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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Unfortunately I feel mostly the same. Even so far that I feel that Wrastlers and Criers have the most potential but both are probably more "fun" than really required as such. I feel that we really got the short end of the stick this time. During the beta the basic argument seemed to be that our existing choices are so good/OP that we can't have the new stuff be competitive else it be OP. That said, many of the new models are really, really complex and strangely quirky that I'll reserve final judgment only after I've seen them on the table. And as you said, the new Upgrades might change things. But on paper I'm (currently) not really seeing it. (Or maybe they'll errata all our good models to oblivion next January so this stuff will start seeming super enticing!)
  2. Oh aye, I always take Dirty Cheater on him. I think that he and Burt get the best value from it in the entire faction so it's not a difficult contest in that sense.
  3. I think that the Emissary is rather nice in combination with the base. I've seen some people using the Emissary without the sculpted base (presumably to better fit their basing scheme or in order to use the Changelings as Changelings) and then it looks crazy lackluster.
  4. Allowing the opponent to pass after the Stuffed Piglet activations on the first turn would've been better IMO. Or giving them something to compensate for the price increase. Which I feel would've been a bit of a no-brainer if their problem indeed was the activation control - compensating a 50% price increase might've been a good idea... I don't think that they can be compared to anything else (3SS non-Totems are sorta rare in Gremlins) so I dunno what else I'm supposed to do. That's the reality and that's what is making them obsolete. I will be taking Bayou Gremlins almost always now instead of Stuffeds. I suppose I could compare them to a hypothetical situations where things were somehow different but I'm not sure what good that would do. I think that their change had a lesser impact on their use than the release of Nellie and Reporters.
  5. It being better doesn't make it good. Most people (maybe even all?) agreed that something needed to be done but the current implementation threw the balance out of whack to the other side. Sure, it's not as disruptive but don't you think that a better situation would've been if Stuffeds were considered almost equally since they cost the same? Or maybe that's a high goal (and not good for the faction identity) but even making them such that Piglets were considered by half of the Masters would be good. Now it seems that the only one who will consider them is Wong. I dunno, to me it seems that a Bayou Gremlins is just ridiculously better. Being a non-Insignificant Minion is absolutely huge. Having Bayou Two-card and better Df and Cg and a good version of Squeel and a gun on top of that is completety bonkers. Oh, and the ability to get a third AP (albeit at a big cost). And essentially the only thing they lose is the explosion.
  6. I wonder if Gatreaux Bokor will now forever be known as the model they forced onto the game because people were hoping for new voodoo themed Gremlins
  7. Oh, and note that Wargames Vault's postage is a bit quirky. As long as the cards fit inside a letter the postage is quite cheap but once you go over some limit they switch to a box and that's quite a bit more expensive. Their deck boxes are also cheap but the postage is killer so avoid those.
  8. Oh, I agree that her power-level is probably fine (though I'm not convinced she's better than Zoraida or Ophelia as such) but Zipp makes her almost completely obsolete. He does almost all the things she does but better and he has more options. I mean, if her claim to fame over Zipp is solely the Rams Chore, then she's pretty sad.
  9. The Wyrd webstore handily lists all the cards that are in a given box: https://giveusyourmoneypleasethankyou-wyrd.com/collections/neverborn/products/mother-of-monsters https://giveusyourmoneypleasethankyou-wyrd.com/collections/neverborn/products/the-swamp
  10. Welcome back! Wargames Vault is indeed your best bet - here should be a working link: http://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/5162/Wyrd-Miniatures/subcategory/9801_24297/Individual-Cards You could also ask your local Malifaux players (or here on the trading forums) since many people have extras due to buying the Arsenal deck for a certain Master and then buying a boxed set of another ending up with duplicate cards for that one.
  11. What's everyone's opinion on the Emissary with Collodi? Which Conflux? Differences with Fated and Bag builds? Anything else worth considering?
  12. There's two Emissaries that I see a lot: Carrion and Shadow. And while Carrion is common it is nowhere near the omnipresence of the Shadow. I can't remember the last time I played against TT without the Shadow Emissary and further, I can't remember the last time I even saw a list posted online without it! I mean, there must be lists out there that are being used that don't include the Shadow Emissary (maybe it's not as common with Asami?) but it seems that if a person has access to it, it hits the table very close to every time. Have you seen competitively minded lists without it lately? Have you made such lists? Is there a reason to not take it (knowing the price tag is hefty, mind)? Are there differences between Masters? Is it an autotake?
  13. But only half as many attacks. If choosing between four attacks at Ml4 and two attacks at Ml5, one should definitely go with the former (unless something horrid happens when you miss, naturally, like Riposte from Lady J or something).
