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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. Man I do like the look of this guy, perhaps it is time to expand my Arcanist collection.
  2. I love your idea for Ophelia. Now to see if I can round up 3 or 4 of them to create the drop in Avatar base. With a little modification to her plastic model (Arms out stretched a la Caine 2 from Warmachine and perhaps the borrowing of Burt's Gun) this should look real good. Wonder how much it would cost to pull this off?
  3. The Accomplice part was what I missed, that explains it.
  4. Nathan is there some other art of it? The picture that was posted really makes it look more like just a mounting choice difference. Dont get me wrong I am queuing up for it either way (just got to get my last receipt scanned) but I guess the assumption was that it would be distinctly different in the way the Alt Bayou Gremlin was from the normal Bayou Gremlins.
  5. @D_acolyte Not sure about your "End result" posted above, particularly in regards to Activation power. If the Day Dream has already activated in the turn and is then sacrificed to ease the summoning of another model then it does increase the Activation power by one for the turn. Also I agree though that trying to write an article on summoning that covered all the summoners would be difficult, especially in regards to Som'er who has some rather interesting methods.
  6. I think FLGS is "Friendly Local Game Store" so what ever "brick and mortar" (Physical store, not internet store) you currently purchase your Malifaux product at will work (assuming they provide a receipt for the sale). However this and this make me a bit sad about the "Alt Bayou Gator". From the concept art it really does look like we already have the Alt Bayou Gator included in the Retail edition of the Bayou Gator box.
  7. Loving these ideas. One that I would add to the pool is the Brew Master standing on a balcony with a bunch of Gremlins gathered below (I think the old Metal Bayou Gremlin's would work better than the new plastics for this, and of course a Trixiebelle). Brewy holding a "beer bong" in one hand (wonder if it would be possible to have it empty and refill) and Mardi Gras beads in the other. Kegs, cans, and bottles strewn about him and the ground below. Wonder if it would be possible to make it smell like Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras? That would scream "Avatar of Indulgence" to me. Here is a reference photo for what I am thinking (difficult finding one that doesn't have nudity btw)
  8. I actually really like the existing Som'er Avatar model of him riding "Peaches" in style. Umbrella providing shade, bucket of fried chicken in hand, still hanging off the back. That is Gremlin classy rite dar. I did add a few more bits to mine to really throw him over the top, here is what mine looks like; Figured along with his umbrella during the day, he'd be wanting a lantern for the dark nights. Also figured Som'er wouldn't want to be with any creature comforts, so I added two large "Saddle" Bags to Peaches flanks, one with a tent the other with his bed roll, some rope (you know cause Charlie Bronson's always got rope...and he always end up needing it) and of course a cast iron frying pan (Reaper Adventuring Accessories pack). Lastly, A man of Som'er's status would definitely want some sort of standard flying to draw more attention to him. The flag is a bit from Privateer Press.
  9. Looking forward to seeing you all, 13 spots remaining. 1) Chris (Slapdrone), Ressers, local to area 2) Jay, Neverborn, Canton 3) Creed, Ressers, Canton
  10. Malifaux players, Ground Zero Comics & Toys will be hosting a one day Gaining Grounds Tournament for Malifaux on Saturday, July 23, 2016. The tournament is scheduled from 12:00 to 6:00 pm with games starting No Later Than 12:30 pm. There will be an opportunity to grab lunch from one of the many local restaurants, many with in easy walking distance. The event is tentatively scheduled for 3 rounds of play, though may be extended to 4 if we reach maximum participation. Event time may be extended by 1 hour (to 7:00 pm) should a 4th round be required. Each round will be allotted a maximum of 1 hour 45 minutes for play. Due to event space this tournament is strictly limited to 16 players. The first 16 players to commit to play in this thread will receive priority, though any "no shows" on the day of the event by 12:20 pm may be replaced by anyone not preregistered and waiting. Thread respondents may "group register" for those that do not have a forum account. Players from out of the local area are encouraged to attend, especially those groups in Akron, Canton, Toledo, Youngstown, Columbus, Detroit, Pittsburgh, or anywhere else within a 2 and a half hour drive. The cost of the event is $5.00 per participant. All fees will be utilized to support the administration (i.e. postage cost of the Official Prize kit) and conduct of the event (i.e. terrain, etc). This tournament is intended to be a preparatory event for the official Wyrd Masters tournaments at Gencon. As such each participant will declare their faction for the duration of the tournament. Additionally, crews should be fully based and painted unless they are the special edition translucent or "day glow" models produced by Wyrd (concessions may be offered for models that become available for purchase in the two weeks prior to the event). The only Gaining Grounds rules concession is the use of Proxies will be allowed however, only models that are unreleased publicly by Wyrd (i.e. they are not available from the distributors, does not include models that were offered early during a Wyrd Sale event) will be allowed and they must clearly represent the model they are proxying (correct base size and look of the models art work, the use of a visual label is also strongly encouraged though not required). Conversions as always are accepted and encouraged. This is intended to be a competitive event however, players are reminded that good sportsmanship is expected. In other