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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. That should work nicely enough. Ophelia can slingshot Pere rather handsome distances when needed and he does make a very satisfying boom. Just be very careful with him. Oh, and also consider keeping him in reserve so to speak as his mere presence on the battlefield messes up opponent's freedom of movement as they don't want to cluster while leaving an opening for him to come barrelling down. So not committing right away can pay off nicely in an oblique way. Aye, that's the spirit! Don't sweat it and try different things. Sammy is awesome. She also works really well with Ophelia (Sammy can carry My Threatening Gun and order Ophelia around - the negative twist isn't that bad since Ophelia has a built-in positive twist to her shooting - plus, Sammy is Kin).
  2. I voted for your avatar. Because come on - you should be a Samael expert bar none.
  3. To add to my Shen Long suggestion, both him and Brewie like Fermented Monks once they get released. Both also like the Dawn Serpent.
  4. I have played Ophelia a lot without Lenny or Trixie. She can do just fine without them. I know that most Gremlin players absolutely love Lenny but I find him a bit of a liability. He is very fragile and easy to tamper with due to his stats and is a prime target due to his power and size. And he does limit your movement if you cluster around him (and if you don't, why hire him in the first place?). He isn't bad (really good, actually) but far from mandatory. You can easily build an Ophelia crew where the only one who really needs those Rams is Ophelia herself and she can stone or cheat for them when needed. Trixie OTOH is sorta close to "mandatory" with Brewie in that she has just incredible synergy with him. That said, I have won with Brewie without Trixie so it isn't like it's impossible to win, just a bit non-optimal. (Also note that you could proxy Trixie with the girl Young LaCroix as she can't be mistaken for anything in the Brewie crew and is quite appropriate all in all - though I do understand your reluctance).
  5. I don't think that anyone has ever used Pigs with Marcus when playing a serious game. Other than that, I agree that Marcus is extremely versatile and fun Master to play. But my suggestion would be to go to the Ten Thunders. As you already have Brewie, once you get some TT stuff you could play him on the TT side as well. Shen Long offers a very different playstyle from Gremlins (very cerebral yet fluid), his starter includes an amazing Henchman and is all in all a pretty nice starter. Expand with Tengu and Katanaka Snipers and you have a nice core able to tackle most Strategies and Schemes. I realize that this didn't fit into your format for suggestions but I'm not convinced that one-sentence slogans really are the best way to choose a crew to be honest.
  6. I only now realized that this thread was about heavy hitters. Sybelle is certainly heavier than a Punk Zombie! Not as heavy as Killjoy, though.
  7. I don't think that the point is doing all those tricks but rather that they are handy to have in the back pocket if need arises. I believe that the idea is to play just normal most of the time but the tricks listed are some of the less obvious ones. Note though, that gaining Fast during your Activation doesn't do anything (see page 52).
  8. Photobucket is annoyingly slow to get to the original non-tiny version of the pics but it was worth the wait. The skin is amazing work and all in all I feel that her face is one of your best works to date. The lantern looks a bit weird in copper and I find the pink clashing with the yellow in a somewhat non-appeasing way but man those skin tones just blow me away.
  9. I like it for the most part. OK, that's a bit of an understatement, it is a great mini, for sure. What is going on with the rough texture on the arms? Are they arcane flames or is it blistering? I'm hoping for the latter as I'm not a big fan of flames and magic effects. Those scythes are maybe a bit too big. And I'm not sure why the shoulder plates look so banged up. But those are minor. The big thing that I don't like are the horns. Not liking the look at all! Still, those can be taken care of in various ways so it's not a huge problem but really not a fan of the design. Looks like something GW would do. But yeah, certainly not a bad mini.
  10. I could also see him working with Ironsides as well. Ring of Fire and the Ironsides tarpit could work out nicely.
  11. Three is certainly plenty. If you feel like you need more, get Slop Haulers instead.
  12. I don't see it working. Bayou Gremlins are really easy to one-shot (or at least kill in one activation) especially in Reckoning where people usually load up on killers. And all in all what's to stop your enemy from killing the Bayous once they have activated? But this is all based on speculation - try it and report back. Somer would be best but Mah could sortakinda work due to Tomes chores.
