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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Lightning Bugs have, on their Blasty Stick, this trigger: Yippie!: After damaging, all models within 3 of the target except this model heal 2 damage. So if you have the Masks on from Do it Like Dis for Somer's summoning, you can blast someone near Lenny, do only one damage and heal all the other models around. This way they can sub for Slop Haulers in a way.
  2. The only thing missing is the Sow, essentially. She is very, very nice with Ulix but you can sub in a Warpig and kinda make do. So yeah, you can play Ulix currently but he will be getting a major boost once The Sow is released. Just get all the Pigs currently available, Hog Whisperer and Slop Haulers and you're good to go.
  3. They could use a minor boost, really. They don't have access to true three AP like many other Gremlins. They can get an extra shot if they see a target that another Gremlin missed by suffering two wounds. That's a lot of things that need to happen for that extra AP and their non-Focused shots suck. Finally, since they are quite fragile as is for 6 SS models paying those two Wds is a steep price. Now, that isn't to say that one should never take them. One can be nice as they do shoot good when Focused. OTOH one SS more gets you Burt or Raphael or Rami. Most unfortunately however, they have a sort of anti-synergy with Mah as they all discard cards for various effects which is weird design to say the least. Furthermore, since they randomize into melee normally they really aren't a good fit for Mah. Their only tiny bit of synergy with Mah is that they are pretty good in melee with a slew of nice triggers but it really isn't enough to make one field them with Mah. Zoraida should like them as she can give them Focus so they can do real damage with their Boost Their Confidence attack. Maybe Brewie as well sorta, though I'm not really convinced that he would bother Obeying them much. Absolutely amazing minis, though and for that alone I will be fielding them. Also good if you want to build a Gremlin list with a bit less of a punch when facing someone new to the game.
  4. Too many emoticons so had to divide the post into two. Abuela Looks great! Really pricey, though. Brutal Effigy Might be the best of the Effigies. Very, very nice. I only wonder how that coffin is going to look in the flesh - it looks a bit thinner in the art and that might've been a good idea. But that is minor. :+fate Carrion Effigy A nice Effigy. The metal one is amazing but I'm not sure whether this is worse. Very, very nice. :+fate Gaki Holy crap! These are absolutely marvelous. Super creepy and look so good. Seriously crazy good stuff! :+fate Arcane Effigy A lot better than the metal one. Really nice. :+fate Mysterious Effigy I like this one as well. All the Effigies are pretty damn fine. A huge difference to the original metal one, though it was really cool design as well. :+fate Iggy A bit like the Coryphee, really similar to the metal version. But I must say that here I like the metal one better. Plastic one is thinner and frailer. Still, not bad. Hodgepodge Effigy A competent Effigy. Not my favourite of the bunch - heck, one of my least favourites, actually, but still not bad. Really wish these had been a boxed set release as collecting all the Effigies is going to be seriously expensive (more expensive than the Nightmare Dark Carnival, really, if you consider the cost per mini, which is kinda crazy as Effigies are small as well). So yeah, that's it. An amazing set, really. The ones we had seen before had quite a lot of really lousy ones (Austringers :-fate, Guilty :-fate, and Crossroads Seven :-fate ) so it's very nice to see the good stuff. Wyrd still has it!
  5. I've done this review thing quite a bit and wanted to do it now again. I'm also interested in what other people think. Don't feel pressured to review all the releases - just the ones you wish to voice an opinion on My scale ranges from :-fate to :+fate . So yeah, here goes. Just the new stuff that we hadn't seen before. Hamelin box: Obedient Wretch looks amazing. Nix looks good. Rats look splendid. The Stolen - I think I liked the metal ones more but these aren't bad. A bit awkward poses and sort of look like they were aiming for photorealistic in a weird way. But then Hamelin himself - urgh! This is the sort of extreme I'm not really liking. His pose is silly and that thing is - gaah! And how will it all fit on a 30mm base? Luckily it looks like the thing is separate so maybe you can leave it off. Hamelin really drags this box down in my eyes, but it's otherwise good, so Coryphee: Well, they are like the metals but with the smaller detailing that plastic allows. The metals were really nice so these are as well. :+fate Lucky Effigy: It's funny and not bad-looking. Rather expensive as are all Effigies. Shadow Effigy: Not a fan of the gigantic weird bottle in the back. Otherwise very nice. Ulix box: I thought that Penelope was a schnauzer! A bit of a let-down, really. Also Ulix isn't all that super - rather plain for a Master but he isn't bad. The Wild Boars OTOH are amazing! It's a shame that taking three seems like a really bad idea. And Old Major! Holy crap! That is one big and scary pig. All in all a really lovely box. :+fate Mah box We were previewed some of the contents but the Bayou Bushwhackers look absolutely amazing. This box is a complete bullseye. Utterly amazing and might be the best thing Wyrd has ever produced. Every one of the models is just crazy awesome. I love them to bits! The only shame is that taking all on the field at the same time is a very bad idea due to their mechanics. :+fate Shenlong box Peasants are about what I expected and I like Sensei Yu. Shenlong OTOH is a complete snooze fest. The High River Monks are trying to be all dynamic and such but fail in my eyes. The one with the pole arm is nice enough but the other two are blah.
