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Everything posted by PaintMinion

  1. Um, nope, don't know the reference. All I could think of was Stitch. ;-)
  2. Nice work on the colors and clean painting, would like to see more depth though!
  3. Even just one would have been a good entry. Love the mask and the shaded blues.
  4. You may not have it completed how you want, but the stage is set and the actors are on stage in time for the opening curtain. Good job!
  5. Ah, the pause before the bloodbath. How Japanese of you :-)
  6. Wow, that really pops out, and like your base!
  7. Beautiful garden and nice use of the mini with it all! Very Japanese!
  8. Glad you got something in, wishing for better photos!
  9. Hmmm, fortune made in Japan? Glad you will work on it more, it deserves to be finished!
  10. Solid theme, nice mech!
  11. Lol, now I know why you wanted those tanks! Great scene here, and really nice exploded and burning building!
  12. Would be nice to see some more highlighting on this to bring out the features more, but good piece, nice Japanese warrior!
  13. I could not stop grinning. We love Totoro here, and your take was indeed, spot on, and unique. Really love the color placements on here - well balanced - and excellent job!
  14. Agree with the others...keep practicing the NMM, study metals around you, it's really all about the extreme sharp highlights, the deeper shadows, and the smoother transitions. Still a great scene!
  15. What a fantastic piece! In two weeks? Has story, tone, some nice painting and theme. Really great entry!
  16. Using the nudging from Iron Painter to get some backlog done? Wish I could do that! They look great and ready to play
  17. Beautifully done, I applaud this! you might consider painting the flower in her hair more like the ones in the painting behind to help tie it all together, but even if you ignore that, it's a superb and unique entry!
  18. "just minis I like, colors I like and enjoying the painting..." THAT is what it should all be :-) Wonderful scene and great fun!
  19. The floor is a bit wonky, but love love love the teddy! And the plushies. and Poke Ball #2! I was wondering how many there would be...
  20. Disturbingly japanese and creepy.
  21. Oh dear, I think my daughter just spit out her gum when she saw this...she is def a pony-holic. I am sure there is a name for people like her, anyway, well done! She approves!
  22. hehehe, I love it! Best use of tentacles this round...I think...more pics to go...
  23. Blood Bowl Orc - check Pink - check Cagematch - well, ready to wrestle anywhere anytime! Made In Japan - Where else would he be from?! Blood Bowl Orc heavily converted and sculpted as a sumo wrestler mounted on a can of Japanese powdered wasabi.

    © Paintminion 2015

  24. Fun! Creepy carnival carousel done wickedly! Not quite sure I would have gotten the idea of what's happening if I didn't know the story.
  25. Wonderful lighting effect, love the little guy, his expression is spot on! ANother of my favs this round!
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