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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. I'm a traditionalist and go with Sepia but Ratty I'm all eyes if you can show us an example of the purple over yellow experiment. D.
  2. I didn't get any but then again I got the Alt Zee model. D.
  3. Hey Darios, Love your Nico crew. Great work and a very good depth of colour and contrast. Not my thing but looks good and you really pull it off. D.
  4. This is an awesome Graveyard board. I was thinking and planning of building some thing similar for the last few months. I have 2 sets of Garend of Morr and 1 set of Renedra gravestones. May need more of those. Great board. D.
  5. How have I missed this log? Great paint job and concepts. Nice one! D.
  6. Look forward to seeing Sonnia and Kaeris. Just finished reading the last fluff in Book 3 and Sonnia features heavily. As does Kaeris who dukes it out with Misaki who I am basing a Vik crew around. Will get some pics up of my first 2 crews soon. Got the 3 Ortega boys done (apart from bases) D.
  7. That model looks fantastic. Who's the manufacturer? Funnily enough we were just discussing a foray into 10mm Samurai using Hail Caesar rules... D.
  8. Don't forget Yosemite Same - Avatar of Expectoration and Salivation. Nice work on Sonnia. Have her Avatar? D.
  9. Yes please that might be anice addition to my Sarissa Precision scenery. D.
  10. Loving it! Have Sue on order so just waiting now... D.
  11. Liking it. Good blood splatter on McMourning. D. ---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ---------- Guild autopsies are also aces! D.
  12. The scenery is aces! Love the wanted posters. Where'd you get them? Glad you and TeeCee are getting some quality painting/gaming time in! Love the Witchlings! D.
  13. Just noticed something interesting in your pic on your first battle: Very civilised serving your snacks on a cake stand! I want to game at yours! The guys get crisps in a bowl at mine - hotdogs if they are lucky. Great boards, Sarissa are my preferred option for Wild West and I love what your friends did with the Garden of Morr. I have 2 sets of those, 1 built, 1 in box to get turned into a 3x3 cemetery board. D.
  14. Absolutely stunning. Beautiful, cohesive gangs with fantastic painting. What's next? D.
  15. Agreed. Something to join games together. At the minute, while it is a great game, they are just 1 off battles. Something more is needed. While players can string a few scenarios together and do a standard tree campaign (win/lose game 1 go to game 2a/2b etc etc) I think some more official would be better. D. ---------- Post added at 11:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ---------- Possibly look into the difference in points at the end of a game becomes additional souls stones to be used in the next game. Set an upper limit for soul stone cache or use for an additional flip during the next game. Just a thought. D.
  16. I have to say I'm a spitter! Was told a rumour that it helps the glue dry faster. I also use a spray fixer when the need arises and only on the most dire circumstances. Another trick is greenstuff with supergule added to it and then the piece is inserted (ooh err missus) into both GS and glue and is allowed to set. I have had a lot of success with this. D.
  17. Nice work on the Flesh Golem. Great hospital colours on the cloth and I love the chihuahua colour. I actually got some painting in last night. Threw some colours on my Ortega boys and a belle and got some paint on 2 objective markers for the 'Supply Wagon' scenario. D.
  18. Nice work TeeCee! Hopefully I will be able to match your rate. So far this year I have painted 0 models but hope to get some free time at some point soon! Regards, D.
  19. Nice work Durek! Love the pillars. D.
  20. Awesome work there. Fantastic models and great cohesion in all the crews. D.
  21. Very nice! Did you get any warpage from the wallpaper? I did on my last board but I only used 3/4" MDF. D.
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