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Which rules are you most looking forward to reading when 2.0 is released?


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I have a feeling we won't be seeing Nekima's 2.0 rules until August or September. Only a small number of non-book1 models will be in the first wave.

The change I'm most looking forward to seeing is the new strategies and schemes. I think those are what are going to change the game in the most drastic fashion (and from what I've heard so far, for the better), so I'm excited and apprehensive to find out how they look in 2.0.

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Figure stats, mine (Guild, that is) and others. In comparison to their 1.5 stats and how they all compare against the new baseline, assuming significant changes are made to some or all masters and minions. Obviously, this'll also tie into the upgrade system, but basically the crew building stuff.

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i'm most looking forward to seeing how the relative value of each of my currently owned models changes. I'm interested to see if I will still use the same models or if I will have to have different stuff to stay interested in the game.

I'd guess a little of both, the same as when a new book comes out.

Some of your models will lose utility, or not work quite the same as they used to in a way you don't like. Other models you may have put to the side will gain some utility, or interesting new rules. and eventually, you'll look at new models and say some variation of "oooh.... shiny" and have a new model or 2 on the table.

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I'm realy hoping they streamline some of the more needlessly fiddly bits. Examples:

1) get rid of the rule preventing the combination of different types of AP.

2) change gunfighter to simply allow ranged attacks while engaged in melee.

Things like that that don't have a major effect on the gam but hich get rid of tons of issues wth referencing and arguing over the rulebooks. The basic rule set for malifaux is quite good, it just has had some unnecessarily complicated rules over the years.

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The rule I'm most looking forward to is how Avatars are handled. I like what I've heard in the podcasts so far, but I really want to see the final implementation. I'm also looking forward to how McMourning's stats and abilities have changed.

Edited by craftysteve
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As others have said I'm most looking forward to taking a look at the stats for the minions I own but never see the table. As a Marcus player I am planning to Myranda on the table as often as possible during the beta so I can advocate for her and help to ensure that she will be a model that sees play once the final book is out.

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June 1st may be a very interesting day indeed.

"The Malifaux Child is BROKEN!"

"We know it sucks."

"Sucks? This thing is an auto-include in every list I ever run for the rest of my life!"

"What? Next you'll tell me the Ice Golem is badass too!"

"HOW DID YOU KNOW? That thing will solo Perdita and LJ on its own with wounds to spare! FEAR THE ICE GOLEM!"

"What, no, waitwhat? No. Just... stop making garbage up."

"And Sonnia's totem is great! And Pistoleros rock! And all of the avatars are amazing, especially Hoffman's!"

"... GET. OUT. *glee*"

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Ice Golem. So Ice Golem.

To a lesser extent, the December Acolyte. Here's hoping they give Raspy players a reason to use him.

In general, Raspy has a lot to gain from this new addition and not too much to lose. Sort of the opposite of Colette, whom I predict will be hit with a big ol' cuddle stick.

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I'm really hoping to see how "dangerous/deadly" terrain is handled as the current rules have some holes in them. Also I'm hoping for some tweaking of intervening obstacles/terrain such as a two models on the same "level" shooting at each other with a low wall between them.

I'm also interested in how avatars are going to shake out as well as the upgrades for models.

And I'm interested in how henchmen promoting/leading will work out.

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The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is how they've adjusted the totems rules if any. Often times you see in discussions on the masters how people are like forget the personal totem, it's total garbage compared to this other generic one. Case in point, Sonniia Criid, Rasputina, etc.

I like to run thematic crews and would prefer taking Raspy's Wendigo than the essence of power. But EoP just seems to blow her own totem out of the water based on everyone's reviews which is kind of a let down. So I'm hoping they've made some updates that will alleviate this.

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First and foremost I want to see Bad juju, Mire Golem. His model is literally what got me interested in malifaux (I'm a big swamp thing fan). After that:

Voodoo Doll and new conduit rules (I gather they'll add a range to conduit, will it be cuddled? Will it be op? I can't wait to see it and hope it isn't rage inducing like when I conduit first move turn 1 because I won the "who deploys first flip")


Mature Neph (paired claws seems op with new soulstone rules)

Ophelia and all her kin (someone referred to her as gremlin Rambo on a podcast somewhere...)

General stuff I can't wait to see:


Strats and Schemes

and to comment on an earlier post, I hope they DON'T change gunfighter to allow you to shoot out of melee, I think that would eliminate a big tactical portion of the game.

