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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Looking forward to see what you old geezers can come up with. In the meantime, I will thoroughly enjoy a play test free autumn!
  2. "We"... what?! Most of the time we have done our list about the same time, and I think both of us are going by a sportsperson code about crew composition. Meaning that even if one have revealed before the I other, neither have gone all out power play against that list. I guess that is a real possibility in a competitive environment, but it is plain dickish to do that in causal play. In reconnoiter, I would go with Lilith since it is the one strategy that Pandora doesn't have much benefit in. She can definitely do it, very well even, but Lilith is a better option. I tend to play Pandora as an individual very strong model in those cases, while fielding a crew that will work without her. As for the Raspy vs Pandy match-up, a lot of conventional wisdom about Pandora is thrown out of the window, but it opens for some other options. I would go with Cry For Me, Fears Given Form, and Aether Connection (and fist full of Soulstones). Killing the Gamin would be priority. Then going after the bigger hitters, or maybe tie up Raspy in order to protect the crew. Pandora is speedy and can influence many parts of the board quickly. As someone said before, the Sub Zero defence will not work against Pandora.
  3. "...and what a wonderful world". F' avatars! I really hope that Wyrd comes to the very same conclusions. "Sorry everyone. They are indeed cool models, centrepieces really, but that mechanic worked better 1.5. We have upgrades and other cool stuff now. You should try those!".
  4. I think it is intended to be rare 1, but the wording just slipped through. Nevertheless, it doesn't state that at the moment so until it gets a new card, or the "or" is explained in the FAQ, I cannot see why both shouldn't be able to take it. Happy shooting!
  5. Lilith with Puke Snake will draw two extra cards in the draw phase. That is a ten card draw in the draw phase if you spend a stone too. With On Wings of Darkness, it is 11. Lilith can also cycle some cards when she deals damage with her sword. Lynch can probably filter with most ease with Mulligan. I have seen Nico draw an insane amount of cards at times once the summoning engine gets rolling. Zoraida's Bewitch might be one of the best sources for it. If you manage to throw it on two-three models that the opponent need to do stuff with you can easily end up with 10+ cards.
  6. Honest mistake ^^ I promise Was it worth dropping a VP for, or didn't you take MTS, what where your chain of thoughts?
  7. I really liked your reasoning with the Lawyer against Misaki. As you experienced, the only one who really didn't care about it was Fuhatsu and he killed the right target. I guess you could have gone with one Nurse and a Lawyer; making some space for Francisco. Another thing, getting your Chiwowwoww into Fuhatsu and Misaki when Make Them Suffer was in pool is really brave! But, did zFiend capitalise on it? Great, great, report! And you lost to a dirty cheater, he cannot fix his deck every game!
  8. It gives you an activation and a card for just standing around, which is rather good for 2ss. However it is damn useful in other areas too! It makes it so easy to score for Protect Territory, amazing for scheme like spring the trap and plant explosives (especially if you can push it around), and it can make stuff insignificant. The latter will force enemy models to go after the Puke Snake, and since it is incorporeal it can be tricky to catch even with a walk of 4".
  9. Chiaki: Survivable, can give out slow, and remove conditions. For 6ss she is a bargain. Illuminated: Brings a lot to the table. Very resilient, can go completely mental in the damage department under the right circumstances. Kang: The staple against undead and constructs. Kang is hard to take down and will whomp enemies with his shovel. Katanaka Sniper: Gives some neat ranged support, and are no push overs in melee either. Tengu: Amazing scheme runners!
  10. Cassandra Joss Mechanical Rider Molemen Metal Gamin
  11. P.38, LRG, in the "Actions Causing Actions" box it clearly states that the original action is not resolved until all the following actions are (like a charge, obey, or onslaught). So, onslaught would trigger. I don't see the problem with the combo really. The Silent Ones need to put out an hefty amount of scheme markers, which will suck ap. If they want to do it with a (0) action, they have to remain close to Colette, which hinders the scheme marker placement. Also, just attack their WP!
  12. I mostly end up taking either three expensive models or two expensive models together with two in the 6-7 range; depending on strategy and scheme. Anchors are important, but they cannot fulfil every role in a crew. You will need to cache in on some runners and support models too. Unless the enemy clusters, the Aboms will most likely be spread out across the board and having a hard time reaching each other due to their low walk. Leveticus can benefit from sacrificing them in order to either cycle cards or get a 10" move. Aboms will also a lot of the time pop right in the middle of enemy crew, where they will tie up and harass models, but will most likely die pretty quick. In addition, you cannot just summon Aboms since you need the right suit for it, which can be tricky at times. So there are some problems with summoning a DE in game. You will see as soon as you try it out a couple of times.
  13. It is fine to start with a Desolation Engine on the board, especially in Turf War were you just want to chuck it straight into the middle. I find the DE to be fairly cost efficient too, since you get two Abominations back when it goes down, which justifies its otherwise quite steep price tag. Also, when your hire a DE, make sure that you have ways to summon more Abominations so that it can keep coming back. NB: Don't take the DE when Murder Protoge is in the pool. It find it quite hard to summon a DE plainly in game, but it can be done. Joss and the Large Steam Arachnid makes it easier with Creative Salvage. The hard part is that unless the enemy clusters your Abominations will often be spread out across the board, with little or no way of reaching each other than using their very slow walk. You will also need to invest in nearly all upgrades which enables Leve to summon Abominations and have the Soulstones to back up the suit requirements. In the end, you shouldn't really force the issue and try your hardest to summon the DE. If it happens it happens, but just the threat of it happening will have your opponent go after your Abominations instead of your Anchors and runners; i.e. the important models of the crew. By summoning Abominations everywhere and having them wobble closer to each other will lead to a dilemma for your opponent, let something else go free or have one of the most destructive models in the game in their face! Lazarus is probably the best anchor around, but there are a lot of other good choices. I have tried Stitched Together a couple of times with good results. Their Creepy Fog can provide with some cover, and the threat of their Gamble Your Life will often keep foes at bay. They are also quite hard to take down, and only cost 6. Another low cost favourite is The Drowned. They also cost 6, and there are few melee models want to engage them thanks to their "Resilience" ability. Their attack is ok and can put out paralyse on targets that are already slow (Leve can put out slow so there are some nice synergy there).
  14. What do you usually bring with Leve in Stake a Claim, Kadeton?
  15. I agree with you 100%. My intention with the question were really to stir up some discussion about why some players feel that Leveticus is bad at certain strategies and schemes. With his vast crew selection, I cannot come up with a situation were you cannot find a solution to.
  16. Which strategy and scheme do you all think is Leve is worse at and why?
  17. There is cerainly some synergy there, but it might be a bit akward to pull off. Command Construct is only range 6", and Vanessa doesn't like, in my experience, to be that close to the action. So if you bring her, you kind of need to bring another shooter like Lazarus, which is a Leve staple. Might be a lot of potential that I don't see, but I remain skeptic!
  18. The more the merrier! Your original idea and a more battle report oriented format sounds great. You don't have to stick to one either. Maybe try out some different formats out and then decied on what you enjoyed the most.
  19. Did they all stay relatively the same, or were their some mayor changes to any of them?
  20. Why should it be anything that keeps her in the chair?! I really do not get the thematic problem. She got the telekinetic or whatever power to swing the mechs arms and legs around, why shouldn't she have any spare energy left to keep herself attached to it? I love the retail model. It is in my opinion, together with the plastic Taelor model, the best M2E models yet!
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