idea. Every extra flip is another set of dice, if it's a negative flip you choose the lowest result if it's a positive flip you choose the highest. You're still losing out on suits, so you'll have to figure out something about triggers. But it does a reasonable job of representing flipping multiple cards
  12. I'm assuming that their issue is not literally with the fact that they have to have rectangular pieces of paper in their hands as opposed to square pieces of plastic. I'm assuming that their issue is if they don't like the idea of fliping cards from a deck because they want the probability distribution of dice and the ability to repeat numbers, rather than having them only happen once every 54 cards. And and also, probably, because they're familiar with dice and how they roll and cards are somehow mysterious to them. If you wanted to do a quick and dirty solution, you could really just replace every positive flip with something like plus three to the role and every negative flip with -3 to the roll. It wouldn't be an accurate representation of what we're trying to get across in malifaux, because then you could never have a great success on a double negative, but it would be a fast way to make things work. Dissimulate the control hand, you probably have to grab some fate Dice, and have them roll some number of Fate dice every time they would normally draw cards. Then they can distribute those pluses and minuses to their results as they want, and only get to reroll all of the dice at times when they would normally be able to shuffle and redraw. And then basically just disregard anything else that has to do with card manipulation that's not relevant.
  13. But yes, you will feel over-terrained in Malifaux if you come from WMH and Guild Ball. WAAAAY over-terrained. That's a correct feeling.
  14. It's part of the reason Lilith is super flexible.
  15. This is really the best advice. Cards are the key component to the TTB system. You can't really extract it. But TTB is not core to Malifaux. You could easily pick up GURPs and create powers. It would be easier than trying to rejigger the game to use dice.
  16. *TENTS HANDS* Yes! Yes! This is what I want to do. Perfect!
  17. Yeah, I know. I'm gonna give it a few tests when the right pools come up (maybe I can get lucky and hit a close deployment) and see, though. Maybe it's great!
  18. Nothing - other way around. Lelu gives both himself and Lilitu pounce, and then the Knights lure (Especially Thorn, who can also push on her attacks) and trigger a demonload of pounces. Possibly using Lilitu's 18" range first, to get something within 8" if necessary. It's gimmicky, but I love it.
  19. *sigh* Now I'm back to considering Lucius as someone to play. Hopefully I can dig him out of the penalty box. I'm currently fascinated by a 2 Knights and the Twins package. Probably Thorn, for her push (triggering even more pounces) and Tooth, for -flips vs +flips. Lucius could do pleasant things for them.
  20. I knew I was missing a couple great minions! Honestly, I'm still stuck on the Autumn Knights for him too.
  21. My understanding of NBLuc is that 2 Illuminated are almost mandatory. Because honestly, the list you are playing is basically a Guild Lucius list, with you even acknowledging that the Mature can be replaced with a Guild-available model. And what self-respecting Neverborn player wants to be associated with the Guild (my Sonnia crew not withstanding)?! I think to truly be the NBLuc master, you've gotta play things that aren't available to GuiLuc (tm). Illuminated. Beckoner. Changelings. Wicked Dolls. Etc.
  22. I find that I enjoy theory-crafting with Titania far more than any other master so far. Queen's Champion is the biggest thing that's eluding me - it just feels like such a trap, in that it has very specific conditions. I worry that it forces too much on the crew to make sure it gets on the right model, in a similar vein to a grow list - that you'll spend too much time trying to get the right model in the right place and getting the kill, so that you can, on subsequent turns (somewhere between 2 and 3 of them, most likely) be awesome. So I started considering ways to minimize that issue, and began to put together this framework - it would be good for schemes and strats that are focused on either killing or area control - it's intended to be a crew that makes things dead, and, as an outgrowth makes certain areas of the board #Ours. The easiest way to minimize the enforced restrictions seems to be have a crew that is basically all valid targets. Titania (2ss) +Queen's Champion Lazarus (11ss) Mature Neph/Teddy (12ss) +1k Faces (probably for FgF) Mr. Graves (9ss) +1k Faces (probably for Malifaux Provides) An Autumn Knight/Lilitu/Beckoner for Lures (7ss) It's 41 points, so add a small critter or two, or more upgrades, or a bigger cache, or upgrade the melee beater to Nekima. You're losing activation control pretty severely, but that's inherent in an elite crew. First turn is generally moving your Lure up and either pulling Lazarus or the melee beater up or pulling a good target in and using Graves to push the killer best suited in to range for a shot or a charge. Ideally one of the two can get a kill that turn, giving you 4 turns of Queen's Champion on them. I'm imagining Lazarus starts it off, and either succeeds in the kill, getting QC, or weakening something enough that the melee beater finishes it off. Alternatively, Graves can go in Turn 2 and either throw a target back or, if he gets lucky, make a kill. Graves isn't a terrible QC target, because he'll be tough, and can use Malifaux Provides to heal up. Then whoever has the upgrade can go on a murder spree (ideally targeting ranged or support) while the rest of the crew picks an area of the board (ideally the one the scores VP) and gives the traditional kung-fu movie "come at me" gesture. Small critters run schemes or remove markers as needed. It's not a traditional Malifaux style, but I'm curious how it would play out. I feel like it goes well with a number of GG2017 strats and schemes - Extraction, Headhunter and Collect the Bounty are all reasonably easy with this cew. Eliminate the Leadership, Dig Their Graves (with Titania providing markers), Frame for Murder, Show of Force, Hunting Party, Search the Ruins, A Quick Murder and Last Stand all seem highly doable.
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