  13. He is durable but he doesn't have any special abilities to haul enemies in or keep them there, and, most importanly, his Ml range is really short. Similarly I don't consider Gracie a tarpit. I think that he is a fair tarpit but not spectacular for his SS cost. Excellent tarpits are things like Waldgeists, Jaakuna Ubume, or Yin.
  14. I know how you feel. I always try to somehow fit Arcane Reservoir into my Arcanist lists and it isn't always easy!
  15. I think that Cherub has his place in Lilith lists with the correct Scheme pool.
  16. Ah, true - he is one of the very few Gremlins with a 3" Ml range. But his true role means that he likely isn't positioned to make for a proper tarpit nor is he generally durable enough. But I have used him to tie up a clump of enemies so I'm not completely disagreeing with you. Whiskey Golem OTOH is plenty durable and the 50mm base offsets the somewhat pitiful 1" Ml range at least a bit. Plus Nimble means that he is pretty good at getting where he is needed and access to high Df means that he is somewhat difficult to pin down. Now, all that said, he still isn't an amazing tarpit but I think that that is his main function. Gremlins don't have many Tarpit style models (Zoraida of course has access to the ultimate in that regard in Waldgeists and Brewie himself is likely the best tarpit in the game but other than them, there isn't much). I really don't like his Flurry Upgrade (too expensive and I think that Smokey Finish is generally quite important for him).
  17. Huh? What makes him a tarpit? I consider him much more a ranged support model who can hold his own in melee but he isn't especially durable.
  18. I love Mercs! Burt Jebsen, Hog Whisperer, and McTavish are all awesome Merc choices for Gremlins! But seriously, I don't think that Gremlins get all that much out of Mercs. A Glowy Lazarus with Wong can be funny. Trixie can Push him to get him moving and Sparks can make things into Constructs so Laz can Assimilate weird things if needed. Oh, and Brewie can make use of Performers. But that's about it. I mean, yeah, you can use Taelor or Hannah or Bishop or Hans and so on but from a purely competitive point of view I'm not convinced that they are better than the choices available in Faction. In the other direction, McTavish can be a good choice for Outcasts since I Pay Better makes him a complete beast. And Burt Jebsen can Crackerjack Timing enemies into clumps for Vikkies to eviscerate. Again, neither is a must-have but both can be used somewhat effectively.
  19. The game is balanced for 50SS (though small games can be fun). In smaller games two Master types tend to dominate: Summoning Masters and killer Masters. And it doesn't get much more killer than Ophelia. Especially with Trixie nearly guaranteeing Initiative when needed, she is absolutely bonkers. So yeah, I'd say that you're fine. Merris is superb at Schemes and Lightning Bug is general utility. Finally, Francois is death incarnate. Building a crew around those mentioned should mean that you have a leg up on most of the opponents. Good luck!
  20. With a non-Hamelin two should be enough but Hamelin can pretty easily summon one Rat King a turn so having two is kinda few, IMO.
  21. Things that can Flurry or similar benefit immensely from Fast as with it they don't have to stand still to do their thing. Johan would be golden, I think. And Ronin also.
  22. You might want to check out this thread: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/114457-blood-wretch/ Note that their Tactical only works during the Activation so Zoraida making them do it outside of their Activation isn't useful. Unfortunately.
  23. Really, really good. Those conversions really take some skill. Since you're so amazing, do you think you could maybe fix Lady Justice's suspenders? They shouldn't hug the boobs like that but rather make a straight line along the tangent of the boob. You'd need to shave a part of them off and replace with a strip that's a bit in the air so it might be impossible but those suspenders really drive me crazy. I'm planning to just shave them completely when I end up using that particular torso.
  24. Aye, I meant that, I think that in both *-World games and Numenera, only the players roll dice.
  25. Don't the *-world games have this static system without dodges from the enemy or anything of the sort? ApocalypseWorld, DungeonWorld, and so on. Also, doesn't Numenera operate on the same principle as well?
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