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New Forum Rules


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That's because your theory is kind of silly. Have you never been on a forum with moderation? They are all around better places to be.

I understand that Wyrd has brought on new moderators but were people under the impression that these forums were not moderated in the past. They were. Ask Jonas Albrecht, I think he got himself banned a couple time. Plenty of threads have been locled in the past months as well because things go out of hand.

Now enough talk about the Thought Police. Personally I am more concerned with the Dream Police as they currently live inside my head and come for me in my bed.

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Having been an admin on a wargaming forum the fact that Wyrd is only now getting around to appoint some mods just goes to show how nice people on here are in general. But well moderated forums are generally just much nicer places to be and I think some of thew M2E discussions have shown the need for people to just tell everyone to calm down. And that have applied to both 'sides' of the sometimes too heated argument. This is a public face of Wyrd and it can't be in any ones interest that the first thing people find on here is lots of bitter personal attacks/feuds. And we were starting to see threads go down that path.

And yes, these boards have obviously been moderated before, but my impression was that it was done by actual Wyrd employees? That all takes time and resources away from something else they could be doing so having people from the community provide the low level moderation just makes a lot more sense going forward.

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Hell, aside from a more permissive stance of vulgarity (which I have to watch every time I come over these ways), my favourite forum is ruled by the iron fists of a large moderation team who are more than happy to hand out warning and bannings when necessary.

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I understand that Wyrd has brought on new moderators but were people under the impression that these forums were not moderated in the past. They were. Ask Jonas Albrecht, I think he got himself banned a couple time. Plenty of threads have been locled in the past months as well because things go out of hand.

Now enough talk about the Thought Police. Personally I am more concerned with the Dream Police as they currently live inside my head and come for me in my bed.

I know there were moderators, and threads did get locked, but they were moderated pretty soft. I'm surprised to hear that Jonas was banned because I have said things here and thought "man, anywhere else that would have been a forums vacation".

Hell, aside from a more permissive stance of vulgarity (which I have to watch every time I come over these ways), my favourite forum is ruled by the iron fists of a large moderation team who are more than happy to hand out warning and bannings when necessary.

I'm gonna assume you mean SomethingAwful and yeah, I am the same way.

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With the locking of posts/threads "when they get heated" and now the "were moderating" nonsense it's easy to see the top dogs just don't wanna hear "it" anymore. It's all too common to see this type of behavior in the world around you. It's ok to disagree, as long as you do so quietly, respectfully and out of the way of others. If you interfere with "business as usual" with your opinion the "heavy hand" of censorship isn't far behind. I guess everyone just love each other, hug, and play M2E...the bastard child of a system that didn't suck soul stones. Can I still say these things?


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Wow, 30 posts before someone busted out a censorship accusation. More than I expected.

1. Forums moderation isn't censorship. It's a private forum, not the government. If they wanted to say threads about ********* or ****** weren't allowed and would be ban-worthy, they could.

2. They aren't doing anything like that, and in fact explicitly said multiple times discussion about 1.5 or about not liking M2E were totally fine. He also said you don't have to be nice to people, just not be openly hostile or attack them without actually discussing the topic at hand.

3. The persecution complex required to willfully misinterpret an initial statement of mild forum moderation and then react as if your interpretation of that statement was ALREADY HAPPENING is mind-boggling.

edit: yes I understand the irony of my choices of hypothetical banned topics.

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I am happy to see that step. I also had the feelings things were getting out of hand from both sides. And to be honest, I am somewhere in between and had the feeling, that I have to choose a side :)

@Nighthater: I guess you can. As long as you don't address a person :)

Wasn't that the whole idea behind it?

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The thing is this forum has always been moderated. The issue is that a couple of those mods are gone, and some of us don't have the time we used to to read every thread. So a couple of new moderators are probably needed.

In the past I've only really moderated two types of posts

  • People attacking other forum users
  • People trying to turn every thread into a thread about their personal crusade

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I understand that Wyrd has brought on new moderators but were people under the impression that these forums were not moderated in the past. They were. Ask Jonas Albrecht, I think he got himself banned a couple time. Plenty of threads have been locled in the past months as well because things go out of hand.

