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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. I've only played Nino once, and it was in the first game I played Perdita's crew. He was effective, but it wasn't anything awe inspiring. The one thing he helped most with was with using the Enslaved Nephilim's "Shackled" ability, helping me push Perdita and other members out further up the board. I also played Perdita very passively too, keeping her further back with "Finger on the Trigger" activated. For me, Nino was there to pick off models that Perdita had wounded but couldn't get the last wound to kill it off. Now that I've been playing Perdita more aggressively, I've found that I'm using Nino less and less. Of course that isn't to say he isn't without his uses, but like everyone has said, he's situationally great.
  2. I doubt it would influence them to a point where it becomes drastic. Considering it takes 2 AP, and only range 6", I think at that point, you're better off trying to hit him with the Yari instead. Unless you think forcing him to drop cards is more important than dealing 3 damage to him, you're probably going to find yourself attacking with the Yari more.
  3. Having Langston reactivated alone won't make up for what Mei Feng can do though. Sure, he dishes out a lot of damage, but in return, he's not exactly the most resilient model either, especially if it's against Mei Feng. Speaking from experience, I know Kang could make short work of him alone. With the "Hard Worker" upgrade, there aren't many constructs or undead models that will last long against him. That's what Rewire is for, any 10 to get one Reactivate. True, however part of the problem with the BA is the positioning required for him. It usually means he's got to sit around for a turn or two to reactivate someone, and you're not always afforded the luxury of being able to sit still with your models. It's situationally helpful, I'll give it that, but I'd be tempted to try the Essence of Power with Ramos once too.
  4. I actually had this same problem too. The card out of the Wave 2 arsenal deck is a lot better though. Do you have one from that deck to compare?
  5. Do you still have any of the original sprues left? Because you might be able to contact Wyrd and let them know what happened with it. They're pretty good at replacing lost models provided you can show them the adequate info they need. I'd give that a try before trying to proxy a model for her. Good luck!
  6. That's the risk any crew would run with more expensive models though, but with Perdita, that's just as much a strength for them, especially since just about all of them can "Companion". Granted, it's largely situational, but if set up properly, companion'ing between her and Francisco in melee combat could be what you'd need just to take out a priority target.
  7. Only problem I can foresee with this tactic is that it's an opposed duel, while when doing it for Lady J and taxi'ing her around is a lot easier since she can relent. Still very viable though, I'm sure. Just depends on who you're going after.
  8. Lust's "Looking for a Soul to Steal" has a pretty good range at 6". I find that this is most helpful in Turf War, since it's likely there'll be models within range. Her "Now Kiss" attack also isn't limited to once per turn either, unlike most of the other Crossroads members, so you're able to use it multiple times, even on the same model if you wanted.
  9. Yeah, Guild in particular doesn't have great general upgrades. Most of the Masters rely more on their individual ones, especially with Perdita. She has a couple of auto-includes, with 1 slot to spare depending on who you're facing, and if you take Francisco, "Wade In" is pretty good. Santiago with "Hair Trigger" is pretty good too, but beyond that, most of the Ortega upgrades are very situational. If anything, you're better off adding to your soulstone pool. Perdita is tough, but she's only got 10 Wds too.
  10. Yamaziko certainly shines brightest when she's with Misaki. Recently, I've been playing her with "Smoke & Shadows", along with 2 Oiran. Between the 3 of them, they can accomplish just about any Scheme that requires scheme markers to be dropped. Unless I'm playing against Neverborn, "Hidden Agenda" is just about always put on Misaki, along with "Stalking Bisento" and "Recalled Training". As for her weaknesses, I try my best to keep her away from enemy hitters as much as I can, until it's absolutely necessary that she gets in the mix of things. I've yet to use her "Master Tactician" attack, but then again it's rare that I face an opponent with an unrevealed Scheme.
  11. I get the impression that Shenlong plays best at board and model manipulation/movement. That said, he's good at just about all the Strategies, and there are very few Schemes he can't do well. However, I'd be cautious about bringing him against certain factions/Masters. Like EnternalVoid mentioned, one faction in particular is Neverborn. Shenlong doesn't have great defenses against the Ca attacks against Wp that the majority of the Neverborn Masters can dish out. Against factions that tend to target Df more, his crew would fair better. That isn't to say he can't beat a Neverborn Master though, it's just that in my experience I've had considerable difficulty using him against the faction. As for my experience with that playstyle, I've played it before with pretty good success. I start the game with the Peasants casting "Gifts of the Temple" for the +1 Focus on Shenlong (not that hard when you've got 2 of them) Then when Shenlong activates, he switches to Wandering River Style, and pushes one or two of my heavy hitters up the board. Sensei then gets his turn to "Airburst" them, moving them effectively 10" before even activating. With luck, you'll have 2 beatsticks 10" up the board, both with "Fast" and ready to engage combat. In a tournament last month, I played this crew against a Sonnia lead crew and managed to Assassinate her on Turn 1. Granted I don't believe my opponent was using her as well as he could have, but even if I didn't kill her, it definitely got me close enough to make an impact early on.
  12. Yeah, the more I'm reading about it, the more I'm looking forward to it as well. Can't wait to paint these guys up!
  13. *Yawn* Morning all! How's everyone doing this weekend? Btw, love the discussion about using sheep for everyday chores, and the rational behind it.
  14. Hi everyone, I need some clarification on how Nether Flux and Counterspell work. Counterspell seems pretty self explanatory, in that all built-in suits for all Ca actions are negated, forcing the model to have flipped the appropriate suit or have it cheated. Nether Flux seems to say the same thing, only it includes Ml and Sh attacks. Is that what it actually does, or am I understanding it incorrectly? Thanks!
  15. This right here is why I've been distancing myself from GW... I understand how capitalism works, and the need to make more and more money, but it comes to a point where it stops being practical for some consumers. I'll probably hold onto all of my Ultramarines stuff, but until there's something that really brings my attention back to the game, I doubt I'll be going back anytime soon. At least they all look nice in my display case...
  16. lol, aww... I was hoping for something a bit more riveting, but hey... Admittedly, I don't know of any interesting folk lore of my own, other than funny stories about my extended family members and their run in's with certain people. Should've taken a pic.
  17. Wow... I'd love to hear the origin behind this. Nothing like local folk tales to get you by the day.
  18. I'm in favor of worshiping "strange women lying in ponds distributing swords". #stillwaitingformyexalibur
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