  14. Name a 4SS model that is better at punching. From any Faction. Because I'm drawing a blank. I guess you could put an argument for Piglets due to their Triggers. If you count shooting, then I guess Fire Gamin and maybe Guild Autopsies. But I'd say that Wind Gamin punch extremely well for their cost.
  15. It's really quite bad. Taking away blast immunity isn't worth it even when facing full-on Freikorps IME. If it was an AoE effect but it only removes it from one at the cost of an AP (well, it's an attack that's about on par with Wong's normal attack against Freikorps, granted). But then to get the Blasts you need to Focus and they still have their Armor. And turning into a Piglet is really corner-case as the duel is pretty easy. Also, the Piglet is awesome in that it is difficult to control (It is never engaged with friendlies so will Charge them perpetually) but the trouble is that the range is 10" while Piglet's Cg is 8 and reach 1" so it will take very careful positioning to keep the Piglet from being able to Charge you. And if it does Charge you (especially Wong), it's surprisingly annoying! The Mark for Death idea is worth a laugh, though!
  16. I could most certainly do a "Pere is pretty boss" thread - he is amazing. Downright nasty with Iron Skeeter and Explosives. Very well put! And fully agreed! Merris is amazing but very squishy.
  17. I believe that this setup is two (or maybe even three?) Terraclips sets. @Molja knows. Somer won Turf War on it but the player said that the table was seriously horrid. Headhunter definitely suited it better! And Kirai did Interference on it for the last round but I'm not sure how that played out. Thank you, much appreciated! And you inspired me to start a thread.
  18. I think that Raphael is one of our more underrated models. He is often compared to Burt ("why not just take Burt?") but despite their surface similarity (both are Reckless Enforcers costing 7SS and sporting tremendous damage potential) I think that their roles are quite different. First of all, Burt kills stuff in melee. I mean, he has a nice gun but his melee tends to be where he dominates. Second, Burt likes crowds. Third, Burt has a lot better stats. I would actually rather compare Raphael to Merris. He is a lone wolf flanker. If you don't need Flight or the extra Scheme Markers and if you're expecting resistance or see nice firing lanes horizontally across the battlefield, consider Raphael. And this is something that is worth paying attention to. Sometimes battlefields work very well in one direction but are really weird in the other affording very nice firing lines. Also, it's difficult to get cover from the front and from the side if cover is mostly rectangular buildings. Also, if you don't have many models who love Rams, consider taking Raphael. As he makes very good use of them. Very good. He can survive almost anything for a round thanks to his Armor and HtK and a good number of Wounds. And he can get the hell out of dodge no matter what comes after him, basically. So he is a very good Schemer. In fact, he is amazing in Schemes where he needs to get near to the opposing deployment zone to do some Scheming there at the end of the game. As he can shoot his gun along the way. And even if he doesn't shoot his gun, his mere presence is something that the opponent has to take into account. Watch them squirm when trying to get cover from all sorts of angles. He is really fast and even faster with an Iron Skeeter taxi. Maybe even Fast fast! And the taxi isn't in danger as Raphael has a nice long range so the taxi can hang back a bit. But really, once Raphael is half dead - that's when the magic starts to happen. A positive twist to damage with his damage track is pretty damn bonkers. And sure, he only has Sh 5. That's all right because his damage is potential is so crazy. The opponent has to save something really special to counter him. Now, things aren't all roses and daffodils. Raphael has some weaknesses as well. Chief among them Df 4 and Wp 4. Beware of Obey-style stuff! But really - give him a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised. Especially if you do so outside of an Ophelia crew (as she loves Rams).
  19. Thank you! Absolutely great! And why didn't I think of flagging you to ask whether you happened to take a shot I don't know. We played the brown sludge as just normal floor and all the doorways were deemed to function such that if your base touches a doorway, you can go through so Pushes didn't have to happen in just the correct angle and big bases fit through small openings. ...sludge as Hazardous 1/1/7 would've been interesting, though...
  20. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking a pic of the whole table. It was made with Terraclips Sewers of Malifaux set, so something roughly in this vein:
  21. I don't agree with this. Barring just a couple of special cases, your crew will still, most of the time, include at least 90% models from your declared faction (some might be dual-faction models, but still). You can also make educated guesses based on the opposing faction and taking strat + schemes + table into account. To take a trivial example, I tend to take Liquid Bravery for Wong only when going against Neverborn or (sometimes) Ressers. Or when going against Arcanists in Stake a Claim, I'm prepared for Marcus. This I OTOH agree with. Balance between Masters is important and I wish it was better. Lucius (and Ironsides) errata was a good first step. And indeed balance between Master is a lot easier to discuss and adjust than balance between Factions.
  22. But what is going on with that third one's front legs? They seem to attach to his rib cage?
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