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Matney X

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Everything posted by Matney X

  1. Last night, during a game, we ran into a problem... Tannen had cast Leave it to Luck, followed by Kang flipping a 2 of Tomes for damage. Because of LITL, the 2 of Tomes is effectively the 0 of Tomes. The problem is that there isn't a damage rule for card values less than 1 or greater than 13 (a 12 of Masks would have been a 14), and 0 damage is only listed under the Black Joker, specifically. We ruled that the 0 was Weak, because 0 damage is only specific to the Black Joker, which this wasn't. So, is the 0 of Tomes 0 damage, or Weak damage? Is the 14 of Masks Severe damage, or Severe+Weak?
  2. I ran Kang (w/ Blot the Sky and People's Champion (I took Tannen at 5SS, forgetting about the typo -- luckily, this upgrade didn't come into play AT ALL), Tannen, a Thunder Archer, and 10T Bro in a Henchman Softcore 3-player game (like Hardcore, but without the time limit, and 3 players). Blot the Sky is EXCELLENT in this format -- an extra shot from the Archer? Why, thank you. My Brother suffered the problem of not having a purpose from the start and he died as soon as he was within the Ortega's range (a shotgun blast from Abuela, followed by a finishing shot from either a Pistolero or Nino). The Kang / Tannen bubble is key to this build, so I think I'm going to replace People's Champion and the Brother with a Performer to pull people out of their own protective bubbles and into my bubble of "You can't cheat, and if you're Undead or a Construct, Kang is going to straight murder you." Plus Poison, and maybe -Df / -Wp.
  3. I am looking for: Ressers: Molly Necrotic Machine 3x Crooligans Rogue Necromancy 3x Drowned I have the following to trade: Arcanists: Rasputina Windego All of Raspy and Co's upgrades Ramos Joss Howard Langston Spiders and Swarms Ramos and Co's upgrades Outcast: Tara and Co, all cards and upgrades (except the Crossroads upgrades) 2x Convict Gunslinger 10T: 1x Thunder Archer 1x Mr. Graves (this card isn't dry-erase friendly)
  4. In any case, the +2 damage ISN'T Burning damage -- it's generic, non-type-specific damage. That damage is simply triggered by the Burning condition. Burning +1 doesn't become Burning +3, it becomes Burning +1 (+2 generic damage). It could be read that the model heals the Burning amount then takes +2 damage.
  5. It's not that we don't like summoning, it's that summoning tips the scales like crazy -- extra AP and stone value.
  6. This is worth posting here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103626-pull-my-fingers-future/
  7. I always feel weird directing my browser to a fart joke (a genre of jokes I generally abhor) for tactics. I fully support the move for Wyrd to host it, so long as it remains fan-supported. Honestly, that move would prove Wyrd to be the most fan-centric company out there -- they would be hosting a tactica wiki where other companies have been rumored to attempt to shut such wikis down.
  8. Also viable is Joss Howard Langston or a Rail Golem 2 Metal Gamin (or a Fire Gamin, if you can't double up on models).
  9. I'm throwing around two lists, right now. One 10T, and one Arcanist. 10T Open Spoiler Leader - Kang - The People's Challenge (2) Thunder Archer (7) Mr. Tannen (6) (I'm iffy on Tannen -- would another Rail Worker or Thunder Bro be better?) Rail Worker (5) My thoughts are Kang's bubble of awesome ( against Constructs and Undead, immunity to Horror duels) really wants him to lead a Melee crew, and he's good at it. His 3" push will really help keep the Turf area clear, and his Taunt will keep models off of Mr. Tannen. Also, if I'm lucky enough to get his version of Repost off, that's just more damage dealt. The Thunder Archer is for some much-needed range, and he doesn't randomize when firing into melee, which is key to this crew. Mr. Tannen is for more bubble shenanigans. If I keep him in the fray, anyone fighting Kang or the Rail Worker will be discarding cards to cheat, or not cheating at all. If I'm up against Arcanists, since this crew doesn't need Tomes, he can make a bubble that reduces Tomes by 2, and upping Masks -- that's risky, because only Tannen really needs Masks to begin with. Finally, Bore to Tears can stop my opponent's Henchman from using stones. Like I said, above, Tannen is iffy. Finally, the Rail Worker is just tough, and if I keep him just ouside the Turf War area, he can Pin people there. Arcanists: Open Spoiler Leader - Cassandra - Smoke and Mirrors (1) December Acolyte (7) Performer (5) Gunsmith (7) This crew focuses more on VP denial than actually gaining VP. It's also terrible for Melee. Cassandra's just awesome, but she's not all that hardy. She can get in and move and deal damage and pass out Burning. Smoke and Mirrors can drop a scheme marker for the Performer's Seduction, but more importantly it can move her out of the fray. The December Acolyte can hold the Turf marker immediate and take away Armor and Hard to Wound if he's in melee, but his main purpose is to pull people away from the Turf War. The Performer can move people away from the Turf War, and pass out Poison. And the Gunsmith is just awesome -- if I replace anyone, it'll be him, and it'll be to grab something that's better in melee. Thoughts?