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Ice Golem. So Ice Golem.

To a lesser extent, the December Acolyte. Here's hoping they give Raspy players a reason to use him.

In general, Raspy has a lot to gain from this new addition and not too much to lose. Sort of the opposite of Colette, whom I predict will be hit with a big ol' cuddle stick.

As a Colette player I hope they manage to maintain a strong theme along with some of her sneaky magician tricks AND tone her down. The perma disappearing trick is very evil, at least with headshot you can discard two cards to say no and if you don't have the cards in your hand it isn't such a bitter pill to swallow. Every time I have been "lucky" enough to pull of the mannequinn replacement my opponent has glared daggers at me.

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This is a copy of 1 of my posts from another thread, but it tell how I fell about the V.P. conditions.

Worst V.P. scoring ever...me about a year ago, they need to change the V.P. system so that hidden schemes are worth more and anouncing is maby 1/4 of the total. They should go for max V.P. being 3 and announcing being and extra 1. Hidden schemes are almost pointless since 1 announced success is (Usually) worth 2 hidden. Also they need to rebalance schemes as it seemed like steal candy from a baby 2 V.P.s or fistfight a great white in the deep ocean 2 V.P.s have the same points allowed but slightly different dificulties (The slightly exaggerated example I kept saying). Anyway they addressed the issue which is awesome and no one will believe a year ago I complained anyway, so we all win. For the love of god M2E drop the "distract" individual and shared strats, they make the worst games I've ever played.

Well there you have it 1 of the only things in M2E I'm looking forward to is the new V.P. system.


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This is a copy of 1 of my posts from another thread, but it tell how I fell about the V.P. conditions.

Worst V.P. scoring ever...me about a year ago, they.....[snip].... and no one will believe a year ago I complained anyway, so we all win. .....[sNIP]


A year ago you say?


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BTW I do agree with you about the scoring though :P

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Voodoo Doll and new conduit rules (I gather they'll add a range to conduit, will it be cuddled? Will it be op? I can't wait to see it and hope it isn't rage inducing like when I conduit first move turn 1 because I won the "who deploys first flip")

I believe it's the Through the Breach podcast but they talk about the Doll in that one. There is a range put on Conduit now, can't remember how long specifically. Doesn't work much the same as it used to but it seems to capture the feel of a voodoo doll more based on what little I heard. Whether you think it's better or worse might be a matter of opinion.

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In general, Raspy has a lot to gain from this new addition and not too much to lose. Sort of the opposite of Colette, whom I predict will be hit with a big ol' cuddle stick.

Somewhat oddly, my tournament record with Rasputina is better than my tournament record with Colette. I don't disagree that Colette can be a more frustrating Master to play against, however Rasputina is by no means a walkover either.

I think the main reason people complain about Colette is because of Mannequin Replacement Trigger. It does require a 2SS investment though and is only around 50% likely to go off. So, that's your big beatstick wearing a dress now.

Would you be less upset if a Rasputina player targets her own Tunnelling Moleman with December's Curse and kills your big beatstick (plus maybe 2 or 3 other members of your crew) with the blasts?

Edit: The Ice Golem and Rasputina's personal speed are the only two things she really needs changing IMO

Edited by Soul Puppet
Ice Golem
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Would you be less upset if a Rasputina player targets her own Tunnelling Moleman with December's Curse and kills your big beatstick (plus maybe 2 or 3 other members of your crew) with the blasts?

Probably yes.

My big beatstick can move away from the moleman, kill the moleman, use my armour/evasive/other talents, do something else. It feels like I have a lot more options to avoid being killed in this way by Rasputina.

With Colette it's merely "1) Check line of sight, 2) 50/50 chance with no reasonable chance of resist"

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Probably yes.

My big beatstick can move away from the moleman, kill the moleman, use my armour/evasive/other talents, do something else. It feels like I have a lot more options to avoid being killed in this way by Rasputina.

With Colette it's merely "1) Check line of sight, 2) 50/50 chance with no reasonable chance of resist"

A lot of that comes down to the rules on the models themselves, which are variable but I accept that when Mannequin Replacement does happen, it can be disheartening that there was no way of stopping it.

Perhaps I'll have to think up some anti-Colette tactica and post it. Then again, with M2E around the corner, would it be worth it?

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