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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Horomatangi is Godzilla so he almost eeked out a win.
  2. The Frenzy. I love sharks, so having a commander that's a group of 3 land sharks just felt tailor made to me. The fact that they seem to act like a group of vicious predators, repeatedly attacking and throing prey between themselves is a huge bonus.
  3. I'd honestly go with 2-3 to start and see how it goes. Worst comes to worst you also make up a couple of 40mm tokens to represent them and figure out your ideal number. Karkinoi look pretty handy in a fight, so it's unlikely you're going to want them sitting there just laying eggs.
  4. If they're going the route of alternate Nephilim sculpts I'd much rather alternate Young and Mature than just more Tots. Tots posing is generic enough that repeated sculpts, coupled with their smaller size, aren't as noticeable. But one of the Young is in a very unique pose, and the Mature is large enough that having a repeated model on the table is noticeable. Even make it fun and make a female Young and/or Mature. Not sure though how you'd make a box with multiple 50mm and 40mm based models work with costings though.
  5. There's absolutely still a large part of the gaming community that doesn't like electronic devices intruding on their hobby time. Those people see hobby time as a way to escape their normal day which tends to be filled with these devices. I don't see physical rulebooks, unit cards, and other physical means of accessing rules going away for a long time. However, solkan had it right that these things can absolutely coexist. In a recent Infinity league, we had people using the physical books and hand written army lists, people using the (honestly pretty awful) official mobile army builder and people using third party army builders. If the official army builder was better, those using third party apps probably would have used it. There was no conflict between the two types of gamers, and each looked up rules and stats in their own way. The same goes for crewfaux. I see people that use it to make a list quickly and then hunt for the cards, and people that just go and hunt through their cards and hash out their list entirely with them. I think where an official app could be beneficial is, even if it cost money, having the cards in the app itself. That way people using the app wouldn't have to hunt through their cards. It wouldn't detract from those using cards, it would just be another way of building your list and tracking the game.
  6. Even still, you could run a GG tournament and silently allow proxies. I don't know many TO's that strictly play by the book on proxies and conversions in small local tournaments. The usual line is 'is it going to be confusing? If no then it's okay', and have their own personal rules on it. If you're proxying, say, a Hungering Darkness with something that looks unique and hungry and darknessy, it's your only proxy, and so it's obviously not swapping units to represent between matches, most local TO's are likely going to allow it. If you're at something like the UK Nationals or Cancon (a very large Australian tournament), or if you're trying to proxy an entire crew, you can probably forget about it.
  7. Cult seems to be winning me over. Not to the point of dropping Hordes, but to the point of considering upping to dual commander. At the pledge manager stage I was planning on adding Horomatangi and two units for Hordes, which will simply change to Horomatangi and a unit for each.
  8. Also Lazarus has a rotary grenade launcher, so it's existing tech already.
  9. My biggest issue with them is that we don't get a cool infantry sized Champion. Kings Hand get a steam car machine gun, Cult get a cool looking insane mage, Abyssinia get a rail gunner, and we get a pile of eggs that give reinforcement tokens and/or glory when eaten.
  10. They had some great art on those old decks. So glad the 12 of Crows resulted in Amelia Bathorys. Love that art and mini. I bought it off someone who got it at Black Friday even though I don't collect Ressurs. I wish they used the original Titania miniature, directly based on that art, as a more widely used alt. Releasing only 2 of them as prizes is really disappointing. It had more of an 'evil pixie' look that I think fit the Fae better.
  11. This is something you won't appreciate until it happens. I played a Lucius player who cheated every Terrifying test he failed. Halfway through the turn, before he even activated Lucius his hand was gone. He obviously had a really good hand to cheat that much, but when it counted it was gone.
  12. Gibbering Hordes - Horomatangi. You're already getting good variety in the squads, Horomatangi gives yo a dead hard and hard hitting third commander who is also a second Titan. Also he's Godzilla. That counts for a lot.
