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Was/Is Malifaux your first Table Top Minature Wargame?

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I started Malifaux a few months ago. I wanted to pick up a new hobby and a friend of mine suggested tabletop gaming. Well not really knowing what tabletop gaming was outside of monopoly and risk.... I did hear about Malifaux and Warhammer. When I asked him which would be a better game to get into he suggested Malifaux for the fact that I would be working with 5-8 miniatures a game rather than 785478957384568 minis with Warhammer ( A bit of an exaggeration I know) Also the fact that cost was a factor, while I could have a Malifaux crew all set and ready to go for around $100 it was a lot cheaper than Warhammer. So until funds are more flowing I will be sticking with Malifaux for it is much cheaper and seems to be more hands on and strategic since you have so fewer models than Warhammer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I believe my minis history is roughly the following, based on when I started:

40k, 3rd-4th,current (6th?) ed*


WHFB (way too little based on what I invested in it)

Necromunda (a little)


Hordes (a little)


Puppet Wars

Sedition Wars*


*games I still play at least occasionally

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  • 1 month later...

I started 40k a few years ago... fantastic game, love it.

But I started thinking about what I wanted in a game, what I didn't, what I like and don't like, etc... and began designing my own tabletop rule set.

That led me to the realization that I had very little experience overall with tabletop systems... so I picked up Malifaux and Xwing. I still plan on getting Infinity, possibly MERCS too down the road.

So far I really like Malifaux for the differences between it and other games. Very much akin to role playing as far as interactions and characters go. The cards are a nice change and the squad size meta makes for qucik entry into the game for new players.

The only thing I wish we had were some full length novels with backstory... I like the full emersion fiction you get with a ton of background story.


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I started 40k a few years ago... fantastic game, love it.

But I started thinking about what I wanted in a game, what I didn't, what I like and don't like, etc... and began designing my own tabletop rule set.

That led me to the realization that I had very little experience overall with tabletop systems... so I picked up Malifaux and Xwing. I still plan on getting Infinity, possibly MERCS too down the road.

So far I really like Malifaux for the differences between it and other games. Very much akin to role playing as far as interactions and characters go. The cards are a nice change and the squad size meta makes for qucik entry into the game for new players.

The only thing I wish we had were some full length novels with backstory... I like the full emersion fiction you get with a ton of background story.


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  • 3 weeks later...

My wargaming history... some might not be in timeline order.

WHFB 3rd ed

40K rouge trader

Blood bowl 1st ed count ?

Battlecars does this too count ?

Battletech plus expansions

Epic ( 40k in 5mm with titans and needs bring back asap )

Space Fleet


Man O' War

Don't think I've mist anything and then followed quite a long exodus from minis based games and rpg's. Came back about two years ago maybe less with..

Warmachine Hordes

Malifaux 1.5


Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection via kickstarted.... still waiting for the stuff lol.

Malifaux 2E

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I used to play a little bit of Warhammer 40K (Orcs were a lot of fun), then it kind of faded into the background. Next I played Warmachine, which is a great game, but had some elements I didn't like (pretty high cost for a 50pt army, some units that I like the look of are useless...and Cryx). I still play a little bit here and there, but Malifaux I enjoy a lot more. It's cheaper and has ridiculously cool lore in the books. I didn't play M1.5 much, but I really love M2E.

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i started the hobby with warhammer fantasy in 97. 


sometime in 40k 3.5 edition i started tyranids and have continued to play 40k through current day (currently 8.5 armies in my collection)

while playing fantasy and 40k my gaming group added battle fleet gothic and blood bowl.


when the current edition of warhammer fantasy came out, my gaming group boycotted it, sold all but their favorite army or 2 and started playing warmachine/hordes. I played circle of orboros but ended up not likeing the game at all and sold the army.


I got the puppet wars unstitched box in a random packed gamer mystery box in 2013.

that led me to the wyrd forums, and i bought some cool malifaux models.

while i have still not managed to make it to the game store during a good time to get a malifaux demo, I have bought 3 master sets (mcmourning, pandora, and viks)


kickstarter has also suckered me into buying into deadzone and the yet to be finished mars attacks games from mantic.

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Started back in 2004 thanks to Dawn of war on pc, I began with 40k :)

After 6 years of playing  40k\fantasy\lotr by games workshop ( with lots of money invested in various races) i met Warmachine \ Hordes from privateer press.

