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M2E rulebook critique from a new players perspective.


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I got into wyrd minis and found this forum through the puppet wars game. I started posting in the painting areas and found several of your minis interesting but still knew nothing about malifaux. when i saw the new rulebook was coiming out for gencon orders i thought i would be a nice thing to pick up for reading and painting inspiration. because even if i never start playing malifaux, the background sounded interesting to read and i knew there were models i wanted to paint.

flash forward and my models and M2E book have arrived. as i'm reading through, i like all the artwork and find the rules presented in a clear easy to read manner. i started flipping ahead and was very dissapointed when i realized there is not a single photo of a painted mini in the book. it's all artwork. thats not to say the artwork is bad, i love it. and the nurse artwork has me itching to paint one of those girls up. but i feel as a new player, I would really like a photo section. I would even have settled for just photos of painted masters and henchmen. It just feel like a big part of the hobby is neglected. great photos of well painted models in the main rulebook would have made it easier to choose what crew i might like, or what to pick as a next crew.

If this is the wrong area for this feedback, please forward it to the right person.

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I think feedback is welcome on the forums as long as it is presented politely (which yours is).

I am not a Wyrd employee. Just an observer. I would like to see painted minis as well in the books and on the cards. However, I understand that Wyrd has some aggressive schedules and are still small. They used to hire painting talent to paint up the minis for the books. But it seems like their development/release schedule does not get them finished models in time to have them painted, photographed, layout arranged in the book and too the printer in time. I may be off. This is just an observation. If it is true, hopefully they will grow to be able to hire the staff to make painted minis for the rulebooks and cards happen again. Until then, we just need to be very thankful of the talented people who post their models here on the forums for inspiration.

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It just doesn't work as the Miniatures are produced AFTER the Rulebook is released. It's not as with GW or Warmachine who release a new book with a lot of old miniatures in it that won't get a rehaul. Wyrd is producing a complete new set of miniatures, the first which were produced along the book and delivered right to gencon.

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As long as it's not a "painting guide"...talk about waste of paper in any rulebook.

I can see why you wouldn't want that in the rulebook(unless color is included in a wysisyg system, in which case you need at least a description of what items can be which color, and what the colors mean).

However, I could also absolutely see buying a book in which Eric, Mako, and a few of the other "painting superstars" give out general tips, and step by step instructions for how they painted model X. (for fun and games, make them paint the same model and show off the differences in the book) Honestly, it's one of the coolest parts of the chronicles.

New painters are always looking for help. even experienced and veteran players can often learn something new that will help them take the game up. I think a place exists for that in book form, especially related to Malifaux.

That being said, I would like to see some painted models in the books, but since the only models yet released at the time of writing were 10T, that would have been a bit one sided and jarring.

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Is that not what the Wyrd Chronicles are for? I'm glad they re-started this free web magazine which gives them an easy way to update and add fluff, some way for the designers/developers/creators to interact with the public and also show off some great painted models. Keeps things fresh.


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Hey, I would buy a chronicles collection too. The difference is that the chronicles are a bit more everything and the kitchen sink than something focused more on painting. And they tend to expect a certain level of skill and preparedness that someone just picking up the miniatures hobby wouldn't necessarily have.

Not that a beginner's column couldn't be added. I just think something focused on painting(even if only in Pdf form) would be a great resource. I'm sure books exist out there like that, but I suspect that with the talent available, Wyrd could produce something heads and shoulders over other companies.

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Has there been painted studio versions of the minis since Wyrd went plastic?


See Boshea's post:

I have to agree that the chronicles cover the hobby aspect fairly well, and how to guides are a dime a dozen with a simple search. There also hasn't been a painted mini in a rule book since book 1/1.5, and boxes/cards have been renders/art since book 3.
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i started flipping ahead and was very dissapointed when i realized there is not a single photo of a painted mini in the book. it's all artwork. thats not to say the artwork is bad, i love it. and the nurse artwork has me itching to paint one of those girls up. but i feel as a new player, I would really like a photo section. I would even have settled for just photos of painted masters and henchmen. It just feel like a big part of the hobby is neglected. great photos of well painted models in the main rulebook would have made it easier to choose what crew i might like, or what to pick as a next crew.

If this is the wrong area for this feedback, please forward it to the right person.

Have you had a chance to look at the 1.5e book? There are pics of most of the models there. I warn you however that it looks as though the models will/have changed. For instance, the Ice Golems and Rasputina.

A warning about looking at the model art in 1.5 book diverges from the artwork. For instance Sonia Criid(sp?) was depicted as black hair with white streaks, but artwork in the same book shows her with red hair. More recently Seamus's art is a lot more darker than previous depictions with less flashy colors.

One thing I like about the game is that there are these great character references and with the Alternate models that can be drastically different, but get me interested in other factions. I plan on spending a lot of time painting my Guild to a good standard when they come in.

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Has there been painted studio versions of the minis since Wyrd went plastic?

Yes. In a way. Mako painted up Misaki and Yan Lo for the Wyrd Chronicles. Along with step by steps and tons of photos. Check out the last couple of issues. Not only is his painting at an extremely high level, but his articles are fantastic as well.

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As I have to carry the book + models + dice + .... to gaming nights, the less stuff I'm not going to reference the better. Especially as I usually take 2 systems down for different games. By all means print a book on model pinning/glueing/painting/varnishing but don't put that in with the rules.

40k is the prime example for this, my mini rulebook has gone walkabout, and I'm carrying the damn hardback thing with me to games now. The rules take up 131 pages out of 432 That thing is way too heavy!

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ok i know i'm a noob, but where do i find this wyrd chronicles? what format is it in? digital or print? is it web based or a pdf download?

Go to the Malifaux main site. They are under "Downloads".

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------


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I can see the logic - they have to pay for artwork regardless of the miniatures being painted. The minis don't yet exist at the time and we can see the minis on the website. The only negative I can think of is if you only have the rulebook on you and someone wants to see the minis that go with it. Though in todays wifi world the internet is never far away.

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I like seeing different painted mini's too, the hobby is a seller for me and I also love seeing different conversions and such or if I need a visual aid to go off of. What I love most about painting the Wyrd mini's are that the models are very striking and appealing, just today I was sitting at my work desk and had a promo Witchling Stalker from the Game Trade Mag the other month and was looking at it closer and realized that it's an awesome model, now tonight I'm priming him and will probably start painting him tomorrow! :D

Edited by Brancifer
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