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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Note that the smaller than average game size might've had an effect. In bigger games there are generally both more Corpse Markers and more (worthwhile) targets.
  2. It shouldn't be like that. Here you can see a pic of the sprue (scroll down a bit for Rami): http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.fi/2014/09/unboxing-malifaux-ophelia-lacroixs-kin.html
  3. While I agree with the general gist of "use more terrain" it must be noted that Shards become a lot more potent if there's a huge amount of impassable Ht3 blocking terrain. Especially double shards. Even if the shards don't block off the enemy crew and win the game on their own, they are good at funneling enemy models into certain areas so Reva can concentrate her LoS end effect there. Just to note. Like I said, I agree with the general gist of the message.
  4. One bit of advice that has served me very well with Bete is this: don't become obsessed about her coming back. If you don't have a card in hand which can save her, you can still Unbury her. Weigh the risks and the rewards of doing so. Another thing worth noting, that Falos kinda touched there, is that Bete has an effect on the game even when she is just waiting in limbo. Your opponent has to consider her appearance and how that will affect the table state. Killing that Scheme Running Necropunk might not be the best idea if Bete pops out, dispatches of the killer and runs the Scheme anyway. So maybe your opponent doesn't go after the Necropunk but you might never know that this was because of your investment in Bete. All that said, Aionus is sadly a Merc that can appear in any crew and hard counters Bete completely. So taking her is a risk and she wasn't all that superb to begin with (difficult to use properly). I really wish Bete was simply invulnerable while Buried as she is a bit of a special case with the burial mechanics.
  5. Top tier are Somer, Ophelia, Wong, and Ulix. Mah Tucket and Zoraida are very solid (and Zoraida got a huge boost with Wisps) and Brewski is more of an acquired taste. Most people think that he is the weakest of the Gremlin Masters but some really like him. Zipp is a mystery but looks to be either in the top or solid tiers. The good thing about Gremlins is that most of the Masters like most of the models. Second good thing is that you can build a very competitive force with a relatively small pool of models. Third good thing is Moonshine and Pigs and all that's good and proper in the world but that's a different thread. So yeah, how big an initial investment are you looking at? The minimum I'd say would be Ophelia and Slop Haulers. That'll give you a solid crew right there. There was a thread about building Gremlins with a budget which was good stuff: If there is anything specifc you'd like to know, we shall see which one of us regulars is the fastest to come help. Welcome to the crazier green!
  6. I like how you used both "whining" and "crying" to describe how people you don't agree with communicate their opinions - always a good strategy to foster discussion. I also like how you apparently haven't played with nor against Reva yet offer an adamant opinion on her I'm guessing that your meta is being dominated By Lilith? I suggest posting a thread about how to counter her - there's quite a few ways (it won't be easy but then again, countering any of the top Masters is never (nor should it be) easy).
  7. Ulix is certainly very different and fun but I would say that Brewie and Zoraida both play very different from the other Gremlin Masters and, in Zoraida's case at least, can use very different models as well. But the problem with Ulix is that he needs a lot of models to work so is quite an investment (Piglets, Warpig or preferably two and then a unique big Pig or two). But Wong is a good choice as well. I don't see Burt as such a rush - he is amazing but you already have Francois and Raphael and those can sub for Burt, so to say. Gracie is fun but Armor ignore completely trumps her which is a bit sad so if your usual opponent employ lots of Armor ignore, then she might not be the first pick. Wong riding in Gracie's Saddle is awesome, though. Sammy is amazing and works really well with both Wong and Ophelia (with Ophelia you can give Sammy My Threatening Gun and order Ophelia around; with Wong you can have both of the Limited Upgrades using Sammy). McTavish is solid for Wong but I haven't used him with Ophelia. Merris is a good Scheme runner but so are Raphael and Francois and Lightning Bugs aren't bad, etiher, so Merris isn't in a rush, either. Rooster Riders are extremely solid and all Gremlin Masters get a use out of them simply because they are so amazing (well, Ulix probably doesn't take them often). Somer's box would come with Lenny and Bayou Gremlins who are all awesome. And Somer is fun. You could add that box to Wong, as well.
