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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. To be fair, the game really isn't balanced to fine enough a point that a base size change really would change anything drastic. It's both a bonus and a weakness and even though those two don't quite cancel out for most models, the change in power level is miniscule if one model is on a base that's 10mm wrong. Heck, Wyrd did the same with their special edition Hanged changing the base size somewhat randomly from 30mm to 40mm. More recently the same happened with the Guilty (the testing was done with them at 30mm but the release model will be on 40mm). Of course since minis gaming is serious business most of your opponents probably won't be as lax as I am
  2. Not necessarily walls but other models as well. This is especially pertinent if there are models with Pounce which there very well might be.
  3. Because of the base sizes involved and because a push of 4" might not end up moving a model for 4" (if it hits an obstacle).
  4. To solve the problem with a too thin tab to fit snugly into the base slot, here's a very good, very simple tip: use the packing foam. Take a small bit, place it over the slot and then push the tab (after putting some glue on it) into the slot. Superglue hardens the foam and it's very easy to cut the extra off with a knife after it has dried. As a bonus, the join is going to be really durable.
  5. I had left the Molly and Kirai story as a sort of treat and now read it and urgh - it was really bad! They just came and killed everyone effortlessly in a sort of juvenile revenge fantasy while being sorta aloof and oblivious. There was no tension and not much of a point to the story. The change in their character has definitely been for the worse and towards more cliche. By far the worst story so far in Crossroads.
  6. It wasn't very well received among the community, to say the least: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102393-previews-from-last-night/ (And this thread was made after a slew of posts unhappy with Colette art derailed another thread)
  7. I like Bete. It takes a bit of forethought on when to bring her out but she can be really devastating in combat. In one game of mine she killed a Ronin and both Vickys (and paralyzed Blood Vic for a round). Most of the time she should come out at the latter part of a round since she isn't very card-reliant due to the on her attack unless you're going for a specific trigger. Also, bring her out of a dying friendly model, rather than an enemy model (most of the time), preferably one that died to melee, so that you can activate her straight away and hopefully flurry away.
  8. Are you OK with Grandpa Ortega? http://shop.microartstudio.com/sir-zachary-fiercebatten-1-p-843.html
  9. As long as we're in the shirt-tearing theme, I would like an alt Sybelle, ripping open her bodice to reveal her sensuous bosom! Edit: No, wait, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, but featuring Sybelle and in a minis form.
  10. The shooting Young LaCroix (Ht 1) is taller than Somer (Ht2) and the mooning one isn't much smaller. The rest of the Kin are also a full head taller than the Bayou Gremlins but I suppose you could see that as a feature if so inclined.
  11. I wouldn't take Rami and I think that Stilts are very close to mandatory for Francois in this format (well, otherwise as well). Francois is a complete beast in the damage department but quite lacking in toughness and with Assassinate as one of the main ways of gaining VP, he should be protected. I have used Francois with Stilts and Dirty Cheater, two Slop Haulers and Raphael with Dirty Cheater and felt it was a really good list.
  12. Yeah, that Mature looks extremely metal! http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/xfmetal/media/circlecov-1_zps7fa3e001.jpg.html Or even http://www.moonringdesign.com/images/items/demons-upon-your-skull-death-core-metal-logo.jpg But seriously, you make those skull bases work and embrace the whole concept in a hearty way - great job!
  13. Thank you for the report, sad though it was (sorta one-sided). You killed 14 Bayou Gremlins in that game... Sheesh. And you lost a TT Brother and McCabe. It does look like the Gremlins kinda wasted Killjoy, Merris, and Trixie so half the force didn't really accomplish anything much. Samurais definitely seem like real contenders with the new upgrades! But interesting to see so few Minions in a McCabe list.
  14. I actually really like this guy for a proxy: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/harukichi-silvermoon Sure, he isn't a Gremlin but I think he really captures something about the essence of Brewmaster. For Fermented River Monks, howabout these: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=197 Again, not exactly what you'd expect but I think they fit. If that's too out there, then maybe just this one: http://www.kahaminiatures.com/boutique/satsuki-clan/18-shimpaku-satsuki-clan-.html Or this one for Brewmaster (you also get a High River Monk): http://store.pulp-city.com/products/shadowmasktanuki
  15. The Waif sheds a single tear, camera zooms and zooms on that tear and there is another Malifaux there where Levi never died and is standing where the Waif was in the original dimension.
  16. How does this work? I mean, I realize that a Nurse can heal Lenny without paralyzing him but Lenny isn't very durable at all IME unless you keep him well in the back and it seems like a really expensive combo for Zoraida to keep solely in the back? Unless you really load up on Bayou Gremlins and Rami and such, I guess but I'm not sure that is the usual way of playing Zoraida. Lenny has low Df (and ridiculously low Wp) and only HtW to help him. Sure, he has a nice amount of Wd but goes down fast when concentrated on by even two moderately heavy hitters. He is also really expensive and mostly worth it for his Auras and in order to utilize them, he needs to be in the thick of it.
  17. What the hell? That is insane o_O Those are seriously your best work to date. You managed to make Huggy look good! Amazing, really. Nighthater, these are I believe for the same client as the previous Neverborn and therefore based the same.
  18. Wait wait wait - "Resurrectionist dream"? Just what are you implying here? McMourning saves lives! Often less skillfull doctors might declare someone dead but that's just their incompetence. I mean, look at the good doctor's pet chihuahua. Some jealous rivals have claimed that it is dead but it is just old and a bit... disheveled. Perfectly fine, really. And it's the same with many of McMourning's patients. You wouldn't believe how many patients that have been brought to the Morgue are actually just in a coma and are fine after some creative skillful surgery. In other news, my next game will be a Reckoning against Ten Thunders Lynch. But that game is a bit ways off still since I'm super busy with work for this and the next week.
  19. McMourning with Living Blade and The Trail of the Gods and Evidence Tampering. That's some serious melee prowess right there. Brewmaster with Sinister Reputation, My Favourite Shovel and Tear of the Gorgon. Come, have a drink Misaki with Tear of the Gorgon and Gods Domain for two Stalks per round and 1 AP Diving Charges... Living Blade and Bone Ascendant is also funny for just about anyone.
  20. I've read now quite a few of the stories. I did enjoy them for the most part but some editing was kinda needed in quite a few places. The description of the Neverborn language as super exotic with it being inflected and having ten suffixes was kinda groan-worthy (Finnish has 15+12 suffixes for nouns and is highly inflected and agglutinative, e.g., "taloissanikinko" means "in my houses, too?) and kinda seemed that the writer had just learned of inflected languages and found them weird or something. All in all, the whole conversation between Lucius and Niccolo was kinda forced and weird and Governor General was a real let-down. He was that in Mah's story, too, mind, so I hope that this isn't the new face of GG. I liked him a lot better when people were debating on whether he's a Tyrant or not - now it seems that he's a bit of a buffoon. The unit entries, I'm happy to say, are a lot better than the ones in the M2E book - a pretty low bar since there they are often really, really bad (just read Francisco's fluff and try not to flinch).
  21. I'm slightly weirded out by Jonahmaul and Dgraz posting at the same minute twice in this thread.
  22. It looks a lot better in plastic than as a render but I still think it's quite goofy. OTOH I really like my paintjob on the metal one, so it's nice to not even be tempted by this new one
  23. The cut-off point has to be somewhere so it might be the current price or it might be $45.
  24. Why not? The reason why the generic upgrades aren't in all starter boxes is that it would be too expensive and raise the cost of the box, right?
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