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The unofficial Green Justice set!


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He's right, I can't sell them as it infringes Wyrds IP and I have no intention of trying to annoy Wyrd! Nathan himself confirmed licensing wouldn't happen earlier in the thread, and rightly so, it's a real nightmare to deal with and keep control over and not worth the trouble.

And giving away large numbers would also come under the same bracket I think, although I'm not sure which set of laws applies if I'm not being paid for them, but it's best to not take chances. Plus that would be very expensive for me *wink*

So they're all for me *grin*

Edited by Mako
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He's right, I can't sell them as it infringes Wyrds IP and I have no intention of trying to annoy Wyrd! Nathan himself confirmed licensing wouldn't happen earlier in the thread, and rightly so, it's a real nightmare to deal with and keep control over and not worth the trouble.

And giving away large numbers would also come under the same bracket I think, although I'm not sure which set of laws applies if I'm not being paid for them, but it's best to not take chances. Plus that would be very expensive for me *wink*

So they're all for me *grin*

haha all i could think of is a quote from jurrassic park when i read this.

"Nature...will find a way" -Dr. Malcolm.


But I kid, wouldnt want you stepping on my benevolent overlords toes.

But I will say, I'd maim and murder Seamus style to be front in line to get a set if ever it was allowed.

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Thanks to all of you that have posted so far, it's really good to see people liking my efforts. Makes it seem even more worthwhile! I'll make sure I post up the set I cast when I make them, and when I've painted them too. And if I do any more, I'll show them off too!

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Not that I'm recommending it in this particular case, but the IP infringement issues can usually be sidestepped, as there are plenty of knockoff products for everything, miniatures games in this case. It's usually just a matter of not marketing them in any way, shape, or form that mentions the source intellectual property. Take, for instance, those objective counters that just so happen to be scrap, corpse, treasue, wagon, etc., but are not Wyrd licensed, even though they're quite obviously for Malifaux.

I just find it odd that they'd get behind and produce that amazing new fate deck that started by a poster here on the forums, but wouldn't want some fresh takes on the models.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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I just find it odd that they'd get behind and produce that amazing new fate deck that started by a poster here on the forums, but wouldn't want some fresh takes on the models.

New models are really complicated to sort out. Even leaving aside the licensing or payment or whatever between me and Wyrd, these pieces were made to be hand cast in resin. They quite possibly wouldn't cast in plastic brilliantly. Then there's the issue of making up new cards, getting the moulds made, the problem of what's already in their plans for the next year or two, whether it would conflict with other stuff, and so on. So it's not very easy to fit them into the system.

I've never really been a fan of the blatant IP infringement that uses technicalities to avoid legal issues. I work in research, so IP is kind of crucial. Someone decides to play clever with it, and you end up in a real mess quite fast. So there's no way I'd be prepared to sneak around the system, it's just not the way I work. Plenty of others do as you pointed out, but I won't!

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I just find it odd that they'd get behind and produce that amazing new fate deck that started by a poster here on the forums, but wouldn't want some fresh takes on the models.

I would venture that the reason for the "disparity" is due to controlling the IP. A player designed Fate Deck doesn't impact the story line of the game at all, a new player designed crew definately could. Additionally once this precedent was set Wyrd could quickly find it losing control of the game completely. Mako says it as well in this excerpt below (though I disagree about being worth the trouble for these particular gremlins).

it's a real nightmare to deal with and keep control over and not worth the trouble.
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Seen Green Justice, but haven't seen the rest till now. Great job.

Perhaps if people really wanted some, then Mako can make a few sets (however many is cost effective). Then people could bid on them in an auction and the profits go to charity. Wyrd's name doesn't need to be anywhere near it, but I don't think they'd mind a little positive karma thrown their way ;)

Again, great work.

Now build me a Panda! =P

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Now the charity thing isn't a bad idea at all! I'd be prepared to give that a wing (even seeing if i can soak up the casting costs to max out the donation), but I'd still feel bad without Wyrd's blessing!

Oh, and I've got them stashed safely away somewhere so you wouldn't find them if you raided my home, although there's a small pile of other painted and sculpted stuff there to pinch *wink*

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Perhaps if people really wanted some, then Mako can make a few sets (however many is cost effective). Then people could bid on them in an auction and the profits go to charity. Wyrd's name doesn't need to be anywhere near it, but I don't think they'd mind a little positive karma thrown their way

Except that it is a clear violation of Wyrd's IP (and there is ample evidence on this site to prove that claim in a court) and Nathan has already said very cleary that Wyrd will not purchase or grant a License for them.

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Woah, easy, relax Omen! Nothing's happening with it, i wouldn't do anything that Wyrd didn't directly and clearly say they were ok with, and there's no way I'd let it get anywhere close to a court of law. I have far too much respect for the guys there and no intention of trying to get clever with IP law. It was a nice idea, that's all.

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Wasn't directed at you Mako (and definately not intended to carry the heavy tone that after re-reading it again, does). Was just trying to re-emphasize the earlier post from Nathan.

Believe me I want a set as much as others, they are beautiful (still waiting on seeing them painted).

Edited by Omenbringer
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  • 4 weeks later...

Excellent crew. I love Wyrd's Ophelia, too. Being that I play Warhammer Fantasy Goblins, the Ophelia crew was what brought me to Malifaux. I saw the minis and had to have them. a couple years later, I'm starting to play the game. Would love to see more Gremlin crews.

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