  8. Somer's box, though great, is really bad for "box only"-type of games since the SS count is super low. What does "box only" mean in your case? That you simply play all the models in a starter ignoring SS costs? That you play for a set cost and if the box can't make it, then tough luck? Or that you play according to the limit of the "smaller" starter? Or something else? I any case, expanding a Summoning Somer is pretty simple: Slop Haulers, more Bayou Gremlins, and then some of the Gremlin staples like Merris, Burt, Sammy, or Roosters. Piglets are also a very good buy since both Somer and Lenny can summon them. Pigapult is also something that can be recommended though learning the Gremlins without it and then adding it in is IMO a better way of going about things than getting the pult straight away.
  9. If you run out of cards in the deck and need to shuffle, do you shuffle the cards that are in limbo into the deck or not? And does this limbo exist for normal Flurry discards or only when it's an Ace and Lynch is on the table?
  10. That's insanely powerful! And yet the Child is better. *sigh*
  11. It's an Aura so it does affect the model with the Condition as well. I missed that fact at first as well and I must say that it does make a big difference. It's a really good Attack. Putting it on two models next to one another is hilarious.
  12. Lynch has 10 Wd and Francois' sword does 10 damage on Dumb Luck Severe so preventing with anything other than the Black Joker leaves him barely clinging to life - am I missing something here? Note that I do agree with the general gist of your advice - Franc does make mince meat out of Lynch in melee but usually you'll need more than one Severe Dumb Luck hit to do it.
  13. Hire Doxies. I know that this goes against all the traditional forum know-how but really, once you go Doxy, you won't... bo-xy? Not sure. But seriously, try them a few times. They don't look like a good option on paper but on the table they just do wonders. I seriously suggest always hiring one or two for Seamus. They also make nice summons, naturally, but I was blown away by their performance as hires.
  14. OK, I can see the logic behind that interpretation.
  15. I don't think I follow you there. I think that either 30mm is enough to block 30mm or it isn't. Now it seems that you can block it in one dimension but not in both (this being a 2D game at its heart). Unless I'm missing something.
  16. Good job, Aaron! Aside from the minor inconsistency with the 30mm base blocking 30mm markers I think that you not only fixed every one of the FAQ entries I thought needed fixing and added a bunch of errata that I all agree with whole-heartedly. A very good showing. Standing on the shoulders of giants, I guess
  17. The Ice Dancer fluff talks of two kinds of dancers. Some create elaborate dances while others "have perfected their methods for combat, gliding in and out of the fray with grace and speed, cutting throats with shards of ice" which, to me, sounds more like speed skating as opposed to figure skating. So Wyrd made a mini leaning more towards both the things they mentioned in the fluff while, at the same time, providing options for painters and people who enjoy having different body types represented in their minis.
  18. Here you go! And many more! https://www.google.fi/search?q=olympic+ice+skaters&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj3qMOH7I7PAhXLXSwKHWD-Du4Q_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=1116#hl=en&tbm=isch&q=speed+skating+female&imgrc=Q4FPuR-kC1IZzM%3A
  19. Aye, I think that this is the big deal. If FM could Push your own dudes, I agree that he would be a contender for usurping Trixie. But since he can't Push your own models, I think that they both have their niches.
  20. Really like your Brewmaster crew. And I see that Brewie himself has the Stilts Upgrade But seriously, effective paint scheme and the basing gives it that extra oomph. And whole force looks cohesive but not uniform. Great stuff!
  21. Don't forget turning enemies into Constructs for Kang's Aura Sonnia gets positive twists against models with Wp 6 or more - against that particular crew Wp is nothing but a hindrance since nothing in it attacks Wp (unless I'm overlooking something).
  22. To be clear, Gremlin's Luck only gives the positives to the tests from Pulses for Lightning Jump (and for randomizing into engagements and for healing flips if he somehow manages to heal himself during his activation).
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