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Everything posted by KevinJohnWaite

  1. Really loving the work on these... The washed out colours make the Ressers look so unique!
  2. That Rail Worker is beautiful... The whole crew is looking nice so far!!
  3. Well I have finally finished The Ortega crew and am busy painting through the Death Marshalls I have as I am tempted to use guild this Saturday as I won't have Gremlins ready in time I don't think. The Crew so far!
  4. I have hit a bit of a painting block over the past week thanks to those cheeky Ortega's but I am getting there with them now... I am nearly finished Santiago and Nino so they should be up tomorrow... But these are all i've done so far this week... Papa Loco and Francisco I have started work on a number of smaller projects which have taken up most of my time when I should have been painting so far so they will be up in a day or two...
  5. Loving the vibrant colours and paint work on these models...
  6. Really nice, loving the cactus!
  7. Very nice indeed, can't wait to see them painted!
  8. Loving the models on display... like the Sheamus and Belle most of all, but all look nice!
  9. Very nice work they look really grotesque... In a good way!
  10. These are just beautiful, its my favourite crew anyway and the one I started with but this paint style of it is just jaw dropping!
  11. They are absolutely stunning, I love the blue on the Death Marshall's!
  12. Thank you, I am currently working on a Batman, Robin, and joker Wicked dolls to go with her...
  13. Well I keep starting new threads and filling up Facebook with pictures of models I've painted, converted or sometimes even just found as a bargain on eBay which is mainly because I've just moved away from mates and it's easier than texting each of them new stuff... Being that we are all geeks we are always eager to show each other the nerd stuff we are working on... Especially as i'm painting most of Ozz Malifaux at the min and its easier to show him how I'm getting on than send his models back... After all I can't play with him if I return them now can I? lol With M2E about to launch I have been bouncing back through my vast collection of Malifaux models trying to decide what crew I want to use, whether that be Ophelia and her crazy family or Ramos and his army of constructs, and to be honest at the min virtually everything in between... figured the best thing to do was just paint up everything and then decide what I like once completed... Ramos using bases by the fantastic http://www.dcbminiatures.co.uk/ Dark Debts Collodi and his Puppets part 1 Gremlins So far!!! McMourning so far! Random others I am currently working on a number of models such as those filthy Ortega's and my Collodi part 2... Once my bases have arrived I will be putting together and painting up my new and improved Captain america based show girls inspired by The Captain America and the most fun game I played at GT on the Sunday morning!!! The one thing I have realised, whether well painted or crap the one thing I need is a decent camera as the one on the iPhone maybe HD but it is crap for capturing miniatures!!!
  14. Your work is amazing, being a big show girls fan I especially love your work on Colette! The Bases are amazing too!
  15. Don't put yourself down Ozz your painting has gotten really good since you started hanging around with Pete and I. lol And these models look amazing, very crisp with nice detail, made even more impressive because she hasn't been painting that long.
  16. Love your stuff its really crisp but for me your Perdita is a thing of beauty... I am painting her up in the near future so might have to pick your brains for some advice!
  17. Thank you, looking forward to trying the Gremlins... got a bit side tracked painting wise, I'm painting up the Dark Debts boxset for my father... Will get back to Ophelia this weekend hopefully!
  18. Really love the Kaeris model the wings are sublime!
  19. Loving the models especially the bases... Nice to see a more vibrant look to a Malifaux crew!
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