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A Plea for a Wave 2 Book


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There's been some discussion back and forth about whether or not there will be a book for the wave 2 models or whether they'll just be released as cards, but I really hope that Wyrd goes with the first option. Just in the month that I've had it, the M2E book has been amazing for getting people into the game, as they'll pick it up, look through the art and rules for Masters and models, and find something that just hooks them right in.

A book for the wave 2 models would be great, not only for the sake of getting people interested in the other half of the models, but just for giving background fluff for the models that new players would otherwise be missing. That's very important for Masters, obviously - without her background Kirai is just some asian chick that likes ghosts, and not the tragic figure that she is, for instance - but it's also important for newer players learning where the other models fit into the Malifaux world.

I really hope we get a great book for the wave 2 models, like we did for the wave 1 models.

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I super for really want this book, too...though, to fit all of the Wave 2 stuff, wouldn't it have to be kinda huge? Hmm...now that I think about it, not really, as you just replace rules with more models. I'll happily take stories in Wyrd Chronicles, but that's not really a substitute for a full volume. The art. The character by character fluff. And you could maybe even have a hobby section! I'll pay $40 for another book. Bring it on. Pretty please.

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The rumor I heard a while ago was no Wave 2 book, but Faction codex type books were on the table. I think that would make more sense.

I actually hope what we see in 2014 is a pocket sized rules manual and faction books of a similar size for each faction with the stat cards and upgrades. Basically zero fluff, all rules books to keep in your mini bag to play the game.

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I would rather have two rulebooks with rules in each of them than separate faction books (which I never heard of as anything more than wishlisting).

It's one thing for someone to flip through one or two rulebooks to look at the different masters, but it's another entirely to flip through seven books to look at the masters.

Not to mention the price point that pushes on dual faction masters. We have people complaining now about having to purchase two $8 arsenal decks to use their models. Can you imagine the fallout from telling them they have to purchase two $30-$40 faction books to do the same?

I just don't think that faction books are a very good idea.

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Isn't a fluff free faction book basically an arsenal pack?

I've never seen faction books mentioned as possibilities by Wyrd, only that there are wave 2 arsenal packs and way back there were questions about whether there'd be a second book.

I thought it had been said that it wasn't likely though, that the arsenal packs and no books were the way it was looking like going.

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Isn't a fluff free faction book basically an arsenal pack?

May just be me but I really dislike looking through cards when I am reading models. I prefer to flip through a book. I only like cards when I am actually playing the game, but any other time I perfer reading a book and would love a pocket sized model stat book. Again just may be me.

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May just be me but I really dislike looking through cards when I am reading models. I prefer to flip through a book. I only like cards when I am actually playing the game, but any other time I perfer reading a book and would love a pocket sized model stat book. Again just may be me.

Fair enough, can be more convenient at home. I know I'd never carry one about though, if I had the deck to take instead.

You're probably not the only one, judging by this thread, lol

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I would not like to see faction books released for each faction.. then you run into thew hole 40k, WHFB where you spend $40 for the rules manual and then $40 for books, and before you even pick the models up your $100 budget for getting into the game is sort of blown. I guess you could say $40 will always go to one book, the rulebook. I feel like having codex type books goes against Wyrds philosophy of having Malifaux be an affordable game to get into. I would prefer if Wyrd took the cost and effort of producing another book, and created a way to manage the fluff they already have, in addition add a lot more new fluff, and throw it all in a compendium of fluff. A pocket rule manual would be extremely helpful!

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Despite Malifaux being affordable there are other reasons to refrain from a 'codex' line. All of the characters and individuals in Malifaux are in many ways entwined in fate. Even in game you can mix and match a whole lot and use lots of awesome stuff from many other factions (e.g. Marcus, Levi, etc...). Faction based books would kind of ruin this mix and match system and relay to people that a faction is a whole, when in reality a faction is just a category. Each master and model is in her own rights a significant and ambitious person in this game's fluff and world. They use their own resources and often those of others as well. I feel books based on factions would ruin this principle in theory. In practice I cannot really judge, as I do not know how every mini community works out there. :P

I'd appreciate a second book right out there with the Wave 2 arsenal packs as well. If there is room, why not add in some fun optional rules for M2E, such as campaigns or multiplayer games? I also liked the notion of an earlier post on hobby based stuff, e.g. cool stuff that Mako posts in the Chronicles.

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I would snap up a massive Wave 2 tome in a heartbeat. I second the notion that the "all in one" rulebook has been helping me sell the game to my friends. "You mean there's seven factions to choose from?" From there it's just a short step to getting them to agree to a demo game, and in each demo I've run it's only taken about 30 minutes for them to give me an (enthusiastic) thumbs up.

The low price/ low model count is just gravy and is like crack to disaffected 40k/ fantasy players used to paying hundreds into their respective armies; as opposed to like 50 bucks for the Malifaux-equivalent of a 2000 point army. I basically had to demo it outright for people who refused to believe that the starter kits were anything more than a jump-off point (which is true) as opposed to a mostly full force.

Did I mention I'm toying with becoming a Henchman?

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I would not buy a book for the second wave models if all it contained was model stats. It would need additional rules, and basically be another RULE book for me to bother with it, or think that it would be anything other than a waste of money.

I knew I'd find something I could disagree with you on eventually. You and I have been agreeing on far too much lately....I thought maybe you had been replaced by an alien or something. :)

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