Once! One goddamn time. And I wasn't really banned, I just thought I was because when they migrated the forums over I was stuck in some kind of posting limbo with no permissions.

If this place indeed had moderation at the time, a certain former employee would not have gotten away with editing in some ****ty snark into my profile after I left.

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With the locking of posts/threads "when they get heated" and now the "were moderating" nonsense it's easy to see the top dogs just don't wanna hear "it" anymore. It's all too common to see this type of behavior in the world around you. It's ok to disagree, as long as you do so quietly, respectfully and out of the way of others. If you interfere with "business as usual" with your opinion the "heavy hand" of censorship isn't far behind. I guess everyone just love each other, hug, and play M2E...the bastard child of a system that didn't suck soul stones. Can I still say these things?


THAT'S RIGHT, STICK IT TO THE MAN!!1!!!!!11!!!!!111!!!!!

By your logic, your post should have already disappeared and you should have already been banned, hasn't happened now has it? It's very very very simple, keep things civil and you can say whatever you want. Start calling people names and you will get a warning. I got a couple of my own in the privateer forums and a few others in warseer, I'd say most of them were justified, and hell, during the "M2E forum wars for the galaxy" I posted an incredibly incendiary post that I'm pretty sure would get me at the very least a warning with this new forum rules (no, I am not in a hurry to confirm if that would be the case). Say what you want, but don't just hijack every topic or insult anybody and you should be able to post without a worry.

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umm..does this mean i had better stay in the Off topic thread?

After all, whatever thread I appear in seems to descend into madness soon after! :)

*cue madness*

(and not the dodgy 80's band)

Baggy trousers aren't a moderatable offence as far as I know, so the band is fine too!

---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

Uh oh. Mods are starting to display groupthink...

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These forums have been open since 2005. I can go look in the log and count exactly five people over the course of the years who have acted up enough for me to take the time to ban them. Even had a fella after the fact contact us some months later and ask for access back as he would like to participate - and we did, and I welcome his interaction.

These forums have always been moderated. We're usually fairly light handed, and we've always allowed folks to have their opinions, good or bad, about our product or the company itself. We've even weathered a few personal attacks or extremely rude behavior towards the company and have asked politely for folks to think a bit more before continuing down that path.

Quite bluntly these forums are quite a bit busier than they were some years ago, and while I would like everyone to remain civil and keep it fun and clean, we also understand that everyone has opinions, and as gamers and enthusiasts, some of you are going to be quite heated and adamant about them and that will at times cause heated outbursts. That's why the additional moderators have been brought on.

Enjoy. Discuss and debate. But do so with a civil tongue and try not to be an antagonizing ass who skirts just inside the line so that you can stir the pot and stick it to the 'top dogs'.

The forums are here to participate and enjoy - if its a source of aggravation and your blood pressure increases every time you stop by here, I would sincerely suggest you go find something else to do before you let all that angst and aggravation just eat you up. It's not healthy.

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The difference now is that more than a couple people are critical of Wyrd decisions, so NOW suddenly putting out your "thoughts" needs "moderation" by former peers whose only real difference to my eye is what side of the debate of recent Wyrd decisions they were on.

Last time I checked this was a forum being run and hosted by Wyrd. They surely have the right to "police" these forums however they wish. Irrespective of people's personal opinions regarding this decision, you cannot deny that Wyrd have the right to make it. If it means that the forums will be a place that people enjoy spending time again, that would be great. I know plenty of people who have stopped posting on here recently due to a perceived (correctly or not) hardening of tone and polarisation of opinion.

I cannot speak for Rathnard and Mako (having never met them and only spoken to Adrian casually, although I did send him a christmas present :S) but having met MythicFox several times he would be my first choice as someone to take this role. He is someone who is passionate about the game and (more importantly) passionate about people enjoying themselves playing it and talking about it.

Each person comes to the forum for different reasons much as each person plays Malifaux for different reasons. Speaking personally, I have not been posting on the forum recently due to the reasons I stated above. This decision will (hopefully) alter my position.

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