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Everything posted by Köttkäft

  1. Köttkäft

    Mr Graves

    Great base as well as the rest of the mini. The color palette is also very fitting with the overall mood.
  2. Köttkäft


    Even if the model is not my favorite I must say that it looks great. I like the small details on the base as well. I would have prefered if the book would have keept the overall scheme of blueish tones though. Great job.
  3. I really like the semi-translucent effect of the void creatures. A bit of a brighter glow effect on the Nothing beasts eyes would have made it look even better in my opinion.
  4. Köttkäft

    Sweet Dreams

    I don't know where to begin, they all look awsome, but I particularly like Chompy and the daydreams. The bases looks great as well, the blue daydream is my favorite since it has a bit more height to it as well.
  5. Köttkäft

    Seamus Crew Web

    The blood on Bettes dress looks very good and I like the skin on the hanged. I would like to have seen the paler skin on the other undead as well.
  6. Köttkäft

    My standard Kirai crew

    The painting looks great, but the photo angle is a bit steep which makes it hard to fully appreciate it all. The flesh construct seems to be out of theme, both in terms of the base but also it (along with the crooligans) is much darker than the rest.
  7. Köttkäft

    another image of the crew

    Candys dress looks phantastic! I think the contrast between the bright green and red is a bit to much for my liking though.
  8. Köttkäft

    No Shelter Here By Nao

    Really liking the skin tones and the pinks. Im not very fond of the green eyes and mouths, but it works perfect for the box.
  9. Köttkäft

    frozen moments crew

    The color palette comes together very well. My personal preference is more decayed undead but these still look good, the skin on the rising zombie is very nice!
  10. I like the green effects for Huggy and the skeleton, I think they look a bit to bright on the illuminated though. I would have prefered a more toned down shade, maybe blending it together with the skintone. I like the purple as well even if it's a bit hard to get a propper view as it sort of fades into the background color.
  11. Köttkäft

    Mei Feng's Crew

    Looks neatly painted. The skin might be a bit too orange for my tastes, but that may be due to the background color enhancing those tones.
  12. Köttkäft

    Som'er Teeth Jones's Party crew

    The skin tones are great (I love Lenny and the pig!). They do blend together colorwise with the bases, while not a bad thing per se, it makes it hard to make out all the details in this shot.
  13. Köttkäft

    AnthonyCarillo Dreamer Crew

    Cool concept! A bit of shading, in perticular on the large surfaces and highly detailed areas (such as Coppelius tentacles) would have enhanced the look.
  14. Köttkäft


    Very clean whites and very nice color choice on Raspy. The bases look a bit bland though, I think the Golem would be very imposing if elevated (yes, I like tall bases) and wading through snow and ice.
  15. Köttkäft

    I go walkin' out after

    Fantastic work, in perticular the OSL. I would like to see them on a lighter background just to make out more details. Also nice with more non-green silurids.
  16. Köttkäft

    Rail Crew Web

    The idea is nice and the terrain works looks very good. The paining is a bit hard to judge but I feel like Kang and some of the workers are blending in a bit to much. With the brown clothes and tanned skin the are fairly similair in tone to the ground. As a scene I think it would have benefitted from fewer figures, now the mainly seem to be hanging around ilding and Mei stomping boxes, though it might be the coffee break, what do I know .
  17. Köttkäft

    Light in the dark

    Very crisp and clean, and I like the splashes of color. My main complaint is that I get the impression that the whole scen has been tilted as an afterthought (maybe with the exception of Barbaros). The trees groing perpendicular to the base plane is the main thing giving me this impression I think. Still very impressive work.
  18. Köttkäft

    Rude Awakening

    The vulture and zombie are my favorites in this scene. The snow feels a bit to "modely", I would have liked it more broken up with patches of earth and some vegetation. I like that there is virtually no dead space (discounting the zombie ), but it still doesn't feel cramped.
  19. Köttkäft

    Ama No Zako

    Really liking the muted colors! The snow looks great as well. I feel like the lantern could have been done in a more interesting way, it's very eye catching. Eye catching is great but it could have been less flat. Good job.
  20. Considering that "Warding runes" are Ironsides or Henchmen, limited and Rare 2, implies that the or is not "one of them can have it" but rather that the owner needs to be one of these models but both may have it (if it's not rare 1).
  21. Thank you all for the nice comments. I thought I would add a few pictures from the construction of the wagon. The wagon itself is made out of plasticard and brass. The two Guild Autopsys recieved minor modifications such as repositioning of arms (and removal of weapons) and the right one got his coat shortened and frayed at the edges because it was in the way of the wagon. Seb got new hands and a box with a crank on it and some spikes on top (hard to see in the pictures) and his bonesaw got a new grip built and places on the wagon. He still has the cable to connect it attached to his backpack. Note that the positioning of the saw and severed arm changed in the final assembly. The arm is poking out from underneath the blanket (also not seen here) next to the coffin in the front. The cable going from Sebastians box to the back of the Autopsys heads is also not present in the pictures above.
  22. The bricks are the large bricks from Pegasus Hobbies, some of them filed down a bit to create the arches on the sides. The inside is filled with spackle to give some additional weight and support.
  23. The small tufts are from Army painter, I used two different shades. The taler grass is something similair to this cut to length (keep it firm or you will end up with all the straws scattering about), dabbed with some white glue and just pushed down in the crack.
  24. Thank you very much! I don't need luck, I'm good. Nah, just kidding, maybe it wasn't clear from the original post but I did place first, although buy a small margin.
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