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About gabriel72

  • Birthday 10/07/1972

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  1. Yes. i cant get the hang of highlighting... so washes are my friend http://imgur.com/a/4iBRp Hopefuly today ill have some updated pics of the wifes crew
  2. got a coat of wash on mine http://imgur.com/a/g13Wt
  3. The boy is 15. he had never touched a brush before so we grabbed some Guilliman blue GW glaze. I figure after that he may be ok with raspy herself.
  4. Me, the Wife, and the Step-son all got our first crew box sets. I will post the results of our work here Here is my WIP Kirai The Wife's Misaki And the boy just base coted his rasputina crew
  5. OK, so the Core Book v1.5 has the info i need to play the game that is in the manual, but with more fluff? Im getting my family to play. we have 3 box sets. Kirai, rasputina, and misaki. Should i also get the expantion books. I get that in a month most of this will need to be replaced with the new book(s) but id like to get going before that.
  6. The PDF just isn't going to cut it, and the rule book is out of print. I need to learn the rules myself, and then teach two other people to play. thats hard to do with a pdf that lives on a computer in another room. I cant print 100+ pages, and even if i did its made even harder with all the blacked out diagrams and other missing stuff from the PDF. I see that there are several other books that have rule in their names but i have no idea what to buy.
  7. You are correct, but i can add a bevel if i have to. Should i?
  8. the spikes, skulls, chains are all 40k chaos bits. The heads and arms are from Mantic zombies and ghouls.
  9. A little bit more http://imgur.com/a/LcTBi
  10. You are in luck, because i cant wait to start painting them. just some finishing to the bases and it will be go time.
  11. A much quicker way is to just set the brush mode to "Color".
  12. I really like the original model but i wanted something more nightmarish. Here are some more pics. http://imgur.com/a/ZbWoD
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