  13. Yeah, my only question is what I'm going to add at the pledge manager. I'm still completely sold on Gibbering Hordes, but giving us Godzilla as an optional buy is super tempting. I'm still set on just getting the Commander level pledge, since I can't afford more before the kickstarter ends. But at the pledge manager I'm considering adding Horomatangi (an extra commander option feels like a good add on), the Devouring Eel (because it just looks great) and either Yarazi, Barbed Skulkers or Spotted Crawlers. Just not sure which.
  14. To be fair, there's not many more feeebies. They moved the free squad earlier in the rewards and added 2 more single model Adjuncts and 1 more single model small Champion. I don't think that's going to break the bank for Wyrd. The biggest impact was adding all of the squads. That's why we saw a big jump without many new backers, people being able to add funds for the stuff they wanted that wasn't unlocked yet.
  15. To be fair, it's been about an hour and a half.
  16. The way I read it, the kickstarter was structured to fund the masters and production testing of the units, not the free models. Every 50k or so a new pair of units were funded, which would pay for printing the masters, doing test cuts, casts and assemblies to get them right before a major production run. Now Wyrd are taking that cost on themselves by throwing them all in as add ons and the stretch goals seem to be more for just funding the overall effort. 500k is likely still there to fund that effort, but Wyrd has reallocated those resources to paying for that development and testing themselves in case it doesn't reach the goal. So it seems that the projects were were more likely delayed, rather than cancelled. If the kickstarter hits 500k, then they've got the funding they were originally going for, minus a few more free models. In which case the resources they were going to reallocate wouldn't need to be reallocated. If it doesn't hit 500k, then those projects would stay delayed until they pay for the development and testing that they're out of pocket for.
  17. The cancelled projects could be anything. They could be expansions to Jetpack Unicorn or Evil baby orphanage, they could be Twised Alternate sets, they could be a new board game. Basically, there's every chance the cancelled project might not have appealed to you either. So there's no reason to get sad about missing out on something if you never knew what it was anyway.
  18. I like Pull My Finger to give me a brief rundown of something, but I never use it to inform my decisions. The best things about Malifaux is it's very well balanced. People might say something is terrible but you make it work. If that's the case, just keep making it work and ignore the people telling you you're doing it wrong. Pandora has serious competition for her upgrades, but that doesn't mean you have to just run what the internet says is the best.
  19. I'd grab the Generalist Upgrade Deck 2, for Montressors free upgrade. Also Montressors new card off Wargamevault, or just make sure you use his errata'd rules. The crew box isn't 50ss, so you'll want new models anyway. Crooken Men, The Drowned, Dead Outlaws (I think they're out?), The Hanged, Jakuuna Ubume and the Crossroads Seven are all Tormented and good with him, so just pick what you want to go with. Some other models you might want are Hannah, Sue and Johan.
  20. I like that you've incorporated the cards in it. It's one of the things I feel very lacking from the Malifaux module, but obviously that's not going to happen as Malifaux cards are not free.
  21. @Aaron regarding The Carver as a Killjoy proxy, and chance of getting a Killjoy card with The Carvers name and image with a 'this model counts as' note?
  22. Sometimes there really are legitimate reasons for things to be 'Cuddled'. The rat engine was designed around Hamelin, with his powerlevel and playstyle in mind. Then people figured out that 8 additional activations in a Levi crew with a few heavy hitters like Ashes and Dust meant they could spend the opponents whole turn doing essentially nothing, then strike without retaliation with massive damage dealers. Errata's are needed because sometimes things just get by the designers and testers. The Rat engine seemingly was one that got by because of the lack of availability of models, or at least it started getting popular when the plastics came out. Saying 'well people should stop whining and play better' is fairly insulting because there's things in the game, like the Rat engine under someone like Levi, that are pure Negative Play Experiences. They are just not fun to play against because there's not a whole lot you can do to stop it. If there were ways around them that simply boiled down to playing differently, you'd see much less complaining as people did just that, play differently.
  23. Yeah, my other game is Infinity, and while I enjoy the end result of a painted Infinity model, I never really enjoy the process of painting it. Some models I do, but overall it's a real slog painting them. Whenever I sit down and paint a Malifaux model, I really enjoy the process of painting it as well as the end result. The models just have so much character that it's a lot of fun bringing them to life.
  24. These are the ones I'm interested in as there's no way to 'buy' them.
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