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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Just to note that there's two interpretations on how Lucky Effigy works: One interpretation doesn't care as much about flipping lots of cards (and makes the heal suck a lot in general, mind).
  2. His problem is that if he is useful, the opponent will kill him. And he is arguably one of the easiest things to kill on a "toughness to SS" ratio in the Faction.
  3. OTOH if nothing is dying you should be winning so having a useless model in such a situation isn't a problem, generally speaking.
  4. If your neck of the woods is OK with proxies, this is absolutely perfect for a Collodi Lazarus - much more of a patch-work construct and even has a puppet: Big Brother by Infamy Miniatures. I like Laz with Bag of Props Collodi.
  5. If there would be a FAQ about the Voodoo Doll, I'm 99% sure it would say that the Doll first gets Slow, then Hems.
  6. Pigapult, Sammy, and a couple of Stuffed Piglets is a lot more SS in support than hiring just Lenny. And Lenny is great with Young LaCroix.
  7. I'm not all that convinced by Aether Connections. You need to use a lot of Stones for prevention on that model for it to become useful. If you don't have a full pool taking an extra Stone instead of Aether Connections seems like a better deal. That extra Stone likely deflects two damage so you need to make three prevention flips for Aether Connections to be worth if over an extra Stone. And when you take three damage, you might flip a Severe at which point Aether Connections was again useless. Especially with Summon Pandy who is likely to stone for suits, I'm not sure that I would go for AE.
  8. Unfortunately a "he". Would've been fun if he had been a gal.
  9. Aye, as Nikodemus noted, one of the new Upgrades gives Dreamer some extra wounds, a Cg value, a melee attack with a Cricket Bat and an extra AP usable only for Melee. It is Limited so can be seen as a third "major" way of playing Dreamer.
  10. The new melee Dreamer might be worth a shot - you'd try to overwhelm the enemy with hard-hitting low Df targets.
  11. Have you had luck with that? It seems fine in theory but somewhat clumsy in practice?
  12. I used Laz and he isn't bad. You can have Changelings copying his gun which is pretty nice and Marionettes Pushing him was also useful. But as usual, his use depends quite a bit on terrain.
  13. This is true but I think that if something would be extremely wonky (like it would be here) there is an extremely high chance of it being FAQed to work the other way. Now, one can naturally wax poetical about assuming and such but I still think that there is some worth to asking "What would the FAQ do?"
  14. Isn't the FAQ entry on Obey sort of evidence? Charge is a Tactical Action yet for Obeying it counts as something that fulfills the clause on taking an Attack Action due to Obey. I realize that generalizing based on specific FAQ entries isn't very wise but since this is kinda the only evidence in either direction? "Resulting" and "due" seem quite synonymous in this context, after all.
  15. That's a great list! To expand on the last bullet, Raphael and Francois are both pretty amazing as Scheme Runners. Work well as a solo piece, can kill any other Scheme runner they come across (maybe barring A&D) and are quite hardy. Schemes give you VP and these guys can do those Schemes with extreme certainty. Worth considering!
  16. Hoarcat Pride as a never hire? I think they're pretty fantastic.
  17. Yeah, Grootslang should be perfect. You can have it emerging from its lair. Also, a cool idea in general!
  18. Would also be consistent with Dumb Luck in that the Gremlin suffers half the damage after the damage flip but before reductions and preventions.
  19. True. It sorta makes even less sense. I dunno - I've been doing pretty consistent damage with Collodi and her Triggers are all after damaging so SS prevention would work better as a defense if there was no modifier. It would be big, agreed, but OTOH it is really weird that she can get it. Her AP are amazing value and she can get four trivially. With the Effigy buffs she can often heal the damage while doing things she was going to do anyway.
  20. I would add "other friendly Puppets" to Strum the Threads and take out the positive modifier to damage from Collodi's Attack (or give it the gun icon but that seems somehow weird and makes me think that Collodi is physically throwing out strings like she was fly fishing).
  21. I'm not redefining anything. "chooses one of the flipped cards as the active card" - the cards were flipped. Even the cards that were not chosen as active were flipped. And nowhere is a distinction made between a and a rams card because the book uses the symbol consistently after defining it. If we check what a card is, it has a suit and a value. Three cards were flipped, each of them has a suit and a value and those suits might or might not be . Your stance is in no way stronger than mine if you go by RAW. You define "flipped" as the active card of the flip, I define it as cards that have been flipped. Both interpretations are valid. A FAQ entry is needed.
  22. For the record, the short "I disagree" wasn't meant in the sense that I'm about to lose it and start breaking things but rather in the sense that I felt that I had expressed my views as clearly as I was able and that re-iterating them wouldn't serve a purpose yet I still wasn't swayed by the counter arguments. I have nothing but love towards Myyrä. I did however come up with a slightly different tack still while riding the morning train. Whenever Ophelia flips a ram, she immediately heals 1. Ophelia flips a tome card. Ophelia flips two additional cards (due to two positive modifiers), both are rams. How many cards did Ophelia flip and how many times did she heal? Whenever George eats a blueberry cookie, he burps. George eats a strawberry cookie. George eats two additional cookies, both are blueberry cookies. How many cookies has George eaten and how many times has he burped? I see no difference between the logic in those two examples and the upper one uses language from the rules (flip additional cards).
  23. You flip "additional cards" - did you flip those cards or not? If you flip three cards, how many cards did you flip? Did you flip only the active card or did you flip three cards? If you have for a duel and flip 12, 11, and 2I posit that you flipped 12, 11, and 2. Amazing, I know! Immediately after flipping those three cards, you note that you flipped two rams and heal two. After doing the thing you were instructed to immediately do, you set 2as the active card. Congrats, you have successfully performed a flip. I really don't understand how this interpretation seems so beyond the pale to you.
  24. I don't think that those were weird strawmen and I think that the question number two that I referred to as legitimate is exactly what you describe above? And to answer your question, it says you "flip additional cards". If a flip requires the choosing of the active card, how can you "flip additional cards"? "Once all cards are flipped, the model chooses one to use as its active card". Note the wording "cards are flipped". Obviously you first flip a bunch of cards and then choose one as the active one.
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