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Everything posted by Köttkäft

  1. Köttkäft

    the bayou boss

    Not my favorite hue of gremlin skin, but very nicely done nontheless! I do like the pink feathers very much though. All in all, great looking.
  2. Köttkäft

    Teddy By Nao

    Who can resist a pink bear? ... with lots of pointy teeth... Great precision painting with the rainbow colors.
  3. Köttkäft


    I thought I liked to build high and unpractical bases, well, I got nothing on you . The ice effect on the creature looks amazing. The snow on the base does as well. Very nice!
  4. Köttkäft

    bette Noir

    Very impressed by the red to black transition! Looks great. My main criticism he blood effect on the knifes stops a little to abruptly.
  5. Köttkäft

    "Frozen" Raspy

    Cool idea (jokes been made, but I havn't got any better ). I love the effect on her cloak.
  6. Nice color selection and great idea with the warpaint. The hair might be a little to close in color to the rest of the model but it still works.
  7. Nice color selection! Good conversion although the snake head looks a bit to dominating model-wise from this angle, would have been nice to se some other angles as well.
  8. Köttkäft

    Gremlin Web

    Very creative basing, thumbs up. The main missed opportunity I feel is the lens. It sure is full of character though.
  9. Köttkäft

    Performer - Front

    Nice contrasts with the dress and the hair. Not sure about the base though, if it's supposed to be ice chards then a bit brighter color may have been better. If they are rocks or similair they seem to be in strangely placed, doesn't look very natural (then again what is in Malifaux ).
  10. Köttkäft


    Cool idea! I think that a more trashed and weathered bar would have added even more character to the model. Nice paining on the horns in perticular as well.
  11. I like the mood of the mini, very cool. I would like to have some more light reaching further on his sides or at least one of them, I think that would look even cooler from the front, still leaving his face in the dark though. Great work!
  12. Köttkäft

    C. Hoffman

    The overall palette is just to my liking , awsome job with the metal. Basing is nice as well without going over the top.
  13. Köttkäft

    Santa Claws

    Very amusing concept, well made and painted. I like the details such as the scar from what looks like some sort of open heart surgery, the hazzards of working close to McMourning I guess.
  14. Very nice paintjob. I like the combo of white, red and gold, not to fond of the bright blue with that combo though. I feel like the base is servicable but a bit uninspired.
  15. Köttkäft


    Good job, I do feel that the color of the her lower half is a little to close to that of the suit. It might be the angle but at first glance she almost looks as she is bisected at the waist.
  16. Köttkäft


    Crisp and clean, you really got the crazy smile looking good. I like the stipe on his trousers as well.
  17. Köttkäft

    SnowStorm Entry

    Storm looks very good in his brown tones, the nose is amusing as well. Not sure about a red robe with that shade of purple hair for Snow, but the execution is very good.
  18. Cool concept and nice execution! I think my favorite part is actually the body and head of the steed. I wouldn't have gone as far in the spectrum as red, but it's very nicely done.
  19. Köttkäft


    He even melts the faces of the clocks! The basing is cool, perhaps a bit of contrast on the base wouldn't have hurt though.
  20. Thanks for the nice comments and tips for improving . The reason for the "exotic" base is that he's off treasure hunting with McCabe.
  21. Köttkäft

    Bayou Gremlin

    Very fancy hat! I really like the wood grain on the rifle stock as well.
  22. Köttkäft

    Snow Storm

    The ice really complement the model, very creative. I like the black robe on Snow, havn't seen that before.
  23. Köttkäft


    I'm impressed by the work on the muscles! The veins are a nice touch as well. My main complaint is that the base is a bit boring.
  24. Köttkäft


    Nice color choices, very fitting. The guts look good as well. I haven't got much to complain about
  25. Köttkäft

    Candy Malifaux

    The painting style suits the model very nicely. I think a few more top highlights would make it pop a bit more though.
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