words, competitive lists and competitive play does not equal the right to be an ass. Strategies (drawn from the Gaining Grounds document) and Deployments for each round are as follows: Round 1 - Guard The Stash, Corner Deployment Round 2 - Turf War, Standard Deployment Round 3 - Reckoning, Flank Deployment Round 4 - Headhunter, Standard Deployment Scheme Pools will be generated from the Gaining Grounds 2016 document by the Tournament Organizer on the day of the event. Prizes for this event will be as follows: 1st Place: Certificate of Placing, 3 SS 1st Place Guilder Poker Chip, Large Mystery Box 2nd Place: Certificate of Placing, 1 SS Participant Guilder Poker Chip, Small Mystery Box 3rd Place: Certificate of Placing, 1 SS Participant Guilder Poker Chip, Small Mystery Box All Participants receive a 1 SS Participant Guilder Poker Chip. A special edition random Stat Card and a Limited Edition Metal Miss Demeanor model (M2e card not available) will also be raffled off. Address and Directions to ground Zero Comics & Toys: Ground Zero Comics & Toys 15139 Pearl Road Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Google Maps Directions link Those that wish to attend please reply to this thread with the following: Name, Faction, City traveling from, any questions pertaining to the event (i.e. suitability of proxies, etc)
  11. I would recommend a look at Som'er Teeth Jones from the Gremlin faction. Competitive, fun, and supremely versatile. Though a lot of players run him as a summoner he is one of the best support Masters in the game and can run more elite gremlin crews just as well.
  12. From the Kickstarter Campaign this is what was planned Would be surprised not to see a Ten Thunders specific book at some point, and honestly I think a Guild specific book would be a good idea as well since I dont think the core books did a very good job of presenting that option of player character. The core books seemed more like presenting Mercenary options more than anything else, though I think a smaller organizations supplement would be a good idea.
  13. Well I guess the positive in all this is that the nose wont end up as a separate piece a la Yan Lo's beard.
  14. Disagree with the cost complaint, you really do get a lot for the price which isn't much above the single structure plastcraft Malifaux specific buildings. As far as making a full table with a single box set, well that is one of the issues with not having a base mat available to build up from and instead having to use a sets tiles to achieve this). Think about Legos, they are sold in specific sets that can build the structure as presented or be added to other structure sets to build different or more compicated structures. Legos can be set up on a seperate floor tile or just left as is. The Terraclips Buildings of Malifaux set was similar. The Streets and Sewers sets both had to utilize the included tiles to form the bases for the rest of the structures. These are part of the changes I would strongly recommend should Wyrd decide to re-release the Terraclips line (and of course include the damn connectors with the set). As for structures taking to long to set up, well again look at Legos, each set comes with instructions for assembling the structure as presented, Terraclips did not. Instead each Terraclips set was like grabbing a "big box" of general legos where you could build all kinds of stuff but nothing specific. As an owner of 11 sets of Terraclips (Yes I loved the product line and would gladly spend more money on them if re-released) I have a set of standard "blue prints" that I start from and building structures doesn't take that long. Now that the RPG is in full swing and the decision has been made to cross pollinate the RPG with the TTG, perhaps Terraclips will re-emerge as the themed structure sets that many of us were calling for years ago (would absolutely love to see a Terraclips version of the World Works Games Wild West set, minus the need for base tiles!!!).
  15. In 1st edition all Gremlin's had noses, for some reason when they decided to remake them for the new edition they lost them. Wong and Bert were already available in first edition so kept them.
  16. I would love to see the blind boar god Okkoto from the Studio Ghibli movie Princess Mononoke represented...well before he gets shot up and becomes corrupted almost destroying the world.
  17. I am not really a Wong fan for the reasons Dogmantra states. From what I have seen Competitive Events aren't as likely to reach the later turns where the "wipe the board then do schemes" is effective. Personally I would grade a tightly run Ulix Pig list above Wong for Competitive play environments.
  18. You forgot the Sow can summon Piglets as well, on her death through her Farrowing ability or with an enemy Scheme Marker via her Birth action. On topic though, the issue I have with Wild Boars is that to really maximize their potential you are encouraged to position them up field (away from control and support) as well as force out of activation actions (which isn't exactly a common thing in Gremlin's). If you aren't using these two abilities then you are really just paying a premium for what is essentially a "lean" Warpig or less versatile Piglet. I think the best Masters to run Wild Boars with are Ulix (he has the mobility to keep up, a way of keeping them controlled when they deploy From the Shadows, and access to methods of forcing out of activation actions (one generating a on the attack flip)), possibly Zoraida (since she has Obey, very good mobility, and access to Gremlin models that can keep them under control, to bad Wild Boar's can't Charge as a 1 Action like the Piglet or Warpig can) or Marcus (though he has access to much better choices that aren't liabilities to him and his crew). I am absolutely fine with them functioning best with Ulix though, and being much less versatile with other Masters, he is after all the Pig Master. I could get on board with a tiered "Pig" summoning upgrade for Ulix or perhaps something like the Rapid Growth upgrade available to the Nephilim.
