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Everything posted by zeeblee

  1. In the skirmish game and Fatemaster Almanac there are exorcists, so I think there is at least some religion walking around.
  2. Honestly, it would be nice to have completely flattened versions of all the books for PC as well.
  3. My order went crazy smooth yesterday. Though I did notice an interesting twist: my shopping cart didn't follow my login from mobile to PC. While at work I did a quick cart assembly so I could look it over when I got home, but the cart was empty. On a related note: turns out I was able to hit rewards due to my ladyfriend's newfound interest in the game. Hurrah!
  4. In the Fatemaster Almanac it discusses using the skirmish rules right before the bestiary. I think it says to directly convert yards to table inches.
  5. Maybe add a scale of 1-10 for how reliant a model is on other models for performing the chosen task well?
  6. Using just the Fated Almanac your only rules-as-written way to get Necromancy spells (Magia) is to start as a Graverobber. The starting grimoire for a Graverobber contains one Necromancy Magia and one Enchanting Magia. You then can pick whatever three Immuto you like. Now, you can definitely ask your Fatemaster if you can swap out the Enchanting Magia for another Necromancy Magia, or even ask to have fewer Immuto in place of more Magia. It's all up to what your FM is ok with.
  7. Yeah... I would have loved to snag Alt-Barbaros (personally the only nephilim sculpt I like), but $300 is not at all economically feasible. Hell, I probably won't even hit $150. I've actually never been a fan of the high order rewards due to the fact that I can never afford them, and buying them on eBay after the fact isn't in the realm of reasonable affordability either when they sell for well over $40 for things like the alt-bayou gremlin. That aside, I plan on snagging Insidious Madness, Sammi Lacroix, and Aionus at least. Depending on the renders I may get the nightmare/nephilim twins, and if my love of purple beats out my hatred for buying the same thing twice, I'll get the special Lynch crew.
  8. If my fluff research is right, the year of Malifaux current is about 1897, and the American Civil War happened in 1861-1865. Since the aesthetic of Malifaux is real-Earth inspired, it turns out the Civil War is a fitting military uniform aesthetic (at least for American-based themes).
  9. Looks like a Civil War commander to me (beard included). Though he does make me wish the Guild Guard had more consistent uniforms.
  10. To quote another green culture, "MOAR DAKKA." Who needs quality when quantity is available?
  11. You could also always expand into Lynch's other faction, Ten Thunders, if you want more variety. A lot of his themed stuff is also dual-faction, and he can still hire the ones who aren't.
  12. My decision was torn between the Law Offices and ACE since my life is a mix of bureaucracy and tech right now. Bureaucracy won out though. It seems to come with more perks
  13. Honestly, the elemental attacks may need higher base TNs as they are the primary way to deliver Elemental Immuto. Also, if an Expunge type action were to show up, then I see Poison becoming the go-to damage Immuto over Fire as you can stack twice as much for the same TN. Ultimately I think instituting maximums may be a good route. For now the best things you can do are: Strip built-in suits from your castersDo things that force discardsForce Horror duels on the players via Terrifying or other effects (tends to force them to cheat)Use enemies/settings which force flips to prevent cheating (or just outright have anti-cheating rules)Utilize enemies who are immune to the caster's abilities (Fire Gamin are immune to Burning for example)Utilize larger groups of enemies (each player still usually only gets two actions per round, so at most that's two dead enemies per person if they can 1-shot). Singular bosses are pretty screwed (especially if the players abuse things like ParalyzeSend enemies in wavesMake killing the "wrong" answer to the situation (waves of undead won't stop unless they barricade the tunnel)Don't ever expect a fight full of Minions to ever feel dangerous. In that realm the players are superheroes. Instead trust Enforcer mobs to be a more even/risky fightI just did a quick breeze through the Fatemaster Almanac, and I honestly think Magia Terrifying Aura or Immuto-Elemental-Terror might be the strongest player abilities for neutering most enemies in combat since it requires very little TN investment to rocket them past even most Enforcer WP stats. Luckily Terrifying Aura begins with a high TN of 12, and linking it to an attack via Terror means you have to hit first (though for an equal Horror TN you only need a TN8 Elemental Projectile...)
  14. Due to the name of his upgrade, I'm pretty sure The Animals have Jacob Lynch covered:
  15. In the case of necromancy, the Through the Breach fluff (core almanacs) reference how historically necromancers attacked Malifaux and its citizens. After that it would make sense for the practice to be outlawed and practitioners labeled as criminals and outcasts. 1) it's easier to keep people safe, and 2) it's easier to arrest innocents when you can label them as something which is universally hated.
  16. This one actually ends up being pretty simple. Heal normally only effects Living targets, so you first apply Immuto: Genus-Construct to Unleash the Heal Magia, allowing for it to affect both Living and Construct targets for +2TN. Then you apply Immuto: Genus-Construct again, but this time Chaining the Heal Magia to only affect constructs for -2TN.
  17. More cross-faction models that aren't masters. I think those could fill in thematic gaps (example: Arcanist/Neverborn) while not adding exponential complexity to the game.
  18. I didn't actually pick my first crew box. Wyrd sent me the Sonnia Criid box as a part of my Through the Breach rewards pack. Fortunately I loved her plastic look far more than her metal look (back in my Warhammer 40k days I often looked to Malifaux for proxies, and her model never appealed). But unfortunately my true aesthetic loves were not in the Guild faction (though again, plastic Sonnia and crew are wonderful). So when it came time to actually buy my own stuff I pounced on the pink Dreamer box (which I still need to build!) because I love the nonhuman/otherworldly horror/Little Nemo. Now I'm just working on completing my horror collection with Lynch (tentacle monster H. Darkness/Illuminated!), Widow Weaver, and Collodi (demon puppets!). Also, after running a Through the Breach session with a Gremlin antagonist I ended up falling in love with their humor aesthetic and picked up Ulix (and plan on getting most of the rest).
  19. In the Through the Breach books they mention lawyers wearing masks in order to protect their identity from a potentially angry public.
  20. There are a bunch more in Into the Steam. If you also play the Malifaux skirmish game, you can use those stat cards (though you'll have to fill in some stat gaps).
  21. If you have access to Into the Steam, then you can get a look at a lot of fun triggers for skills which could influence choices. Otherwise I would say the basic descriptions of each suit given in the Fated Almanac section on building Twist Decks is pretty accurate. Physically-focused characters in general will do well with . Academics will generally do well with . Etc. Other than that the only thing I would point to is whether or not your player is planning on casting spells. If so, then look at what suits the spells require as a potential guide. (though if they only plan on getting Manifest Powers, remember that you can alter suits as you see fit for building their TN) In the end I'd let your character's fluff be the guide.
  22. The fluff almost explicitly allows this in the final paragraph before the Darlin Theory rules, "For this reason it is very common for Darlists to have a pneumatic arm or similar focus item which they have customized to allow for a wide variety of 'magical effects.'" The only thing to watch out for is the rule that breaks the caster's pneumatic focus... Also, I believe it has now been FAQed that the book cost rather than crafting cost is used when determining the power level of a Darlist focus.
  23. Yeah, the suits are locked in. However there are ways to modify the value of cards in your Twist Deck as well as modify how many cards are in your Twist Deck. And in all honesty the suits of your Twist aren't nearly as important as built-in suits end up being.
  24. I was initially planning on buying the box and doing something similar, but it was too expensive for me this month. My plan was: Mannequins -> mannequins or coryphee Flying Monkeys -> terror tots Thin Lizzy/Lola -> Beckoners Unsure of Cooper and Mercury. It really depended on what random thing I may need.
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