That led me an year after to leave the Games workshop hobby and focus on Warmachine with cygnar, minions and cryx.

In the 2012 I met also Infinity the game, and I've becomed also an official promoter for the game here in italy.. still I play it from time to time ^^ i have all the miniature brand for 3 races ( pano, aleph and yu-jing)


And now the 12 of January I came across Malifaux, here i am ^^


I met also during those years Flames of war and other little games such as necromunda, battlefield gotich, bloodbowl.. but i've never played them a lot.


From Wyrd I bought The guild judgment crew box, dark debts, beckoners, guild rifles, fate decks and guild decks ^^


And I'm going to buy I think every crew from 2E that will ever be released ( except the one with the Jackalope, i don't like animal miniatures ). Day by day i learn something more about the game mechanics and my love for the game and will to promote it grows!

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Started 40K at the advent of 3rd edition, and played up until 5th edition.


Switched over to Fantasy (and regretted not giving it a chance sooner).


Started Warma/Hordes about 3 years ago, but did not really care for it.


Started playing Malifaux almost 2 years ago (and have been pushing it at my local store alot).


Picked up Warma/Hordes again about 6 months ago (like it better with my new group, but still my least played game).


Started playing Flames of War and X-Wing about 3 months ago.


So yes, I do play (or have played) a bit of everything. Though Malifaux and Fantasy are the two I play far and away more than any of the others. Plus my local game store has recruited me to run the events for both games.


That's my table top history. Now my pen and paper RPG history is a whole other monster (but an important part of my overall gaming history).

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nope...started out in 1991 with 40k first...then WHFB...dabbled in a little Epic...then Necromunda and BFG...some more sprinklings of various 40k/WHFB (with each new edition) and add in a little Mordheim toward the end...


all of this is interspersed with BloodBowl in pretty much most every edition/ruleset editions from the Humans vs Orcs box onwards (have owned and played all teams other than High Elves)...


Did have a brief fling with WarmaHordes but didn't really get to play it as we didn't have a FLGS in our town at the time and the local clubs weren't close enough...


only came to Malifaux last year towards the end of 1.5 when I got hold of some of the new plastics....



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Like most people, I've played quite a few other minis games. I started with Epic40k, but gave up because it was pretty much a non-starter locally. Then I dabbled in 40k and Warhammer Fantasy, but decided I didn't want to paint the grand armies necessary. ("I have to paint how many elves?!?") Then I moved on to Hordes (which I still love and sometimes play, I'm just taking a break), Dystopian Wars (which isn't dead here, only sleeping), and Firestorm Armada (I've got two fleets, wanna learn?).


I first got interested in Malifaux about the time the Rail Crew was first released last fall, but was put off by the rules. After the came out, I decided to give it another shot. Much better now. And thus here I am.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was playing WarZone 1st edition (in Polish), about 15years ago, when I was in grammar school. Then, after another argument with his parents, a friend of mine sold me all his miniatures, so during the summer holidays, which I spend at my grandpa's village, we (kids who like me spend holidays there, from all over Poland) broke into abandoned house and made a beautiful living table, all covered in moss, which we watered twice a day. Using my miniatures we played whole days for 2-3 holidays. Amazing times.


Then I had a 10year break and another friend introduced me to Warhammer Fantasy Battle - after a year I switched to WH40K (I hated 40k at the time, but when I saw beautiful Orks miniatures, I decided that no matter the game system, I wanna play those minis!), where I spend a couple of years, finally getting into Polish representation for European Team Championships in Switzerland (2010), which we ended with silver medal (I was the best Orks at the tourney :-) ). It was my last tournament of WH40k (and my last games of this system), as my GF kinda forced me to stop playing (love demands sacrifice :wub:  ).


As for Malifaux - I always liked the minis, but couldn't find anyone interested in this system. However in january we kinda unexpectedly had a MFX rush in Poland, in 1 month time we established small local gaming groups (growing!) in Kraków and Warsaw, slowly followed by Poznań, Gdańsk (Danzig) and other cities.


So currently my painter is painting my minis (10Thunders, bought while waiting for [obviously] plastic Gremlins), I already played 2 games and I love this system. Dunno how to tell my GF about it, though....  ;) 

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