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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. Even though he isn't from the Wyrd line, I think it is quite all right to be proud of that piece of art.
  2. Like Myyra said above, it's pre-order (claims a November release date). Though with a listing like this still claiming April 2014, who knows... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Malifaux-Goblins-Brewmaster-Closing-Time-6-Models-NEW-/360889466500?pt=Games_US&hash=item5406b03e84
  3. I for one like them and think they are pretty great. Bring on more undead.
  4. That model actually looks really good. I particularly like how his hands are pointed in a way that doesn't look like it hurts.
  5. Very tiny drill bits? I haven't actually seen Kirai in the flesh yet so I can't really comment on her in particular. I haven't had any problems with the thin-ankled models yet myself though with the above advice and just being very careful. Maybe use the thinnest pinning material you can find? Bengt seems to have good advice as well, though I wouldn't trust myself with that much shaping...
  6. This is primarily why I don't use Army Painter and have never really bought much of it. That and I have never had a problem with Vallejo. As with anything I buy regarding minis, I check to make sure they aren't years old on the shelf. I have seen some serious layers of dust on paints before and at that point I don't think it really matters what kind of packaging it's in. I also have always received a consistent product from Vallejo. Always plenty of pigment (my one complaint is that sometimes there is actually too much pigment), always at the right consistency. Then again... Maybe we just prefer different things.
  7. Like tmod said above, keep trying different things. I go to my local arts and crafts store every once in a while and just wander the store. You can pick up some good stuff for super cheap.
  8. I would suggest scraping off the primer from around the area you will be greenstuffing. That being said, I can't see it causing too many problems. With the liquid greenstuff make sure to thin it down with some water and work in thin layers (like you do when painting).
  9. First off, welcome to Malifaux. This is where I got my start wargaming as well. (Truth be told it's where my wargaming journey ended as well.) There are a million options on what to get as far as paints/brushes/tools and everyone will give you different specifics. In the general sense, pick up quality paints (I prefer Vallejo paints myself) and brushes (There is a lot of discussion about brushes all the time. One friend of mine only uses really high end expensive brushes while another uses the cheapest, quality brushes he can find. I fall in the middle. We all paint just fine. I honestly think it's more of a comfort thing.) For tools pick yourself up some greenstuff and some sculpting tools (to fill gaps in the models), some plastic glue (to glue models... or superglue if you prefer). Another thing that is very helpful is a palette. This is where I will tell you that quality has no bearing on anything and it's all a matter of convenience. I picked up three from a local arts and crafts store for about $3. I, unfortunately, have lost most of my how-tos and tutorials over the years, so someone else will have to chime in. A great resource will be your local Henchman. Either they will know how to paint or will know someone who can help you.
  10. I might be a little more anal than most people but practically every model I make will get some greenstuff regardless of how the joints fit. Sometimes gaps need to be filled, sometimes joints need to be smoothed out (I am actually a proponent of liquid greenstuff for this.) sometimes a model just needs a little something added. Just keep in mind: The more time you spend on prep, the better the end result will be.
  11. *deleting this comment because I am a big ol' dumb dumb*
  12. Good. Glad to be of help. I keep Gmort's site handy when building as the writeups are great, instructions are always included (most of the new plastics have a paper that says the instructions are online instead of a paper listing the instructions), and it is helpful to see the finished models. It's also nice to know what parts of the building process Gmort struggled with to brace yourself.
  13. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.com/2014/06/unboxing-malifaux-lazarus.html About halfway down the page.
  14. I was being facetious and it didn't come across very well. Apparently I am trying to cultivate a terrible community opinion on me in this thread. Hahaha.
  15. Balance comes easily when you are this great. In all seriousness, there is a difference between trying to pass a proxied crew and a proxied model. Proxied models are understandable and entirely justifiable, especially for the short term (I don't particularly even need the models to make that much sense in the super-short-term. For one game I can let Lilith have an AK.) A proxied crew, while impressive when done well, just says to me you want to be doing something else but kind of liked these rules. If you want to play them, have at it, I don't judge. It's just not my bag.
  16. We actually agree on something! That being said, I do think it would be fair to hope for a better product to meet the actual need: A deck of just generic upgrades. I didn't mind buying two arsenal decks because I have a ton of metals (and a 1.5 Lucas that needed cards) but I can see a newer player having a different need than I do.
  17. I really like this idea. You have inspired me to keep my eyes open (especially after the season when everything is deeply discounted.)
  18. The steam trunk is an honest to god pain. go slow and make sure everything is correct before gluing and the pain can be mitigated.Just remember: Each tread is is nine pieces, if you don't plan that out it is surely not going to go well.
  19. That is legit, one of the best paint jobs I have seen. I find it hard to believe the description, that it is one of his first with OSL.
  20. While strolling through the internet the other day I came across this article: http://www.plasticstoday.com/articles/additive-manufacturing-rapid-tooling-give-gamers-intricate-miniatures-fast-0822220123 It's a technical article from Plastics Today about how Wyrd is casting models. I found it informative (and a little dry, what can you expect from Plastics Today, though?) It also brings some insight into the technical limitations to releasing models. This is literally the fastest it has been ever. I believe, without actual evidence, just my memory, that more models are coming out a month now than back in the metal days. I think that taking into account that Wyrd is trying to put out around 150 models just from book 1, it is more than fair to expect their release schedule to get muddled a bit at times.
  21. No easy way that I have figure out yet to just directly paste into the post. You can always upload into your personal Wyrd gallery located at the top of the page, then use the "My Media" button at the top of the post dialog box. But that's still a three step process.
  22. I am really happy to see how much work the community is putting into peripheral projects for Malifaux. Adding this to the bookmark list. Thanks for sharing!
  23. McMorning is not and will never be guild. NEVER! In seriousness, McMorning is fast and damagey. You can also hire all sorts of crews with him. I still don't see the versatility in him that I do in Lucas. Maybe that's just because I really like Lucas
  24. I use this exact set of tokens. These days you end up with a lot of tokens you don't use for anything specific but it never hurts to have extra 30mm makers around. Personally, I had a print shop print them on cardstock then I glued them to some thin plasticard (From a binder that was on sale at Office Max). Grand total cost was about $3 for a few dozen really useful makers.
  25. He may not be able to compete directly with Justice, Perdita, or McMourning while you are deciding what leader to field but he has a distinct advantage over them, at least in my opinion. Whereas he may not be a solely beatstick master, he can be a beatstick. You can decide midgame that you need to get Lucas up in the fray and know he is more than likely going to be ok. That's what I like about McCabe, he pure versatility and the ability to (somewhat) change playstyle mid-game if need be.
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