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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Agreed, couldn't watch it - too annoying.
  2. But healing is especially good for elites. Non-elites can die from full health but elites often don't so you can heal them in between. And really, they aren't just heal bots - dropping stuff to Df4 can be absolutely devastating and their damage track doesn't suck for a 5SS Minion with easy access to three AP and the awesome power of Bayou Two-Card. Auto-include for me. They are, along with Belles and Witchling Stalkers the very cream of the crop when it comes to 5SS Minions.
  3. I have actually had this little gem in my backpocket for a while now but there hasn't been a suitable opportunity to use it. Too bad you saw it before I had a chance to inflict it :D
  4. Healing is amazing but even without it they are crazy good. Tossed Slop is amazing stuff, Bayou Two-card, Reckless - they are ridiculously good. As for the healing, I often heal over 15 wounds per game per Slop Hauler (and that's with the enemy gunning for them, since they are so important). Seriously, that is huge.
  5. Well, you'll need a straight path for a 50mm base across the whole board which seems very unlikely at least on our tables. Also, Whiskey Golem is extremely expensive and not very killy, really.
  6. Last week he changed a Ramos into a Fleshie on turn 2. And that was that. (The Ramos player ordered a Mechanical Rider on Friday - I'm afraid that things are escalating. I blame zFiend.)
  7. Well, to be fair, Slop Haulers and Francois are rather amazing as well
  8. Ophelia has the weird problem in starter box games that she is way too good. Her box is absolutely fantastic and she is death on legs killing the opponent models with ease. In bigger games this isn't a problem, but in starter box games she is utterly insane.
  9. Not only that, but I am going off of just pics while you have done the actual model. This is exactly the sort of thing that might change a lot when seen in the flesh rather than in photos (though those are really nice photos ). Aye, deadlines really are both good and bad when it comes to minis painting Thank you for the kind words - much appreciated! And really looking forward to what you'll come up with in the future
  10. This is pretty amazing, I think:https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/274/196/dfd2ea98068823f467d9425bf4663910_large.jpg?1405276768 It's a KS exclusive but they haven't released the pledge manager yet, so just get in touch with someone who took part and order one.
  11. I really hope I didn't give the impression that I thought that this conversation shouldn't be had! I think that, all in all, there is way too little talk of balance on these forums and I feel that it is an extremely important topic.
  12. OK, here goes. But I wish to stress that I really think that you earned your victory and it's awesome to have such a unique style! Your mini really made me stop and take notice. But there's quite a bit that you could still improve on. You will become an amazing painter if you keep at it and I feel that taking the things I'm about to discuss into account will make that a reality sooner. So I will be quite meticulous and straight here and this isn't something I would normally do but I feel that you have incredible potential and are certainly easily able to implement all the advice I'm about to give. First of all, your NMM is great and I like the colour variation immensely. The important thing is to use the whole spectrum from really dark to really bright and you have got that down beautifully. The direction of the light OTOH is kinda all over the place in the mini. The top armour plates have the light coming from the high and the front, the pans next to them have it come from high and the back, the grille from the side and the front. From the other side it's mostly from straight up except for the three pans which have it coming from behind a bit. You really need to consider the direction of the light and then apply it consistently. This is a very busy mini so the freehand is a bit much. I also don't feel that it really adds to the mini nor showcases your skills. The base is also too busy and makes it more difficult to read the mini. Especially the red things stick out weirdly and I'm not sure what they are. OTOH the metal on the small chest on the base should've been done in a different way from the metal in the mini. The skin tones are great in the first pic. I love the subtle yellows and the purple and all, though I feel that maybe a bit more smoothness would've done her good (but that is mostly down to taste, I think). But on the other side the shadows get way too purple making Gracie look bruised. Especially near the three pans and in her rump. I love coloured shadows and feel that even in less extreme styles it is something that can really bring life to a mini but you need to make sure that they look like shadows and not like colouring. The red in the bottles creates a very strong focal point - especially with the alternating green. That draws strongly the eye of the viewer which is something you with to use to your advantage in the future but here it is misplaced. You don't want to draw attention to the backside of the mini but to the front. Eyes could be used to create a focal point but you have gone with a rather neutral colour for them. All in all I think that you could do way more with her eyes (they are big). The green on the tea pot hat works great, though. And the freehand is simple but good there. Her hooves disappear into the base. It's very important to make the join of the base and the mini contrast well (unless the mini is growing from the base or some other such edge cases). This is doubly true in a cartoon style. All in all I feel that you should take a note from cartoons' and comics' playbooks in that the background (the base) can be in a different style and way less dominant to attention than here. Tone down the vibrancy and go more subtle on the bases would be my advice. So yeah, in conclusion, think hard about where you want the focus of the viewer to go and then work to make it so. Hopefully you find at least something of worth in my ramblings. Keep at it and, most importantly, have fun!
