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Everything posted by solkan

  1. I think the fact that all of the descriptions refer to it as a “construct” means that it doesn’t have an operator. As far as I can tell, the authors have been pretty careful to reserve that term for autonomous devices, whether or not the device started out as a person.
  2. Well, according to the newsletter there are going to be limited (20 of each SKU, limit one per customer?) pre-releases (essentially production samples?) of the M3E resculpts at Adepticon. Dealer hall opens at 10AM Thursday, for mob planning. So presumably that will be an opportunity to actually see the new models. Seems more effective than a statement would be.
  3. No cover preview for the mysterious 8th faction that Bass is in?
  4. Do keep in mind that the GAMA trade show is listed as My emphasis added. These presentations are probably mostly for convincing distributors and such that the various game companies are doing things that people are going to want to buy. I think that's pretty much why all the pictures out of the presentation that have been circulated are boxes.
  5. From the FAQ thread: I think it comes down to this: 1. It's a talent slot and spending points in Literacy. 2. In order to do this thing, a player has to give up their current grimoire and do without it for a time period. The biggest limitation you can put on this is to have adventures happen during that time period. 3. Like it says in the entry, "Malifaux is a magical place, and most Grimoires "want" to become more powerful". It's totally something that should draw unwanted attention to the players based on how much they take advantage of the ability. Or, for that matter, the character with Inscription gets to find out what it's like to be the goose that laid the golden eggs, and what it's like to be on the receiving end of one of those "an offer that you can't refuse" offers.
  6. All of these observations are irrelevant. The effect Blood in the Water generates an additional Attack. We know this because no effect (action, trigger, or otherwise) says that it generates an "additional" Attack. Instead, everything says things like "Take this Action again" or "Take a Action." So the conclusion is: Did you perform an Action and have an effect generate an Action? If so, that generated Action is an Additional Action. Because there's the very simple counter example: Frenzy Fireteam A takes a Action against an enemy unit, kills it, and spends a Reinforcement token without stopping to look at the table. To the player's horror, no enemy fireteams remain in range of that fireteam. Both players are now trapped, unable to continue their game and doomed because the statement doesn't apply to them. Instead, they must continue for the rest of time trying to take the impossible Action. 😎
  7. Here's the other thread: That should be the same box that everyone's talking about.
  8. This is either hyperbole, or you're playing Reinforcing wrong. When a unit reinforces, it can discard one (1) Reinforcement token to return two (2) models to the unit. You don't get to discard multiple tokens to bring back more than two models. That's how it works whether it's a start of the turn reinforcement or a "Target Reinforces" effect in an action. When you're dealing with squads composed of three model fireteams, spending a commander's activation to bring back four models feels like you're really doing a lot. But I think that's just on par with what everyone else can accomplish.
  9. I -think- the plan is still for the background material to get put on the Breachside Podcast at the conclusion of the current Malifaux book.
  10. Yeah, no. Good catch on the wording problem, but no. That'd be a case of Kickstarter Playtest Syndrome or whatever you want to call it, people not noticing that the rulebook doesn't match the trigger semantics. Because the South Wales Borderers have the same issue without any way I can see of getting more than one Ram: That clearly doesn't work right if you follow the instructions in the rulebook to remove the ram that you used for the duel total from the final duel total. When you declare the trigger, you're supposed to get +1 Strength if you have one ram in the duel total, or +1 if you've got two. But you have to dedicate the rams to the trigger for it to work. They really should just listed the trigger as " Open Wound: Immediately increase the Strength of this Action by +1. This trigger can be declared more than once." or something similar. That's basically how I presume people are going to play it. Edit: Because I'm getting notifications on this post, I do need to point out that the South Wales Bordererererers do have their build in ability which gives them +2 to their AVs, which includes the AV for Steam-Powered Fists. But I still think that what happened was the Trigger got written to work like Accuracy from Malifaux, and then simply never rewritten to work properly with the TOS trigger mechanics.
  11. You’re complaining about the scale of two M2E models. All I can say is that Wyrd occasionally has strange scaling abnormalities—the ginormous Watcher in Hoffman’s box, out of scale crouching figures, the original run of the mounted guard, Reva’s pony, the TTB figures... Hell, I’ve got the three models from the Samurai box in front of me right now and the two standing models look to be Queeg scale and the crouching guy is Male Monster Hunter scale. The M3E Rasputina and Marcus test figures that they were using at GenCon are properly in scale with the current models.
