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Everything posted by peebs

  1. Incredible painting on the copycat killer - especially when you consider how tiny he is! The shading on the hats is particularly nice. Sybelle is looking great too, I love your colour choices.
  2. Zfiend: Thank you very much! I'm glad you like him so far. Bit of an update: Should get him finished over the next couple of days. I still haven't worked any more on the mask but his legs are done as are the main colours on the cloak and coat. The white needs some more attention and then it's mask and cane (I'm now thinking of having the cane in the same gold-ish colour but we'll see how that goes!) and all the little details.
  3. They look fantastic! Love the bases too.
  4. Sigmar3: Thanks, glad you think the mask is looking ok so far. I'm trying to work on pushing the contrast a little more than I usually would with these models, so the blue shadows will hopefully help with that. Nighthater: Thanks for the comment. The coat is actually now more of a pink colour so hopefully that will work better with the cloak. I'm planning to pick out the pattern at the bottom in gold, but will leave that until the main colour is finished. I've done a little more work on Lucius: The cloak and coat both just need their final highlights now, then I'll get the legs done before tackling the nmm on the mask. The border on his coat is actually blue rather than purple - it seems to have gone a little strange in the photos.
  5. Just started painting up the models from the new plastic Lucius box. Thought I'd start a little mini-blog of my progress and hopefully get plenty of critique from all the great painters on here! Please be as harsh as you like because I really do want to keep improving. First up is Lucius, although he's not looking very impressive at the minute . I've put down the base colours to make sure I'm happy with them, started a little shading on the cloak and have done some vague blending on his mask. Photos: This is only my second attempt at nmm so any opinions about the light placement on the mask would be really helpful! I plan on taking the highlights a lot further but want to make sure they're in the right place first. I'm also unsure about the colour of his cane - I was thinking of trying to make it look silver but I'm not sure if I have the skills to pull that off so any other suggestions would be great. Thanks for looking!
  6. Great looking crew. I love the cold purple on the terror tots - it makes them look really menacing.
  7. Great looking crews! The purple and pale blue on the 10T is really eye-catching. I'd love to see some individual photos to get a better look at them all!
  8. They look great. I love your colour choices. I'm looking forwards to seeing more!
  9. Great looking crew. I like the darker blue you've used on the golem and gamin - it makes a nice change from all the very pale ones I've seen.
  10. I quite like the new lelu, but I'm not keen on the mech. rider. It looks very clunky and ungainly. I always imagined it to be elegant and fluid looking so it's a bit of a disappointment, especially since I'm not a massive fan of the metal version either so was looking forwards to seeing the plastic one.
  11. Great article and I'm sure it will help out a lot of people. I generally think of myself as having a good level of experience in building models, but there were a couple of new ideas in there that I'll certainly be trying out. That model looks a total pain to assemble though - I'm glad I have the metal one!
  12. Great looking crew! I wish my 'speed-painting' looked like that! Nice bases too.
  13. Great looking board. The attention to detail is incredible! Thanks for sharing it with us.
  14. Nice painting! I love the red nephilim and your Marcus crew looks great.
  15. ISO is different from shutter speed - I think it's to do with the way the camera digitally 'boosts' light, rather than letting more in (although I'm certainly not an expert so may be talking complete rubbish!). I've found a low ISO is better for taking photos of models - otherwise you seem to get a more grainy image. The only time I push up the ISO is when I'm taking action shots in poor light to help compensate for the fast shutter speed. Shutter speed is measured in seconds so will be 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, etc. You'll probably need a tripod if you want to use a very low shutter speed but it will give you a much better photo. Increasing the aperture can help too and will be the numbers with 'f' in front of them on your camera - a lower number means a bigger aperture, which confused me for a while!
  16. Superglue should be fine but if you want a stronger bond you could always embed a couple of small bits of plastic from the sprue into your base (assuming you're using milliput or something similar) and then use plastic cement to attach the model to that. Another possible option is to leave some of the sprue attached to her feet and just drill a hole in your base for that, which will give more area for the superglue to work on.
  17. She looks great. The green and yellow work really well together.
  18. They all look great but I love the Judge - those colours work perfectly.
  19. The whole Kirai crew looks fantastic - especially the lost love - but Killjoy is the real stand out for me. Probably because I don't really like the new sculpt but you've made it look incredible! I would happily buy one based on that paint-job, although unfortunately I wouldn't ever manage to get it looking as good.
  20. You might want to have a look at Firestorm games - I think they have some half price Hoffman sets atm.
  21. I'd agree with this. The Torakage look gorgeous already but I reckon some brighter highlights on the weapons would make them even more so!
  22. They look fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
  23. They look fantastic - thanks for sharing. I love the green on the sorrows and your Yan Lo crew is very impressive!
  24. They look great! You certainly wouldn't think you were a new painter. I love the basing too.
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