  6. A really clever packaging - the existing Hamelin players will want the Rat Kings so they need to get eight rats and the Catchers as well. If these had been released in the regular way, I'm sure that many people would've just gotten the Kings. I do like the (tiny) renders for these. Rat King looks especially great. At least as much as I can make out. Bigger pics would be much appreciated. The Catcher with the sack is obviously a munchkin fighter playing D&D 3.0
  7. As for Ironsides, I love the Wyrd mini, but this one would work as well: Personally I find most of WWX as sorta "cool" in that GW way - they seem to be trying a bit too hard. For truly special stuff I would recommend Infamy Miniatures, Twisted (I mean, come on: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0684/2951/products/Nancy_1_1024x1024.jpg?v=1432893865 ) and then various boutique minis.
  8. This one is pretty perfect: Or maybe these (if you need three):
  9. Replace the staff with a whip: http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/hellborn/sku-down/03565 Or if the staff doesn't bother you, then I really like this one: http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=semira-marise~hfx023&category=fantasy-%26%0D%0Asteampunk~fantasy-daemons-%26-faerie Very characterful, I think. For a bit of a different look, this might work: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/yama-uba
  10. That interpretation makes it very weird. I mean, if you can adjust rolls to numbers that you couldn't roll - "this D3 mortal wounds results in 120 mortal wounds".
  11. Wait - you already had Tannen, Graves and Doppelganger, right? You're going to be painting them in Guild colours? Now that's dedication!
  12. Lots of things in this game are as killy as Ophelia but few are as killy from range, which is the big thing with Ophelia. Especially as she seldom even has to randomize into melee. I mean, Lady Justice is as killy as Ophelia but doesn't have the range which sorta delegates her into the bottom of the totem pole while she is at the top.
  13. My white: 1) White undercoat. 2) A mix of white and light grey and the basecoat. 3) A thinned down black wash. Don't use just water - in a pinch, you can add a drop of dishwashing soap to quite a bit of water and use that but I really recommend getting additives. Flow improver is the one you want here. 4) Then layers of thin white for as much as you like.
  14. Well, there's Ama No Zako but I'm very disappointed if that's what you were thinking of
  15. May I take your Chompybits all-Teddy-list against your Rider list?
  16. Warploque Miniatures make amazing Rats that fit extremely well with the Malifaux ones: http://www.warploqueminiatures.com/#!product/prd14/3121536651/bilge-rats
  17. I might be naïve and full of a feeling of invulnerability but I really don't feel like I need to worry about such a thing happening to me. Edit: and that was meant to be taken at a face value - no snark was meant. I really might be just naïve.
  18. I'm extremely, extremely sorry to hear that Ferossa. Utterly horrible I think that I have been far less eloquent, more obnoxious and generally louder (and have likely been responsible for way more threads getting derailed - my apologies) and yet no one has harassed me like that. In fact, that sort of thing (sending illegal porn to someone) is something that I see very unlikely of happening to me (or you) because of gender.
  19. Thank you for taking the time to answer. I was pretty sure that you would answer in that way since you're always experimenting with new techniques and a variety of minis is something that painters tend to appreciate. And I agree wholly with you. I'm not necessarily disputing this but I wish to express one thought on equality. There are different sorts of equality. For example, an equal tax of 1000 euros per month would be equal for all but it wouldn't be fair since some people earn 10000 per month while some earn 500. Similarly, if there are two black minis in the game, more care should be taken in how they are being depicted compared to white ones if there are 100 white minis in the game. So yeah, not necessarily disputing your claim (it is a bit vague so somewhat hard to dispute and I think that the mods would prefer it to remain vague so I'm not asking you to elaborate), just wished to offer this thought.
  20. I sort of gave you the answer. It's zero. If you don't find that at all peculiar, then fair enough, I suppose. I do and several women have also noted on the fact. Can you show a statement of mine that does so? Because I am extremely well aware that there are quite a few boxes where there is one woman and two men mooks. I have never argued the point you seem to be attributing to me. Those are pretty heavy statistic you're deploying. I certainly wouldn't be willing to come up with such based on nothing (or if they are based on some source, I would love to read it). The better the representation of women in the game, the more likely it is to attract women to play it and when women players are common, the assholes have far less of a chance to be assholes. But again, I wish to ask a simple question: would your enjoyment of the game be lessened if the new plastic Pistoleros box included two women and one man? I have posed this question quite a few times in the thread yet no one has so far answered it. But that's what it essentially boils down to. No one is suggesting anything about burkas or anything of the sort. Personally, for example, I enjoy nude minis as long as they are not gratuitous and that nudity makes sense for the mini. I'm not fond of minis that are randomly titillating for no particular reason other than to entice male gamers. Edit: Also what Dirial said. He has been posting really wise stuff throughout this thread.
  21. He does have Ml7, though (He doesn't damage himself grievously when doing the damage and his Df is 6 instead of 4 so it's not all bad - though when comparing to Francois every other melee beater tends to come up a bit... wait for it... short.)
  22. It's especially funny considering how much testing Levi got (two betas worth!) and he is usually considered as the most powerful Master in the game. And Colette and Dreamer were also tested a lot and they are also seen as being at the very top of the power curve. They are somewhat passé, aren't they.
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