  13. Very nice and unique style. Very high technical skill and a strong vision. Do you want constructive criticism?
  14. I think that neither of you is trying to shut the conversation down or trying to say that this conversation shouldn't happen. You just have a different opinion on the matter at hand than Razhem.
  15. These are quite exquisite and very affordable (there's ten different zombies, though the pic shows only seven for some reason):http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=204_222&products_id=1620
  16. I think that this is true in the ideal situation but often you know what Masters your opponent has available and can make an educated guess based on the strats/schemes but also your knowledge of his knowledge of what you have available in turn.
  17. With Mechanical Rider there were two view points: that it should be nεrfed and that it is fine. The former prevailed (and I was on that side, though I think that it is still at the top end of the power curve) but the latter opinion was valid as well. I think that you are simply talking past one another a bit here. To me it seems that Baalbamoth is simply saying that he doesn't think that the Sow is over the top. That it is comparable to other powerful stuff that there is. Which is a valid opinion, though, naturally, disagreeing with it is valid as well. And I wish to stress that I really, really respect your opinions (you are, in fact, one of the posters whose posts I always pay keen attention to) so I wish to in no way say that your posts aren't welcome or anything. Just that I feel that you are talking a bit past each other. Hope I'm making sense
  18. I believe that his point is that there are lots of things that are just as bad as Ulix and the Sow and if wenεrf that combo then we should be nεerfing a whole lot thus changing the whole balance expectation of M2e, which is silly. Now whether he is right or wrong, I don't know, but it is a fair point and won't be solved by posting other threads calling a nεrf of some other thing.
  19. Raphael LaCroix with Dirty Cheater is a really tough nut to crack and he can heal only on his own activation. Here you only need to manage to defend against the final killing blow and you get a bonus flip to do it with. Ototo would be actually rather awesome with this, I think.
  20. Isn't it a bit ridiculous on Taelor? A Hard to Kill model that heals when it flips an extra card for Df duels? Or am I thinking this somehow wrong? If not, are there any other HtK models that you could give it to?
  21. Truyl, an amazing crew! Really, really well done. Only part I'm not fond of is the bright pink foliage on Bad Juju's base. I feel that it really steals attention away from the model and kinda forms a weird focal point for the whole crew in the first pic.
  22. ??? Moon's gravitational pull exists and it has a different effect on models of different sizes, but it doesn't follow that model sizes outweigh balance discrepancies. Besides, there have already been quite a few balance tweaks done either through errata or the addition of new, 0-cost upgrades, which, unless you consider them superfluous, kinda indicates that there have at least previously been balance discrepancies.
  23. (Bolding mine)Ummm... be careful with sentences like that.
  24. I'm not sure you understand how Mancha kills a Teddy. Teddy has Df3. Mancha has Ml6 or 7, hits with his first attack and stones and or cheats to give negative Df flips to Teddy. Then Mancha hits Teddy again, and makes him perform a Df duel TN12 with that negative flip of his. If he fails, he gets Paralyzed. If he succeeds, repeat, if he failed, you autokill him with your last attack. Sure, you need the suits, but can stone for them or, if you have even semi decent hand, that negative flip for Teddy makes it really trivial. If Mancha goes first, Teddy is dead or Paralyzed. Now, against the Dreamer, paralyzing Teddy is useless, so he needs to die, but that really is pretty easy if you don't flip a Black Joker. Or you can just go for multiple Crushing Strikes if you like, but that might be a bit more touch and go.
  25. She can push The Sow for ridiculous distances and trigger Smell Fear very nicely in enemies.
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