  12. Keep in mind that the benefits on the Envoy card are about half of the abilities on the Allegiance card. Otherwise, yeah, Kassa is both an Abyssinia Fireteam/Unit and a Kings Empire Fireteam/Unit, so she gains the benefits of both the Envoy and Allegiance cards. Same for Horomatangi gaining the benefits from both cards.
  13. Two questions about the Titan Smash PDF: 1. What's the back (Disabled) side of the Titan Tactics card? Is it blank (like the prototypes) or does it have the more common Disabled(1) rule on it? 2. When it says "All Assets are treated as having Cost 0," that's saying that you get any asset you want for 0, right? So a Titan unit basically gets three Assets of its choice for free, and the Combined Arms units get one Asset for free?
  14. What about the Titan Smash? And I think the linked documents might not be accessible to forumits yet. (The links on https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2019/3/7/adepticon-2019-tournament-packets-now-available work, but not the ones in the original post. But still don't include the TOS Titan Smash event.) They're coming up as "The page you requested does not exist".
  15. I'm not sure what you mean by a reverse shadow. The way the shadow rules are written, they only extend down from terrain, and if you're taller (effectively because you're standing on terrain, or naturally due to your Sz attribute) than the terrain generating the shadow you're not considered to be in the shadow. Those Ronin, because they're standing on top of that terrace that's casting the shadow are taller (effectively) than all of the shadow zones generated by that terrace. Here's a terrible drawing of the situation: A and B have line of sight to each other. The pink shadow zone doesn't affect them at all because they're not in it. B is effectively Sz4 (Sz 2+Ht2) because it's standing on the terrain, so the lines of sight are allowed to cross the Ht2 terrain without being blocked. A has line of sight to C standing in the shadow zone because none of the line of sight lines cross the thing creating the pink shadow. B doesn't have line of sight to C because the lines of sight cross the thing creating the pink shadow. The shadow zone rules veto drawing line of sight across the terrain generating the shadow to something in that shadow. And nobody (A, B or C) gets cover because none of these cases just block some of the lines of sight between the models.
  16. I know you said "single figure", but... https://www.instagram.com/drawingsfromhell/ We could always use more Ten Thunders models, right?
  17. How it works is... If you’re standing in shadow, line of sight lines across whatever’s generating that shadow will block line of sight. If they only block some line of sight to the model, that’s cover. It’s like the diagram on page 19 of the rules illustrates—the shadow zone is basically an area of influence for the terrain. If you draw line of sight to a short model (partially or completely) inside the shadow zone, and lines of sight across the terrain piece are blocked. It might make more sense to work it out as results: If there’s Blocking terrain between you and another model, it’s at least as tall as you are, and you’re within it’s height (or 3”, whichever is less), that Blocking terrain is in the way regardless of elevation. If it’s only partially in the way (because you’re sticking out past a corner of a wall) that’s cover.
  18. Edit: I'm assuming that the models on the far right on top are the Ronin. The two models in the middle are the Dead Outlaws, and everybody else is just "everybody else". Because I can't tell Dead Outlaws and Guilty apart at that angle. So I'm editing my post to just say "Group Middle" for them. It's a 2" ledge, so that translates to being a Ht2 scenery items. That means that casts a 2" shadow that will cover models that are Ht2 or less. "Group Middle" appear to be within 2" of the wall, and because they're Sz2 or less they're in the shadow. (If "Group Middle" were Sz3, either because their cards were different or they were standing on Ht1 terrain, then they'd be out of that shadow). Because of the shadow, the Ht2 obstacle can't be ignored when drawing line of sight between "Group Middle" and Ronin, so they cannot see each other. The shadow rule supersedes the terrain with other rules.) Everyone else is well outside of the shadow area, so the shadow rules don't matter at all to them. For the people on the ground drawing line of sight to the Ronin on top, keep in mind that the Ronin are effectively Sz 4 (They're Sz2 standing on Ht2 terrain, it adds together), so everyone on the ground outside of the shadow zone can see them, and the Ronin can see everyone outside of the shadow zone. Because they're effective height is greater than the Ht of the obstacle they're standing on. (Montessor being Sz3 doesn't make a difference in this situation because he's drawing line of sight to the effective Sz4 Ronin. Even a Sz1 or Sz2 model outside of that middle area can see the Ronin standing on top.)