  19. I agree with Ashlian below... This is what happens when you remove the "Character" from the game. I find it ridiculous that the leader of the Guild's Death Marshals is run best without any Death Marshals and surrounded by a collection of random models that really have 0 reason fluff wise to ever work together (outside of perhaps the Austringer/ Pathfinder inclusion that are at least members of the Guard). I would absolutely love to see something that reversed this trend even if it was a new type of "Crew Upgrade" (that doesn't sit on a specific model so its death wouldn't become a huge liability) that encouraged Thematic forces over a collection of random top tier models. Why package models together if they dont function well together?
  20. They did and they apparently didn't sell well enough to justify continuing the product line (despite the Terraclips Building set selling very well with the RPG crowds). The Terraclips line was almost exactly what you are asking for. You can still find the Terraclips Dungeon Rise sets in some brick and mortar stores, but honestly the Terraclips Buildings and Streets sets are a better fit (good luck finding them, ebay is your best bet but they command a premium). I really wish the line was renewed with some new packaging and marketing strategies. I will save you the boredom of repeating my (and others) suggestion for improving and renewing the Terraclips line.
  21. I agree that Zoraida is supremely versatile due to her massive hiring pool but I consider that a bit of a disadvantage when comparing her to Som'er and his smaller staple pool. A larger hiring pool also means a larger pool of models to learn when and how to use, otherwise there is no advantage. In a competitive environment I give the advantage to the smaller hiring pool which is easier to really learn (and remember what each model does). I really like Mah however I agree that her strong melee focus is probably her biggest issue. Melee is not generally somewhere the Gremlin faction wants to be (piglet's really want to be in and out). Those Gremlin's that do want to be stuck in (Mancha primarily) dont offer a whole lot outside of what they do in melee.
  22. Zoraida does present some nice options for tournament play but I find that she doesn't offer as much for a Gremlin list as Som'er does.
  23. @Lusciousmccabe: This is the main reason I consider Som'er one of the most competitive masters in the game. He and his crew are extremely versatile without requiring a large pool of models or upgrades. Instead of having to learn an entire factions worth of models you can really focus on refining just one Master and his staples. I would argue that his learning curve is why you don't see him more often
  24. Keep in mind there is a big difference in how Dogmantra and I are running the Bayou's. He is running them toward a higher standard damage profile but less over all attacks (Focused and Bayou Two Card), I run mine toward more attacks with a lower standard damage profile (Drunk and Reckless with multiple damage flips to fish out the Red Joker). Each has their merits and applications. I face a lot of crews that feature Armor, higher Defense values, Incorporeal, or Hard to Wound, against these crews (where your either less likely to get to cheatable damage flips or damage reduction will lower the profile) I think my method is a bit more reliable as a damage producer (3 successful attacks will produce at least 2 Wds, 3 if the Black Joker is safely in your hand), against crews that don't feature these abilities in abundance or cluster close (something precious few of my opponents do) Dogmantra's is probably better (2 successful attacks will produce at least 1 Wd, 2 if the Black Joker is safely in your hand but has a higher incidence of turning up Moderate or Severe damage and 's with Bayou Two Card and cheating). Without Drunk and Reckless generating another AP for attacking I think the damage profiles are similar (both at average 2 Wds), however if you are looking to cycle the fate deck (to garner another chance at the Red Joker) my method is a bit better. A single Bayou working for ties on the attack duel can cycle at least 3 cards (1 for the attack, 2 for the damage flip if you don't get the tie). Dogmantra's Focused Bayou method preserving the cheatable damage flip generates about the same (2 for the attack flip, 1 for the damage flip). The major difference occurs when you consider that a non Drunk and Reckless Bayou using my method can do this twice per activation compared to the Focused Bayou. With Drunk and Reckless in play it is not unlikely for a single Bayou to cycle 9 cards (slightly more than 1/5 th of the fate deck) per activation using my method. Against crews that feature a lot of Hard to Wound a single Bayou using this method can cycle 12 cards per activation (1 for the attack, 3 for the damage flip) with a top end of 16 cards in an activation (3 for the attacks, 12 for the damage (ties on the attack duels plus H2W) with one more if you fish the Red Joker on one of those damage flips). If you have managed to shape the deck (perhaps through several Bayou Gremlin deaths triggering Survival of the Fittest control card draws in the turn prior and discards of several low value cards at the start of the new turn) then Dogmantra's method is better at preserving the decks now higher draw potential. If you haven't managed to shape the deck significantly and are looking to cycle the deck quickly to potentially fish out the Red Joker more than once, then mine is the better method. As with all things Gremlin (especially Som'er) knowing when to apply which method is part of the steep learning curve. I have been playing Som'er from very near the start of the game and still consider myself a mere novice in terms of mastery of him.
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