  10. So, in about a month one of our local Henchmen will be running a Henchman Hardcore tournament (and a regular tournament, but that's not what this is about). I'm super excited to try it out, but I've never played the format before. (I do intend to get some Hardcore games in before the tournament, don't worry.) There doesn't appear to be a general Henchman Hardcore thread (I did search), so that's what this is. I'd like to talk about Crew lists, what has worked and what hasn't, and general tactics. I know there are a few different variations of the Hardcore rules going around, but this will be about the most common: Henchmen lead (you don't pay for your Leader) 20 SS 4 models -- no more, no less Strategy is Turf War Scheme is Assassinate. So, what's your list? Why did you take the models you took? What's your plan?
  11. Sacrificing doesn't drop corpse counters, right?
  12. The Nix trick works well, on paper, for Outcast Tara -- take Nix, give the summoned creature Fast, and it dies at the end of the turn. Is there anything like that in the Resser arsenal?
  13. I hate to be a threadomancer (necro-threadomancer?), but I hate starting new threads where there are existing ones that suit my purposes. With the two new upgrades for NB and Karina, how does Tara play as a Resser? Especially now that Karina isn't a terrible summoner?
  14. I ran into an issue, last night, where I couldn't add my second Performer or Mannequin to my crew (despite having 2 of each in my Collection) without deselecting Restricted. I didn't have that problem adding my second Gunsmith, though.
  15. Hit hard and hope? But, really, model glue (the kind that melts plastic together) has a much longer play time than super glue. Even with that, I couldn't get the gremlin to sit on the swing like he was supposed to. So, my suggestion is invest in some nail files and your gap filler of choice and make it work.
  16. I use KR Multicases -- their basic Malifaux loadout has 2 deeper foam trays that can be cut and manipulated to hold giant models (50mm bases, or just awkward 30mm bases like the Brass Arachnid).
  17. The Breach is probably in Butterfield, Kansas (which doesn't exist) -- just outside of Topeka and Franklin (which also doesn't exist).
  18. Your list of required markers is awesome -- I've copied it over to PullMyFinger, and expanded on it a bit (I would do more, but I don't have my book on me). http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/List+of+Strategy+and+Encounter+Markers
  19. That list of scheme markers is super useful, thank you!
  20. It's too bad there's no 50mm version, because that looks great. It'd make one hell of a base for a Hoarcat Pride, too.
  21. I like the idea of not allowing buffs from outside the ring, and I also like the idea of allowing people to target the wrestlers after the bout is done (imagine an entire crew taking revenge on the wrestler who beat their fighter), and both seem logical and in the spirit of the Encounter. It does seem like your friend didn't gauge his opponent well, though -- even before crews were hired, you knew what you were getting into, and he should have known Teddy (and quite a few other models who are significantly awesome at toe-to-toe combat) was in the hiring pool. After that, you make bets based after the wrestlers are announced, right? -- Teddy is a beast, but so is Mancha. Really, he was banking 3 VP on winning initiative, and forfeiting the game (even with all the Scheme VP still on the table) showed he had zero plan for losing initiative. (The same can be said for you -- you were banking on winning initiative, or at least Teddy surviving one round with Mancha.) He should have absolutely spent a stone to reflip Initiative. So, while the Encounter isn't really balanced, and it could be cleaned up to make it more balanced, it's ultimately your opponent's fault for being bad at weighing his odds. Oh, did he remember to use Hard to Wound at all, or did he just suck up full damage?
  22. New England, specifically in the crook of the states by Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. America in 1787 looked a lot like this... ... and I can't imagine someone would try to open the Breach somewhere not immediately populated. However, I can imagine them not doing it somewhere HUGELY populated (like England) on the off chance they screwed it up -- the British would happily sacrifice the Colonies before they messed around with England-proper. But the thing that seals the deal for me is Iggy's story -- In the first part of that, they mention Gorham County Jail (and in a way that suggests that the orphanage is in Gorham County, and in view of the jail). There's no "Gorham County" that has ever existed, but there are THREE cities of Gorham -- Maine (est. 1784), New Hampshire (est. 1832 (though settled in 1802)), and New York (est. 1786, named "Gorham" in 1822). (There's also Gorham Township in Ohio, but I can't find any dates related to that) I simply can't see Pandora importing her children across an ocean when there are so many orphans already available in Boston or NYC.
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