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Fluff-centric Wiki


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Man oh man am I glad that this idea was solid and that people like it as much as I do! :D

I was inspired to inquire on a wiki specifically due to the website MTGSalvation, which has a forum and a storyline wiki as well, and a detailed one at that. Granted, Magic has had umpteen-kazillion novels written already so it'd be pretty large boots to fill to make a wiki of that magnitude, but seeing that we not only have a few really well-done stories but bios for pretty much every model, I think we can do as well if not better than they can :D

~Lil Kalki

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Well I sent the email about it to Eric so I am waiting on his reply before I take any next steps. However I also would like to have some people "waiting in the wings" to attack the project if we can do it. That way we can spring forth like a Sabretooth Cerberus and attack it all multi headed and what not!

Any word from Eric?

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None yet, but I am sure that he is busy and will get back to me. After all they have the post GenCon orders to ship, Through the Breach beta and the rest of the M2E models (and some we haven't even seen yet) coming for Beta wave 2. So take a deep breath and get the ideas going for what you want to write in and what to include. I'm sure that the Wiki will be an awesome aside to the game (rather like a Pullmyfinger for fluff, hmm pull my fluffer... nah). Besides I'm sure as soon as Wave 2 beta drops a lot of people are going to go about trying to break the game so we can have balanced masters and factions. Not to say that people won't edit the wiki or help out, it's just that there are only so many hours in the day.

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I think that the most important thig to establish would be a viable timeline for all of the occurances in Malifaux.

From there I'd like to add all the characters mentioned in the fluff and what connections they have with each others and where they appear in the fluff (which story in which book/Wyrd Chronicle). This would be useful to point out which stories would be most interesting for the reader and the rest depends on the writers of articles...

I still don't know which direction the articles will be written and that depends on the writers and Wyrds involvement in the wiki.

Third thing would be to map out which organizations, interest groups and cliques exist in Malifaux. Secret organizations, expeditions, underground labs and prints, etc. all of this goes under this I think.

Finally I think there should be something on flora and fauna of Malifaux, but that one will have to wait for Through The Breach reading... Species of neverborn and gremlin biology would go here.

Also there should be an article or two on types of magic (elementalism, necromancy etc.) and the laws of pyhsics for that world. A couple of articles on constructs (automatons, dolls, riders...) and undead types would be good too.

---------- Post added at 01:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

For example:

Olginous Flinch is a lawyer employed by Lucius Matheson. His rich attire and elaborate eye mask show his high standing within the Guild, but his erratic movements and scary facial expressions partly hidden by his mask makes the skin crawl for the most of the people in his presence.

{Since this character has only a small appearance I wouldn't add too much text about him. This lawyer would be a link to "Lucius' lawyers" group and this characters article would also have a link to Guild and Neverborn factions because of his allegiances. He obviously has a link to Lucius himself and finally this article would state that he appeared in "The Mountain's Straight Reply" story on pg. 183 of Twisting Fates}


Heh. Just found this on Through The Breach kickstarter updates: Inhabitants of Malifaux

Thanks goes to Mack and his team, I guess!

Edited by Linus Mcmold
added some fluff and it doesn't allow me to triple post
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I would certainly like a bit more explanation of a few points in the new book, myself. HAving something like a fluff wiki would make it easier to find given points, (especially things revealed in smaller fluff points, like model descriptions) and to discover things you might not have noticed before. it would help with both the RPG and creating storyline encounters, so I am glad to hear that Wyrd is interested in doing this.

---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 AM ----------

It'd also be nice to see if any of the fan fiction ever makes it into Wyrd canon in any way.

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Thanks Nathan, these are some great news! I'm really glad for the official wiki and looking forward to it.

Fingers crossed for the newspaper, typewriter records & notes look.*smug*

(or something else, totally new and unexpectedly wild):-P

I'll thumb through Rising Powers to see what the M&SU papers were called. Also, were any of the big libraries in the Quarantine Zone named?

I really like the idea of making it look like old newsprint, plus Criid's notes. But, the closer we get to making it look official, the more likely we're going to tread too close to copyright.

Hey, since I've lent Rising Powers again, I've looked it up and the black market paper print is called ragsheets.

The name comes from

publisher of The Malifaux Record, John McKnight, who denounced them as, "A collection of trash and ragsheets, not fit to diaper a tot or wipe a bum with."
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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'd like to revitalize this topic, especially with the advent of digital 1.5 books, where new-er players can now more easily access excellent canonized fluff. I read in here earlier that Nathan said to hold off on a fan-base pursuit on this... but that was about a year ago. I know I'd appreciate a centralized fluff location for inspiration for a) customizing story encounters B) Through the Breach sessions c) painting and modelling (ie anyone else attaching a Silurid to their NM Whiskey Golem?) d) board terrain, and I don't think I'm not the only one.


I think part of it is everyone (wisely) is waiting for Wyrd's OK to proceed on their IP, but no one is making any suggestions on how to make a compromise to proceed forward. I know a site like this is doable because it's been done before; I'm confident the Lexicanum helps, not hinders, Black Library sales for WH40K fluff. I think a well monitored Malifaux version can equally enrich our game's environment.


Here's some ideas I have/ willing to break ground on. Comments are wildly welcome though!:


1)   Put it on wikispaces. This is primarily because Pull My Finger is on wikispaces, and active users/editors/mods would have the same toolbox they have in PMF.


2)   Name it "Make a New Entry: The Malifaux Story Wiki." Both a tip-of-the-hat to the guys who created and run PMF, and I think it would be fitting to mirror both wiki-platform and naming scheme to existing resources. Yay Hannah reference!


3)   Strict rules against bulk copy/pasting! By far the hardest hurdle, again especially now that published 1.5 and M2E fluff is even easier to plagiarizer. At the same time, obviously Wyrd is willing to take this risk (or else they won't offer their IP digitally), and again other game systems seem to have healthy, non-infringing fan-pages.


4)   Every model (and non-models!) has a trivia section. I think this would be the funnest part to compile. What are all the names Seamus has given his Rotten Belles across the canon? Is Marcus really McMourning's college professor, AND dating Dr. Doug's niece, Myranda? Who were the compatriots of English Ivan's short story? How did Lazarus become a Freikorps, and why does he hate the Guild? What is the suspected origin of Zoraida's name during design? What's the name of the ghostly bell tower mentioned in the TtB Fated Almanac? The list goes on!


5)   Clear distinction between canon and fanfic. Either each model must have two separate sections (Canon versus FanFic), or very rigorous work sited at the end of each page. Ideally, my vision is each model has a Sources list of both short story title and their parent publication (1.5 book, Wyrd Chronicles, Iron Quill, etc.) for readers to investigate later.


6)   No rules or rules discussions. Again, that's what the Pull My Finger TACTICA is for. This is meant to be a sister-project to pick up the fluff that PMF ignores, while PMF covers the game strategies that MaNE ignores.


What do you guys think? Again, discuss! The more attention and demand we can bring to this, the more likely we can get into Wyrd's good graces. Cheers!

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