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Everything posted by ShinChan

  1. Ride with me turn one if you have the chance or some other movement shenanigan. Otherwise yes, double Mv turn one and hopefully he'll only have to spend 1 more action walking. But you still have to move him lol
  2. The coolest Slop Hauler ever!
  3. What about some Moon Shinobi? Thanks to Stealth you'll force your enemy to get close. You have some chances of deliver Stunned, which is pretty good against Amalgam. Also if you pay for the upgrade "Two Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit" they can't be the target of a charge action and you get an interesting shooting action that you can easily convert into a shooting while you're engaging them with other model.
  4. Since some of my models are in the painting process, my two crews with more painted models are Kin and WizzBang. Ophelia is great in everything but Idols, due to the lack of healing. It's difficult for me to fit every Kin model I want so I usually alternate between 2 lists: FEF (Full Enforcer Force): The top of the notch of the Kin family. Ophelia, François, Raphael, Rami, Merris and even Pere if I'm facing bubble crews. I usually bring 1 healer if I manage to get the points for them (Bokor, but it also can be a Lightning Bug or Ross Jebsen if Gracie is coming). Gracie is a good choice to add some extra mobility and Gluttony if I'm facing heavy marker crews. CAB (Cousins Are Back): Ophelia, François, Raphael, Sammy and 2-3 LaCroix Riders and a healer (Bokor or Ross Jebsen). Lot's of card draw thanks to Sammy and the LaCroix Riders, as long as you manage to keep them alive. I've found that the effigy could be decent small addition if you plan to play in a small bubble.
  5. My only problem is usually the Pale Rider, due to his shooting attack he can stay out of trouble and still be useful to his crew, while getting ready for turns 3-4-5. Your strategy is going to rely on the Master you're playing. BBB is really good against them and usually is worth to pay the tax with him. For anything else, Twelve Cups of Coffee (and it's 4" aura to prevent free actions).
  6. I think that saying that a crew lacks of healing in Outcast is bull****. We have the Emissary, which also bring a nice tricks with the Student in Conflict in order to give fast to people. Edit: sorry for unintentional double post
  7. DM (do not confuse with Death Marshals) are plain bad. You're basically taken them to have a some extra ranged support, but: They're slower than the rest of the crew. Df4, Wp4, 4 wounds and only disguised as defensive technology, so they die to almost anything (specially shooting). Their melee attack is bad, and the shooting isn't much better. They have rapid fire yes, but in a crew that doesn't have much card draw.
  8. I think right now there are 3 playstyles and none is fully complete. We really need some extra models within rhe keyword to give it consistency. The corpse game The shielded game The fire/pyre marker game Even tho, they're related between them, Reva doesn't get to fully compete in any of them. It's a fun crew to play, don't get me wrong, but it looks like its focus is quite divided.
  9. I agree that the rules must back us up, but the game is not simple. Even chess is not simple and you play in a determine scenario and with the same list. For me, it's about making TFG realize that if he keeps playing like that, better start playing alone, because nobody else will play with/against him.
  10. I think that's the key. If I face "that F guy" and he does something like this, I'll pick up my miniatures, concede and wait for my next game. It wouldn't be the first time I do it, even during a tournament that I've traveled and paid in order to participate. If someone wants to behave like that when playing with tiny plastic toys, it's not a game that I'm going to enjoy, so I'll pass. I play to have a good time (and I'm really competitive), but I don't tolerate the lack of sportsmanship and well behave, specially in one of my favorite hobbies.
  11. Any news about the reprint of the book and the cards? I'm still waiting (since preorder in early June) for both. My LGS didn't receive (not even close) enough stock due to the distributor just sending everything to another bigger store in a another province.
  12. Perdita has an ability that allows her to do that action. Reached this point, everyone will keep playing at their own way, so makes no sense to keep supporting one way of the other until there is a FAQ. In my case, I'll go through the option that interferes the less with all the other rules and does not create weird situations/interactions.
  13. I think that this is the most clear way to explain it. Perdita (or any model with Gunfighter) is doing a 1" attack with Stat X and that goes against Df/Wp/Sz/Mv. The model that is being targeted only gets that information.
  14. Mechanical Porkchop + 1-2 beaters + Sammy. You move them together like a wrecking ball (Thanks Miley), they will have concealment, they're going to provide you some nice cards and they hit really well.
  15. Hi Wyrdos! I'll be organizing an escalation league, especially designed for beginners. Here you have some details: When? We'll start Friday 18th of October, but inscriptions will stay open for the first 4 weeks. Where? In Montréal area (Longueil and Laval), at the Zakeda store (https://goo.gl/maps/1VMY72BGxNK2) and BD Cosmos (https://goo.gl/maps/sX7KbnNgSGbcry7X7) How? Following the document you can find in the facebook post. If you have any doubts, please send me a message here or in FB. Why? Because we wanna have fun and play together Link to the facebook group that contains all the information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/167201523630429/
  16. I prefer the desolation engine with SoDP. Terrifying 13 it's already serious business.
  17. Why are you going to pay extra when you have a versatile model to do so? Bone Piles! They even have a shooting attack with 10" range and Stat 6.
  18. IMHO, he's really good. Delivers a lot of poison, has a pseudo-obey and more important, he's the only one (as far as I know) that brings some card draw.
  19. Sammy with 3 Lacroix raiders within 6" means that you draw 3 cards when you use their free action. It's the main card draw source, and there are some nice combos with her. Also, brings a lot of utility by herself (burying people, remove enemy scheme markers at 8", delivers a lot of Injured).
  20. 100% agree with this. She's good, but too squishy, she really relays on Manipulative to survive. Lacking a action is also bad, and I like your solution with Nimble (or just make "Now Kiss" a free action). She's a support model, that can really screw an enemy beater, removing completely the focus and putting distracted on it. Also, the anti-card draw is really good against some crews. The one that I found more situational is Greed, since her aura is easily avoidable. Sloth is also too slow, unless you bring some "taxi" options.
  21. I think they're fine. Any Neverborn player can have a permanent +2 (and 10 extra cards) for a game, and people still consider the upgrade subpar.
  22. And he is too way overcosted. 10ss,no damage output, no resilience. If you do that, cost him properly at 8ss.
  23. Killer Instinct will help you a lot to bring those Lampads back into position after using their Demise ability. Also, with Asura (which means a lot of MZ/Corpses), they will provide you some extra SS by either removing the corpse markers of directly the MZ, which will also trigger the "Final Veil".
  24. I really like the Emissary with Leveticus. It brings a lot of healing and extra movement. Ashes and Dust Moving 19" in the first turn in awesome
  25. It was already stated that there was a huge shortage of all the printed material, so it will be available by the end of the month (most likely in October tho).
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