  19. It's called out in the writeup for Horomatongi: So, yeah, it's intentional that you can use non-opposed Actions to target enemy units. Presumably, it amounts to: 1. It's a commander action. 2. Compare the effectiveness of placing two tokens on unit (even an enemy unit) to all of Horomatangi's other options. (Or what other commanders can do, for that matter.) Because the paragraph which describes the morale action continues:
  20. For what it's worth, what I did was get a big bowl of water with ice in it to use as a shock cooler; and used a used a heat gun (a Wagner Furno 500 12-setting heat gun, chosen because that's the brand the store had and I wanted something with better temperature control than a two-setting gun. I didn't want to accidentally melt stuff.). I think shock cooling the plastic helps set the position, although obviously I'm not sure how long it took gravity to overtake my cavalry. I put the funnel attachment on the heat gun, and got my water bowl and towels ready. I had glued the models to their bases, grabbed a pliers to hold the models upside down, and held them upside down. Then blasted each one's ankles with the heat gun until it straightened out, and dunked it in the water. I've got an entire box of left over plastic sprue runner from my Malifaux models. I think what I'm going to do is cut some of that sprue into rods and run a rod from the hip to the top of the rear ankle. Either that or take a very fat paperclip and run it as a pin (straightened heavy duty paperclip) through the foot up to the hip. The issue is really that the two leg beams can't support the weight of the model. The closest that I've come to seeing the Dragoon models in person are the pictures posted on the Facebook group back in December by Joseph Girard. It looks like what you'll have are: Horse rearing back on two legs pose. "Galloping" rifle guy "Galloping" sword guy where the "galloping" poses look like they either have the cross feet (back rear and opposite front leg) on the ground. I don't know whether the legs were adjusted to do that, or if you'd need to add basing elements to the sides to support the hooves. The problematic Bothoso pose (the one that I describe as leaning left) only has one foot on the ground. That's what lets the model twist to the side. For the Cutter, it looks like if you sneak a cross pin into the legs then the back plate for one of the legs is going to end up resting on the cutter's butt plate. If that pose looks okay to you, you can probably avoid pinning the model if you just fasten those two plates together (or put a wedge between those two plates). I dunno, from a fake mechanical design perspective, the legs on the Combined Arms titans have a bit of a plausibility issue anyway, they look to me like they could use a pair of cross pistons, so the pins shouldn't look out of place on the models.
  21. So I ended up putting my Abyssinia models on a shelf and then coming back to them four weeks later due to unrelated snow storms and blizzards turning a one week trip into a four week trip, and the middle leg segment of the Mechanized Infantry titan is definitely subject to plastic fatigue. If you're not familiar with the model, the legs have four joints: hip top knee reverse knee ankle and the segment between the top knee and the reverse knee looks like an I-beam. All of the model's weight goes to those two I-beams, with no cross support to prevent buckling or deformation. So the material does what you expect it to do and bends to relieve the pressure. The hip gears for my MI's right leg was resting on the top of the back plate for the reverse knee (so about a 1/4" movement). So depending on how you want the model posed, either adding cross supports on the legs, or sticking a rod up the model's butt is going to be needed. My Cutter was leaning against a wall when I left, so no opportunity for stress testing there. The Cutter might have settled and I might not be noticing it due to the position changes small enough. For the Cavalry: The "rearing" horses were fine, but when I was putting them on their bases I glued their tails to the bases. The "two foot contact gallop" poses gravitated to three point contact. Two out of five rifle barrels show curving. The result is very close to my threshold of laziness The "right foot contact gallop" poses all bent to the left. The result looks sort of funny, Probably need to use pins, although I think it's the sort of thing where you could use a short pin on the front legs and hide the pin with basing grasses. How did this happen? It was a Kickstarter for models using a material that the company wasn't familiar with. It's the "top heavy metal cavalry models breaking legs or bending to the grounding to the ground" situation--sculpt looks fine visually, you find out it can't support its own weight a few months after you ship it. Edit: Sample size, for the record: Three boxes of Bothoso Cavalry, from two different starter pledges (for reasons ). Eighteen horsies, six of each pose. Only got one box of the Mechanized and one box of the Cutter.
  22. That argument doesn’t even get past the words of the rules: Especially when Ride Through meets the standard expressed by the rules.
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