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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. One thing that's a bit sad is that Kirai remains in her current sorry state for a long while yet (she is almost unplayable with her current model selection).
  2. Ironsides! Hooray! What a great suprise - really looking forward to her! Brewmaster! Hooray! Finally! Really looking forward to him as well. The only disappointment is no Mah Tucket and no Autopsies but I guess I might've suffered from an overdose of euphoria if those had been listed. Ironsides Crew, Merris LaCroix, Brewmaster Crew, Austringers. $127. Not bad. Maybe Widow Weaver at some later point.
  3. I slightly surprise even myself, recognizing it as a conversion based on the Freebooter Miniatures' Undead Lady (which I don't own): http://www.coolminiornot.com/distribution/miniatures-distribution/freebooter-miniatures-1/undead-lady.html Sadly OOP.
  4. You can also staple the paper to the sponge/papre towel (I use Wettex sponge cloths) so it won't curl when it dries. Or use paper clips.
  5. Also note that once you start playing Kaeris, you can start pronouncing 'Arcanists' as 'Arsonists' which neatly sidesteps the issue of how it is supposed to be pronounced.
  6. These were part of a Kickstarter I took part in...
  7. I really didn't mean it as criticism of your playing skill - just an idle note. All in all making detailed comments on these is a bit hard since you can't see the actual models. I thought you actually played the game extremely well! Misaki against Sonnia is always a really tough match-up and doubly so on a table like that. And then it goes triple when you're up against someone of Argentbadger's skill level. And, as you can see, I'm apparently the last person who should advice anyone on the finer points of the Assassination Scheme... To be fair, it's not like it's the first time. Of this particular case, I even have evidence:http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103373-the-amazing-adventures-of-slow-growing-guild-mcmourning-in-helsinki/?p=780095 Search for the line "I score two VP" on turn four Assassinating Lilith.
  8. I agree with Myyrä and Adran. The rules define blasts as being a part of the damage (effect) when they are printed on the damage track. And I have been known to take Pere Ravage and I don't play Pandora.
  9. o_O ... o_O I have been playing this wrong the whole time. And what's even more astounding is that I decided to verify before posting and checked Assassinate and still didn't notice it! I... am speechless.
  10. I think that Wyrd have always been exceptionally inclusive about proxies. Gaining Ground doesn't allow them but that is utterly natural. But outside of the official tournaments, I think that they don't mind. As really, even when using proxies, it means that people are playing and in the long run that means that the game will flourish and the customers will come. I think that ultimately this stems from two things: Wyrd are minis enthusiasts (so they appreciate the art and the industry) and, more importantly, they are simply confident in the product that they offer. As well they should be! Wyrd minis are really good and I think that they are getting better all the time. That said, I do think that more specific threads are better. If you are looking for something, ask away (at Miniature Matters) - a giant all-purpose thread is unwieldy and difficult to use if it gains traction. As for the OP's specific requests, how about these for Gupps: http://www.warploqueminiatures.com/#!product/prd14/3101572001/bayourk-swamp-critters
  11. Thank you for the report and congratulations on the win! Very nicely done. On the first I thought that Take Prisoner on Francisco was a really strange choice for your opponent. As I find him one of the key pieces I always try to remove ASAP from the opposing line-up. He is also a beast in melee so Take Prisoner seems like a very bad idea. On the second game, didn't you actually score only two points for Assassinate (since you killed Misaki on turn four)? Not that it mattered. I thought that with that pool your opponent would've been wise to move Misaki to safety once she had killed Sonnia. It's something I seldom remember to do but if there's Assassinate in the pool (and it seems likely that your opponent has taken it), keeping a melee Master's murder instincts in check is super important. The third game was a real nail-biter! I agree with ZFiend that two Punk Zombies seems like a weird choice. But that Rogue Necromancy really worked well for David!
  12. It says that vertical distances are measured. I can see both interpretations (diagonal or horizontal + vertical) since they both effectively measure vertical distance (though naturally arrive at different total distances).
  13. Unless I'm misunderstanding, that is not what the FAQ says. Elevation changing Movement is indeed measured diagonally AFAIK.
  14. Gluttony is actually the snake. And the dude can't play so Gluttony is plenty tormented, believe you me!
  15. Really lovely stuff! I like how you gave an almost fur-like texture to the Waldgeist's green parts (or should that be moss-like). And the OSL of the eyes is brilliant! Subtle enough to not overwhelm but makes for a great focal point. Extremely well done!
  16. Ophelia of course. Something like this: Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap Ophelia LaCroix -- 7 Pool +Liquid Bravery [1] Young LaCroix X 3 [6] Francois LaCroix [7] +Stilts [1] Lenny [9] Mancha Roja [10] +Dirty Cheater [1] Rooster Rider [6] Slop Hauler [5]
  17. Hah! I do like them a lot! But in all seriousness, I agree with Adran - if the Strategy is Reckoning, I won't take Distract. There are also easier Schemes - especially if you can take the right models for the job. Deliver a Message with Silurids, Plant Explosive with Merris - stuff like that overrides Distract easily against the right crew. Also, I must say that I prefer Cursed Object. Plant Evidence and Breakthrough are also often easier to do than Distract.
  18. Also,Philipp and the Nanny Vasilisa Jack Daw as well
  19. Izamu, Fuhatsu and mounted McCabe are prolly contenders.
  20. Fermented River Monk: http://www.kahaminiatures.com/boutique/satsuki-clan/18-shimpaku-satsuki-clan-.html Brewmaster and High River Monk: http://store.pulp-city.com/products/shadowmasktanuki
  21. ??? Neither does Burt. Or rather, yeah he does but he doesn't have a Trigger for a single Ram on his gun (and he doesn't have Dumb Luck at all). But by self-sufficiency I was mostly referring to durability and to Fueled by Panic. There is only one of Francois and he is needed elsewhere (in other words, yeah, I take him essentially always).
  22. Shadow Effigy - Hell Dorado Lemure (should be obvious which one ): http://cipher-studios.com/uploads/2013/04/Lemure-Pack-B.jpg Also check out the rest of the Hell Dorado Immortals line. Lots of good stuff there. As for the Kamaitachi - these should be perfect: http://otherworldminiatures.co.uk/shop/wilderness-encounters/we16-giant-weasels-3/ Monk of the High River (even has the mask!): http://privateerpress.com/files/products/32060_AllegiantoftheOrderoftheFist_WEB.jpg
  23. Med "tåget" du menar Langston (eller Miss Step), eller hur? I mean, you are a well-known co-afficionado of the Nimble Decapitator, for sure.
  24. Grattis! Very nicely played! That's a really hefty VP difference you collected there. Colette against Zoraida makes the game pretty complex, to say the least - so many opportunities! Thank you for posting. A really fun read.
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