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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. Well, you can't beat that kind of response time.
  2. It doesn't... but since everyone is a nerd and has them laying around, might as well use them as markers/counters.
  3. Wyrd likes to be nice and cagey about what they are working on. All secrets and small hints everywhere. They'll let us know about 7 minutes in to GenCon.
  4. At the very least it seems interesting. It is always nice to see someone utilizing Myranda.
  5. See, I thought it got clarified the opposite way that all strike and focus actions are strike actions. Which I can't find either ruling...
  6. I'm pretty sure focus is a strike action. At the very least it would stand to reason that if focus says to make a strike with a , you are making a strike action based on the "make a strike."
  7. Likely as I think that is in the Gaining Grounds rules.
  8. Everything just fixed faction? No fixed lists? Fixed masters?
  9. Probably not until mid-late June. Really any weekend with two weeks notice (for those damn time off requests) probably works.

  10. Because it's an effect from another model that happens "in-game." It would be like saying because Hoffman could assimilate Borrowed Technology, he should always be hire-able by Ramos. (Little more extreme example, for hyperbole sake) Hopefully to clear some things up, different effects take place at different times: Pariah is an ability that has an effect during crew selection. Why doesn't it interact with Embrace Death? Pariah does become active during crew hiring. Embrace Death however becomes active later (when being affected by talents or spells that affect the undead.) Hiring, as far as I know, isn't a talent. Guild hounds have an ability that takes place in crew selection, I believe its "Trained in Pairs." Guild Kennels takes effect at the "start of the encounter." So, after hiring as you are starting to shuffle your cards is when you magically receive your soulstone for hiring two of them. (This is how it was explained to me, I could be wrong. It works kind of like a tax refund.) Other masters have broadened hiring abilities that influence hiring crews. How is this limitation any different by timing? To use the Hoffman example at the top, it's something that can only come up during the encounter, so it can't affect hiring choices pre-encounter. Coryphee have a limitation on what faction can specifically hire it, as an ability. Most models have a limitation, not written on their card, as to which factions can hire them... faction restrictions. The Coryphee has the reverse of Levi, it is a true hiring restriction as I think of it. They can only be hired by crews containing an Arcanist master, so Hoffman, despite his Arcanist ties hiring ability, can not hire them. To the same extent, going the opposite direction, the Hunter and Watcher have Borrowed Technology allowing them to be hired by crews containing Ramos, who has no Hiring r There's even Lucius, who has an ability upon hiring, that backtracks to determining strategy, checks to see if you used a soul stone to reflip, then adds one SS to your cache when you determine the size of it. This one has also been a doozie to get my head around. Add Lucius to your crew, after re-flipping, gain a soulstone. This one, like the Guild Hounds ability, takes place as you are shuffling your cards. I read this as "Lucius already knew you burned the stone and like the great guy he is, showed up with an extra one," it is called Advance Planning after all. So, the moral of the story is that everything takes place at different times and is just always going to be really confusing *grins* Basic guideline is "Cannot always overrides Can, and theory never overrides anything." The way I view masters is that the first one is chosen, then the second one is hired. This just keeps the confusion down of wondering if you hire the first one, how did you hire it. Is the Player in effect a deity? Who hired the player? (Is the player omnipotent? Does he know what I did last summer?) Hopefully this clears anything up. I could also be wrong on some things, so feel free to correct me.
  11. Watch out nilus.... you know you can't put things like that on the internet... they come true.
  12. Only suggestion I have is to not rely so heavily on the Austringers. One is usually good... two is usually just lost stones. That's my opinion and I have had games that I bring two and they are fine. They really get better if paired with the Drill Sargent and/or Lucius. By themselves they are more of a psychological terror to the enemy as you will likely just be picking 1 wd off at a time. With Sonnia, drop Samael. I want him to be awesome and there have been times that he has been... he is usually dead long before he gets the chance to do anything though. Dropping Sam gives you 15 stones to work with (Ozz was right, you were way short.) I would suggest a Witchling Handler when you get there. Grab one more shooty model (Nino would be decent, masks in an all tomes crew) and it's looking pretty decent. Other than that though, for theoryfaux, you did a pretty good job.
  13. It looks phenomenal. I would like to know how it's done as well.
  14. As far as I am aware she can slice through walls all day.
  15. Try and wrap your mind around Ryle being Ht 3...
  16. Slingshotting her is a double edged sword anyway. Yeah, it's real cool to fight the other guy on the first turn, but does it really help on objectives? Usually no. (Even on slaugher, the chance of losing your master and beatstick in one model kind of tempers the "Cool I killed a guy.") I would say that slingshotting on turn two is much better anyway for most objectives. It will give you time to see what your opponent is doing, to get Lucius in a place where you can place Lady J in the correct place, not just near the correct place, and lets you react a little bit to what you opponent is doing, hopefully denying points.
  17. Hahahaha, awesome. Kaeris just got a lot less burny in my world.
  18. So it wouldn't be 1 wd per token? Just one wound overall?
  19. Only suggestion I have is for a crew that needs an alpha strike, the Guild Guard Captain is pretty decent.
  20. That settles that debate for the next time I play against my Marcus buddy. Bring him here tell him the internet said so.
  21. Everyone else is spot on. With the whole Killjoy thing... I feel like you would still get a Stalker out of the deal. You did already kill the original model, it just decided to sacrifice it's already dead self. That's just my interpretation and I would be interested in what a Marshall would say.... *Lays out the cookies* In other news, moving as a StD is a good tactic for trying to get the enemy Stalker somewhere closer or further from important things.
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