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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Guslado

    Light in the dark

    Very dynamic! Really good job on the OSL. I particularly enjoy how the rock is hanging off of the round plinth, gives it a very dramatic feel.
  2. Guslado

    Rude Awakening

    Very cool. Definitely tells a story. I like the grave around the zombie, would love to see it from another angle.
  3. Guslado

    Ama No Zako

    I really like the work you did with the snow and frost! I also like the sneaky feel of the voodoo doll there.
  4. Guslado


    Spot on to the source material! Good to see a good representation of my favorite crew. Keep up the good work, Ratty!
  5. Guslado

    No Shelter Here By Nao

    I like the purple color choice for the sorrows and poltergeist. I see these done in green so much that it's great to see this crew taken in a different direction and done very well.
  6. Guslado

    another image of the crew

    A very cohesive crew. I particularly enjoy the swirly smoke parts of the sorrows and poltergeist.
  7. Guslado

    My standard Kirai crew

    I particularly like the work you did on Yin's guts. I also enjoy your choice of background for photographing this crew.
  8. Guslado

    Seamus Crew Web

    I really like the basing on this crew. The moss growing between the bricks is very well done.
  9. Guslado

    Sweet Dreams

    I really like the basing and how it ties the crew together. Big fan of that daydream jumping out of the mirror.
  10. Very subtle on the paint jobs on the translucents, at first glance I didn't realize the the "Herald of Oblivion" portion of the crew was the translucent smoke version. Definitely the best execution of partially painting a special plastic crew.
  11. Guslado

    I go walkin' out after

    Great lighting effects and really fantastic basing! I like how it looks like the crew is darting from shadow to shadow in the night.
  12. Guslado


    I like the greyscale work on the golem and gamin! They look chipped out of a glacier.
  13. Guslado

    AnthonyCarillo Dreamer Crew

    I like the choices you made of what to leave unpainted and what you chose to paint. The swirl bases do a good job of playing up the nightmare quality of the crew.
  14. Guslado

    Som'er Teeth Jones's Party crew

    The skin tones on your gremlins are fantastic! Very cohesive job across the whole crew.
  15. Guslado

    Mei Feng's Crew

    The whole crew is tied together very well. I really like the conversion work you did for the metal gamin.
  16. Very bright, very clean. I really like the detail on the cards scattered around all of the models.
  17. Guslado

    frozen moments crew

    This crew looks very unified in appearance. Great detail on the basing!
  18. Guslado

    Snow Storm

    Thanks for the kind words! I am really happy with how this turned out. I have a step by step on how I do the icicles over on my blog in case anyone is interested.
  19. Guslado


    Good job, Ratty. That looks spot on the the original artwork! ;-)
  20. Guslado

    the bayou boss

    I really like the plaid detail you included on the patch on his shoulder, adds a level of extra detail on a well done and detailed model.
  21. Guslado

    Teddy By Nao

    You have taken my childhood and warped it in a delightful way. Great freehand work on the rainbow!
  22. Guslado


    Fantastic coloration on the model itself and great sculpting on the basing. I am guessing that is foam you used for the basing, but you did a great job of really making it look like rock.
  23. Guslado

    bette Noir

    Really liking the blend from black to red, very clean! I would love to see the base a little more clearly, got cut off a little and it looks like it has some cool detail.
  24. Guslado

    "Frozen" Raspy

    Impressive sculpting on the hair! Very spot on to your secondary source material!
  25. Guslado

    Blessed Of December

    I like the white markings on the face and limbs. The spirals are very reminiscent of the ones on the Snow Storm model--great way to tie the two together.
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