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M2E Flesh Construct


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Has anyone else looked at the new rules for the Flesh Construct? I used him in a demo game yesterday and my lord is the the thing nearly impossible to kill.

6ss cost

13 wounds

Heals every round based on the amount of poison on him.

No rarity limit.

Hard to wound

can now walk and charge

If you play McMourning and field the chihuahua totem you can dump at least 2 poison on him each turn and he starts the game with 5 already on him. Take more then one, and you have a giant wall of flesh that just keeps healing every round till McMourning can get in there and do a killing blow.

Over all opinion, they're a bit under priced in 2E.

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They heal 1 wd from poison per turn, not by as much poison as they have on them. Also, their defence and willpower is abysmal, they are pretty much glorified meatbags. Give them a second reading and take them out again, anything that targets WP will have a hayday with them and anything with a wk damage of 3 will make very quick work of them.

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Heck, even in a crew that doesn't ruthlessly exploit poison, that poison 5 is as good as regen 1, and that plus hard to wound plus 13 wounds means that, even if they are easy to hit they take a LOT of ap expenditure to drop. If you can shove them up in your opponent's face they can run a lot of interference for the rest of your crew just because the opponent can't get rid of them by casually committing a single model in one activation.

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There very solid for 6ss, the beauty of them in a mcmourning crew is they are natural targets to draw tranfusion from to fuel the Expunge fun that mcmourning can do.

I am new to McMourning, could you elaborate on how that works exactly?


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And of course you can load them with Poison, then do the spell that deals it all at once which will then heal them the same amount. Requires more work, it's not "free regen" like their built in ability but it's still an option.


They are not taking the damage from Poison when this happens, they are taking the Damage from expunge.

So they won't heal instead.

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

I am new to McMourning, could you elaborate on how that works exactly?


You use Transfusion to move all the Poison from the Fleshy onto an enemy model, then have McMourning use Expunge on the enemy, dealing damage equal to the Poison value.

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I haven't played him much in 2.0. What's everyone running him with? I understand players in England are in love with him.

I'm guessing






Canine Remains.

I used to run him with Bette, but she was hit hard with the cuddle bat in 2.0 so I think I'd rather save the points and spend them on something else.

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Actually bete got improved in 2.0. She's cheaper than she used to be, in a game where most models went up in cost. Her knives now auto trigger effects rather than having to cast a spell and only getting 1 effect for the whole turn, she can choose to start in play if you wish, allowing her to get actual use out of her Tenebrous aura and not start out activated again if you choose, her dmg profile is the same. Honestly I think she got better.

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